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Everything posted by Darmian

  1. Are you going to Primal now, or taking the Underground Imperial door straight to First Ward?
  2. IIRC you can't do ToT in FW/NW even if you're the right level. Memory may be playing tricks on me though.
  3. As for Gold side, if you're someone who is building a level 50 Gold you can still Trick or Treat! Just select an ouro mission from 1 to 20, go to the appropriate zone and...don't do the mission. Just knock on doors. For a team you'd need other Golds to join you in that ouro though.
  4. Well, all the zombie attacks and mystical circle stuff still happens there, just not anything else.
  5. As far as we can gather it was meant to be a lead in to further arcs involving the Skulls and the Petrovics, BAB and Deadlock and so on, but the game was shut down and they were never made.
  6. I'll say right now that you should go out and play @NyxiaSnow's "Kheldian Uprising" and "Webb of Destruction" trilogy. Definitely worth it.
  7. The issue with that was they were already inside!
  8. Well, thanks for the vote of confidence! But personally I don't think it is difficult to build/create an AE that is Lore compliant with the game as is, it just takes a bit of time. In order to do that you have to explore the arcs and game world already in existence first and then I'd add you could read the novels (if you can find them!) and the comics (they're all here.) Now, the in game material (plus novels & comics*) are pretty much it for "actual canon". You can also deep dive in the Lore AMAs as well but they're mostly post 2012 sunset responses based on intentions, rememberings, contradictions between various original developers and outright nonsense and some humour. That's not to say they're worthless, they aren't. But for example discussions on where they considered taking the game are not the same as where they would have taken the game, if you see what I mean. TLDR = do read them but they're not ironclad set in stone. Anyway, all of that just goes to say that you could build a decent lore AE from, for instance, Proton's back story, with a little thought on how he ended up in Primal. What happened him after the Twinshot arc? Come to think of it why hasn't Positron of Primal had long chats with him about his armour? Lots of things there, and that's just off the top of my head. Grym and Dillo are even more of a blank slate than Proton! Manticore is seen as the Shining Stars' mentor but is it because of Twinshot, or is it because of Proton? * A lot of the material in the comics, due to it happening coterminously with the evolution of the game's timeline, gets effectively retconned. The novels, being set in the past prior to the game's launch, don't suffer from this. The other two writers you've mentioned are very good at what they do. I'd add @Ankylosaurto that list as well, since he deep dives into lore in ways that we don't. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses.
  9. See now I'm curious. Are there similar for Imperial and Neutropolis?
  10. Ok, once you fill that bar it vanishes and then...cue hunting for a tentacle or whatever. Didn't see one that time.
  11. If you open the Menu in game and go to Support, then place a request via "General Help" in there that should do the trick.
  12. LOL. Well, as the OP I DID contribute to derailing it! Two new zones for Praetoria blah blah blah, scroll up and so on.
  13. Pondering pondering, @TwoDee! We don't know the Praetorian details, other than Richter died (and who knows what happened the rest of the Cole Gang?), but on Primal after the Well incident Richter made a point of collecting as much water from the Well as he could in vials, but they were riddled with impurities. He brought those back with him and who knows what happened then? Just a thought, considering the parallels. Not suggesting that was the ORIGINAL idea/source for a super serum. But you never know.
  14. Yes. Clarification sounds good. Duncan being the source as opposed to the blood source is a little nuance there. Who better to rifle through old black site docs/files/labs to find stuff for her kicks? Like, outside of possibly Chimera who would even attempt to stop her? And I don't see him caring.
  15. Original source? Oh boy, given the Destroyers' history and where they were and what they did, I'm looking at military grade steroids gone wrong/we're fighting Hamidon and we've nothing to lose by taking this. Who made it later? Well, there's Recall again. ex Powers Division, memorized the formula. A lot of the earlier members of Powers Division were recruited from the disbanded Praetorian Guard (when they were a unit rather than the later clones of Tyrant) and the Praetor ranks reformulated. So while I LIKE the "blood of Domi" idea, I don't see it. Too early.
  16. Her own inherent stronger biology might aid in that too.
  17. Possibly, but we're also hitting a time when it's possible for a character to say, "Mom, what did you do in the war?", so doing them without having done the ITrials isn't entirely odd.
  18. They're going on my To Do list. *It's a bit long, that list! But I'll get to them!
  19. Something with stealth for Praetoria, and even then you'll need to watch for ambushes. Oddly enough my Mind/Empathy Troller did well coming through Goldside despite not having a lot of hitting power. Keep Healing, confuse the enemy and strike from the Shadows. I suppose you could use a Stalker but again, CF ambushes. Ambushes not as effective against someone who can turn some of them against their friends.
  20. NO! We never leave the tutorial. Just log and wait for respawn!
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