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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. From what I am told, it would take some front end work to change AE to allow this addition. Then it would become easier to add - maybe not quite drag and drop but yeah. I think it'd be worth the front end work to make this happen. This was from a Dev. Another Dev mentioned this idea was looked at but things came up. So, not impossible. The comment was: "That basically amounts to creating a separate instance of the AE server that uses a different database, and modifying all the AE code to be able to talk to multiple AE backends depending on whether you're talking to the 'public' or 'contest' one." Also, most do realize that your creations go to CoX HC - this would be part of the disclaimer that would be front and centre of the application thread. This seems fairly basic to me.
  2. Those mini looks are awesome. I don't have nearly enough to get a slot so I will envy all of you. Also, I don't know if anyone can tell me but why hasn't the HC Team made costume sets? I know we've had patterns and the such but no sets (like Knight set, Celestial, Valkyrie etc).
  3. I feel these repeatable missions are ideal. Many of us want a small play session every now and then without the commitment of a long TF. Many have a lot of things going on and now that we're out of lockdown, I am one of those. It's busy on many nights and days. Yes, I am tired of doing the same old repeatables but I still do them. I feel the OP is underestimating the number of times we've gone in on these - a mere 1000 you say! So, yes, I am here AGAIN to beg you all and the Devs to implement the player made repeatable missions using AE. These would be similar to style to the radio/paper/tip missions and be made by players using AE. It would be a new set of AE contacts that are canon and the missions added to these would also be canon - everything added would be Dev controlled and reviewed by HC staff first. I know it will take some adjusting AE to have these special contacts but it would be front end loaded work which should then allow us to 'drag and drop' missions into these new contacts. I feel this is the only way players will get a good influx of content. I'd rather the Devs focus on this than another arc or something like that for now. After this is implemented then they can return to their normally scheduled programming 🙂
  4. This is super awesome of them but I don't plan on attending that many times and trying to hoard the goodies. That's not my style - seems a tad selfish lol
  5. I've suggested taking 2XP out of the p2w vendor and doing a 2XP week every month. If this is far too radical then I'd suggest doing the 2XP week and then having a 25% XP boost at the vendor. Alternatively, allow the p2w give very time limited 2XP.
  6. Well that sucks. I look forward to getting a handful of packs so I can make some high end builds. I don't play a ton and I am not into farming a lot or grinding. Ugh.
  7. I think any significant TFs (SF etc) that involve a lot of work should be put into co-op zones. That way Devs don't have to worry about doing one for each side. Maybe the Hollows should be a co-op zone just in case some lower level stuff gets added. This isn't ideal but the lack of Devs and their time may make this the best option.
  8. No. Also, I am not a huge fan of all the short cuts the P2W vendor provides. Namely, the 2XP. HC took away a lot of the grind and I agree with some of it...but not all.
  9. I'm quite sure the OG Devs wanted you to stay logged on and have to grind as much as possible - it was a subscription based consumer model. If you finish everything quickly, then the chances a person continues to subscribe lessens. Kids, it always boils down to the $. And then HC comes along and blows that theory out of the water (kinda!)! Way to go, HC!
  10. @Cobalt Arachne, I don't really use Discord much and I really appreciate how you, and other Devs, have replied on here. I think it's great that you're checking in here and getting involved. If you have any questions about the AE idea I keep pitching, I am all ears and happy to reply or even get involved. Thanks for your time.
  11. Ok so I took a few Sents out for some playtime. It is nice to have the damage increase. No doubt. I think the inherent is ok - it could have been more or different. There were some cool ideas on various forums. Hopefully the Devs take another look and make some adjustments in the future. Thanks to the HC team for addressing this issue and making something happen.
  12. I see you missed the entire point of my post. I'm trying to throw you a life jacket, not an anchor.
  13. Well put. Just because some idiot calls themselves @Snarky doesn't entitle them to be insulting etc. @Snarky, you make some ok points here and there but be prepared for the backlash when you become a bit rude, arrogant or even....snarky... 🙂
  14. Wow that's so cool this was considered. I know it would take extra people etc. My idea, as far as reviewing and checking for errors, typos etc, was to take on a few volunteers to actually do this. Community staff and not coders etc. This community team would run a competition and players would enter their arcs. The first 10 submitted would be checked and played by the Community staff (maybe put them on the forums then lock them after 20 entries etc). If the Community team would consider the first 5(?), 10(?) and play/review them. If there were minor issues then they would ask the submitter to fix the issues. If there were huge issues then it would be turned down and the submitter would be told here are the issues, please fix and submit next month. Of course there would be a set of rules for submitting and players would need to acknowledge this (giving up rights to creations etc). If there are any real violations or shenanigans then that player could be removed from consideration in the future as well. Also, the submitting player would have to write up any additional background and the HC Wiki entry if it involved original characters and so on. I don't think this is a tough ask as it is voluntary. It might be best to start with a few of these contacts and see how it goes. If there isn't much interest then no need to expand or continue with it. I'd suggest a contact in Kalisti Wharf as it is an underutilized zone and maybe another in Rikti War Zone. This was all sides have access and it isn't a ton of work. If this proves to go well then add other contacts in the level range where there is less content etc. The objective here is to add content as we know the HC Devs cannot keep up with demand. Also, I think a player had written that Family arc as well? So I am sure there is an appetite for players to submit their missions.
  15. @Cobalt Arachne, thanks for that news. That's awesome to hear and I appreciate your time here. I have been beating the drum about the Devs making tweaks to the AE and the such to have players contribute missions and have them added to the other AE system by Devs. A continuous source of missions at the radio/paper/tip level. Has this been debated by the Dev team or is it not of interest? I know it would require work to make the AE changes on the front end but might be worth it. IMO, this would be a massive game changer - for the better.
  16. @Cobalt Arachne, thanks for replying here and giving us some info on why things happen the way they do. I am wondering if you're able to tell us how the Dev team decides on what to add to game?
  17. Good topic and ideas here. I think the best TF is the ITF. I also think Death From Below is a good format to use. Pen Yin is also a good one. The Positron revamp is decent as well. I think these would be a good template to follow going forward. No need to add tons of dialogue and story - it isn't easy to take in all the info so keep it simple. The Aeon SF is an example of just too much....everything....dialogue being the main one. Same with the newer Freaks arc and the arc with the Family. Just keep it straightforward and uncluttered.
  18. Interesting take. I think there will always be negative elements in almost every environment. It's just how it goes when a large amount of people are around. However, I don't find the community here too toxic or awful. I did like the Feedback stuff but if you're going to ask for feedback then not use it....there is no point. I know the Devs have listened and given some players what they've asked for....but there are many other items that have been ignored. I don't know what the HC Dev team is capable of or what their mandate is. Maybe one day they will let us in on their direction or thought process. For me, the game has stagnated. I am playing a bit with the recent issue releases but it's not as fun. Maybe another break is warranted.
  19. It's nice to see something new and it works for me. I like it. Bravo.
  20. Interesting take. I've read the other feedback and agree with many - this doesn't do a ton to improve Sentinels. The damage boost is sorely needed. However, the Vulnerability power seems to be very underwhelming. I will say again, leave the old Sent inherent and add Vulnerability. It still isn't that great but at least you can deploy the old inherent easily and it comes up often. There were other ideas that were out in various threads and I was hoping for one of those. Anyway, can't please all the people all the time. Thanks again to an amazing Dev Team! Despite my opposing views from time to time, I think you guys rock!
  21. I haven't crunched numbers but would it be so bad to leave the old and add the new? I would like to see it if it isn't 'game breaking'.
  22. This is an interesting point. Here's a crazy thought: put in the NEW inherent and leave the old one as is so people have an option or can take both!
  23. So I haven't been on Beta or anything but with the new Sentinel inherent stuff.....does it make taking Weaken Resolve, from the Force of Will power pool, reduntant/pointless?
  24. I am happy to see Sent upgrades. They're nice and I like them but I was hoping for something more creative like when suggestions were made in the forums. I will say there are some cool things coming out in regards to new powers. Well done. I hope it gets more creative 🙂
  25. This came to mind over the years. As did other Day Job ideas. It'd be cool to get some new ones every now and then. I am guessing it would not tax the Devs too much to do so. But, hey, I'd prefer new content and powers over anything else so.... 🙂
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