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Fan Mail

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Everything posted by Fan Mail

  1. I think the set is solid.
  2. In theory it would seem that it would. I've tried playing Titan Weapons and couldn't find the groove. Maybe I'm just dull and don't get it. Everyone else around here talks about Titan Weapons like it's the sheot.
  3. I used to be Scrapper Fan. Then Brutes came along and I was Brute Fan. Then Stalkers were fixed so switched to Stalker Fan. Then Tanker AoEs were buffed so now I'm Tanker Fan. I keep going back to Stalkers because of the massive damage they can do. The thing I like about Brutes though is the momentum-feeling that keeps saying in my head, "Defeat faster, faster, faster, move it, move it, move it..." MOAR FURY
  4. You wouldn't be let down with an Electric Melee/Shield Stalker.
  5. I thought it was 5 transfers every 24 hours. You see how rumors and disinformation starts? lol
  6. Have you rolled a Blaster lately? I'm having fun on my Fire Blast/Atomic - he's redside. I'm finding that the Atomic secondary seems to be better than Energy secondary so far (Fan Mail is a Fire/EM Blaster - my "main"). At level 30 and climbing.
  7. Funny you mention that. Correto is just that on Ex.
  8. You can't be named Obsidian and NOT have Dark Armor. THAT is a sin. Wait...????
  9. Were you able to 50 this guy?
  10. If you use Ctrl+click your mez protection, it will fire off automatically. Set it and forget it. If that was mentioned in the above, sorry I missed it. As far as Dark Armor is concerned, can't really say. When I tried it on Live, we didn't have the endurance fixes we have today so didn't play it past level 20 or so. I think slows are still one of it's weaknesses but perhaps I'm wrong.
  11. I think Wind Control is a set available on one of the other hosted servers online (not Homecoming).
  12. Better stop before I bring Champion back.
  13. Ever since they made the changes to Stalkers, I quite enjoy them. What people aren't really talking about (and that's fine) is that they are the true damage kings - single target anyway. I had a blast playing my Electric Melee/Shield Stalker from 1-50. She is a beast. Those Stalker ATOs mentioned above are game-changers, indeed.
  14. Where's the Blaster love, Myrmi?
  15. I'm not suggesting any changes either but don't you think a more viable INF number per merit be more like 250,000? That would align more with the running sell price of Converters.
  16. I have yet to buy a Super Pack. From an investor's point of view and not giving away trade secrets...what am I missing?
  17. Foot Stomp has to be in there.
  18. I believe the thread you're looking for is this:
  19. Same here except I usually hit that brick wall around level 32-35. Then I start a new one. Up close to 60 alts now. But I do have 5 50's so that counts for something, right?
  20. What kind of game would this be if you could only select 10 powers?!? Half of you would still pick Flight.
  21. What's happening is the roulette of Converter/AH primers. The level 31-39 Converter recipes are in high demand for: buy recipe, create, roulette, convert, sell. Lots of people doing it now (including me). Very high demand.
  22. Wow. That's impressive. Just curious - how many hours have you invested with this character? You already probably know but you can find out by clicking on an NPC that starts with the letter 'M' like Marcus.
  23. Me too! +1
  24. My Fire/EM Blaster is why they introduced Defiance in the first place. That poor guy has the record for the most faceplants after, "Hey guys, watch this..." It's also why they created more than one debt badge. One just wasn't enough.
  25. I like the floor plan where you get there from the elevator, it's really short and there's no cons. I don't have a picture but the floor leads to then another elevator. So the short floor plan is a complete waste of time to traverse. It has no value or meaning other than to piss off people in wheelchairs.
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