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Shred Monkey

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Everything posted by Shred Monkey

  1. I never really understood why people can't just choose to not care what other people type in a channel. But if a channel has rules, I don't think it's inappropriate to mention when someone is breaking them. But you should also expect people to get defensive when you call them out on something.
  2. Is there a psi damage temp power for killing Cyclops and Minos in the ITF through their T9 power? I know about the vanguard psi bomb, but that appears to be only 3 charges and you can only hold 1 at a time. Any others?
  3. This game doesn't "punish you" for having a sub optimal build. But it does give limited "free" opportunities to change your mind after selecting a power. You can swap enhancements in and out pretty easily, but if you want to replace an entire power or move a slot, you have to do a full respec. There are free respecs, but not unlimited free respecs. I recommend working out your build ahead of time (Mid's Reborn is best tool, but you can do it in a spreadsheet or on paper). I usually find myself doing a level 22 respec build with IOs and either a level 32 or 37 build plan where I start to add some set IOs. Then I do to a final respec at 50. Having a plan allows you to go to the trainer when you level up and knowing what you want, rather then having to live with a decision you haven't completely thought through. As you level up and learn more about your power set, you can go back to the planner and make adjustments to your next respec plan.
  4. Call it power creep or game design, or mature player base, but I feel like most content in this game provides no challenge for 8 man teams. I don't mean to get into why, or complain. I just think this is true and starting my post with that as my initial premise. So last night I ran a +4x8 ITF on my blaster with a 5 man team (not my idea, but I liked it). It was still pretty smooth run, but felt better. It was closer to the difficulty/challenge I want to play it. I felt like we were all adding value and contributing to our success. There was a reason to stay together and use all of my powers instead of just 3-4 big attacks. I guess I'm posting this is because would like to see more people doing this. I would like to see 3-5 person teams more common. I'm not suggesting the team size cap be reduced. I'm just encourage player base to go outside the box and not fill every team.
  5. I always liked the idea of a Sonic/___ blapper. Using siren's song to sleep a group, then going through them with single target melee attacks and -res attacks (and probably air superiority for perma-knockdown until I get IO'd out defenses). I think sleep seems more reliable then -end from electric or some other 'pseudo control' options. On live I leveled a concept like this into the 20s, but never really get into it. This concept is probably better solo then on teams.
  6. Great Guide. I would add a little more to the "stand somewhere else" section. And that is this; if you are not in melee range, you are 100% immune to all melee attacks. Whereas, if you do stand in melee range you can be hit by all attacks, both ranged and melee. While this seems obvious when I phrase it like I did, it is not a small thing. Most melee attacks hit harder than ranged attacks and a lot of enemies do not have enough ranged attacks to keep firing them non-stop. They end up standing still or moving (not attacking) for much of the fight while they wait for a ranged attack to recharge. As a result, staying out of melee can effectively mitigate well over 50% of incoming damage. In fact, while there are some very painful exceptions to this, I estimate that against most enemies groups, 75-90% of the potential incoming damage can be avoided by simply staying at range. Furthermore, this is on it's own "layer" that goes on top of all the other "layers" you have listed. And lastly, staying out of melee range doesn't take any investment at all.
  7. Welcome back. And no... nothing has changed. Accuracy enhancers are the solution and I wouldn't bump the difficulty bar up in level until you've got some decent slotting done.
  8. I was going to say, Pistols/Katana is pretty common in comics/anime. Plus you can use other weapon models to do some stuff... like glowing katana and electric blasts to be a jedi/sith knockoff. I bet there are some other models that lead to other fun concepts.
  9. instead of goign negative.... give powers a large but brief recovery rate debuff. Same effect, but not a hole you can't dig out of.
  10. Heres what interests me... the ones with low or no 50s, but a lot of attempts. These are things people thought they would like, but quit after they got into it. Like... what's wrong with a Beast/Traps MM that over 300 people started and didn't finish this combo?
  11. One thing that has me constantly considering MA on a stalker is that it has several attacks at 10 seconds and they're all high-ish in DPS. This means you can build a chain that always critical hits with your assassin's strike. However, the thing that keeps me from building one is the lack of AoE damage that just comes with the stalker AT in general. If I did decide make another stalker though, MA would be where I started.
  12. Just wanted to add, that I think it's a real shame, too. Electricity looks cool and unique visually and conceptually it can be explained by technology, or magic, or science... or just about anything.... I think it would be very popular if it was stronger. I think they should make some of the big attacks hit MUCH harder, but add a end cost that makes them difficult to use, or perhaps make them only available at 95% or greater end... then make other powers add end to your bar (they can keep draining foes, though that's not the important part). Thus creating a "build up power from foes, then throw it back on them" type feel.
  13. Yes, DA arc is in Oro.... and it's broke up into chapters so you don't have to complete it all at once... and it gives Incarnate rewards for completing as well.
  14. Right now when you drop a stack of something into the AH, it always asks you how many you want to drop in. And the default quantity is whatever the last quantity was. It would be really nice if it defaulted to a full stack so we don't have to move the slider or type in a number. It's a small thing, but I'd sure appreciate it.
  15. I think it should be a click power that gives flight for 60 seconds to everyone in a large AoE range and has a cool down of just a few seconds. Any penalties should be removed. You should also have an option to choose to not accept similar to the way you can choose not to receive speed boosts from Kin. (I forget where I saw that.... the P2W vendor maybe?) It would still be a pretty worthless power, but it would at least not be a terrible power. And mastermind pets should by default have maximum flight speed so they always keep up.
  16. The whole instanced-dungeon-crawl mission system of this game goes overlooked, imho as to one of the things that make this game great. Some games have 2-3 endgame dungeons to crawl though with a team. This game has dozens if not hundreds. And I fully agree.. DA is epic.
  17. Does it have to be slotted, or can you do it in your tray?
  18. Yeah.. what sticks in my head from all those years ago is reading the patch notes and thinking ... "Man.... I've made the perfect toon for making things flee."
  19. Maybe I'm missing something... But what's the problem here? Just go buy what you need in the store? My last toon, as an experiment, I literally sold every drop I got on the AH and bought only crafted/attuned IO from the AH as I went. I only used inf that I gained myself, and I didn't play any market games (buying to resell for profit). Guess what? I never ran out of inf. Furthermore, the moment I hit 50 I slotted all my purples and upgraded my AO sets because I had pre-bought the requirements with all the inf I had. Oh wait... I see the problem. You're not getting Reward Merits cause you're farming AE. Yeah... you're probably broke when you hit 50. Ironic isn't it?
  20. This seems like a good time to point out that since we're all able to have multiple of the same incarnate slot, it's a great idea to have at least tier 1 of the team teleport power.
  21. Highlander: There should have been only one.
  22. If it works like trials where you just form a league and start it when ready, I see no problem. Current trials are pretty easy to join/initiate.... easier than getting in a MSR or Hami IMHO.
  23. Does anyone remember, or have access to the logic that determines when a mob flees (instead of standing and fighting)? I vaguely remember there being a change to the logic that got detailed out to us in one of the patch notes. I find chasing runners annoying and it happens constantly when I am solo, so I am seeking deeper knowledge on this mechanic.
  24. I completely agree with the OP's opinion.... Except I disagree with the part where he decides that he should go back to AE. You see, what I do instead is this. I don't go to AE farms... ever. I pretend that place doesn't exist. I try not to sick up at seeing it. And I love this friggin game.
  25. I like this idea... I may start doing this myself.
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