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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. That was done in Issue 27, Page Two, and quite intentional.
  2. It was posted on Discord that the event will end March 8th.
  3. IMO, Defenders should have never gotten the extra damage while solo, and should have instead gotten a permanent endurance discount... something like 10%. Or extra endurance.
  4. NOOOO thank you. I actually like that debuffs aggro mobs and intentionally use that on Dark Miasma and Radiation Emission characters to tank with, (sometimes better than actual tanks). I consider Darkest Night, Radiation Infection, and Enervating Field as taunt toggles just as much as debuff toggles.
  5. Well, that’s unfortunate. So much for Disney+ being family friendly. I will have to warn my sister to make sure my young nephews don’t stumble across them.
  6. As Jacktar mentioned, be sure to disable Group Fly while talking with Null the Gull, and probably disable speed buffs as well unless you like going *zoom* at random.
  7. Or have a second Brute or Tanker on the team and alternate tanking Big Red. Not for solo runs, but that is an effective way to mitigate it.
  8. I will always go Corruptor over Defender and Brute over Tanker because, personally, I find Defenders and Tankers extremely boring. I had a level 50 Time/Dual Pistols Defender all accoladed and Incarnated out that I stripped and deleted as soon as Page Two launched, when the Barracuda SF no longer required a Defender or Mastermind to complete. So I suppose that does make Defenders equivalent to support Tankers.
  9. Just give everyone the I Win button.
  10. Corruptor numbers in game are also taking Scourge into account, last time I looked.
  11. Mastermind pet levels need to be equaled out to the Mastermind. Having lower level pets worked fine back when the maximum difficulty was +2 (remember that?), but not so much at +4. I also believe that Mastermind pets should have an innate AoE defense, like pets in almost every other MMOG. Kinetic Melee and Fiery Melee both need a revamp. Assault Rifle needs a revamp. Sentinels need a revamp. Regeneration needs a serious buff and made overpowered, only so Regen can be nerfed again a few months later.
  12. Maybe, all I know is that I've seen someone get genericed for having a costume very similar to Sister Psyche, but with a different character name. This "Penny Yin" also has a very similar costume and a similar name on top of that. But I am also not a GM, so YMMV.
  13. It isn't. Just no one has reported the person yet, I suppose.
  14. I can solo +4x8 on my Thugs/Time Mastermind just fine, although I prefer +3x8 just for variety's sake, (I like seeing the occasional mob level bump and there isn't much difference between +3 and +4). It all depends on your power sets and build.
  15. But will it still be softcapped?
  16. Correct. Now, do the same for a Brute build.
  17. Currently, the various Cathedral of Pain trial rewards (Anger Monument, Heart of a Storm Elemental, Monument of Iron, etc.), do not affect Mastermind pets. I would suggest that they should, like Essence of the Earth inspirations. Anger Monument isn't exactly going to do a Mastermind much good.
  18. If you don't mind paying a subscription, SWTOR is definitely worth playing for the stories alone. It's not really a free to play game, it's a free to try game that pushes you towards a monthly subscription. I have no problem with that, but just letting you know. But if you do opt to pay it, you can get hundreds of hours of great Star Wars stories, and it feels like Star Wars.
  19. It’s almost always over saturation of Rikti and trying to pull too many at once, and/or people fighting on the rim and ramps, preventing Rikti from reaching the bowl. Stealth auras have no impact.
  20. Pick a character where you have the chat set up how you like it, (with the General channel removed). Then go to Options: Under "Chat Settings File," select "Save to default file." Then log on to every character, go to Options > Windows, and select "Load from default file." Now every character you have will have your chat set up the way you like it, with the General channel gone. In addition, every new character you make will now have chat set up as how you saved it, including no General chat channel. FWIW, I agree with you. The day that the General chat channel was added to the game, the very first thing I did upon logging on was to remove it and save my chat settings so no future character of mine would ever see it.
  21. Corruptor. Dark Miasma on a Defender is overkill. And then you get Scourge. Scourge is life. Scourge is love.
  22. Arachnos Widow. You are either a Claws/Super Reflexes Stalker or Psi Blast/Super Reflexes Stalker with great team buffs. Heck, you can mix it up and have both Claws and Psi Blast for melee damage, ranged damage, holds, and team buffs.
  23. It's definitely both. I've been told (on fairly good authority), that many PvPers on Indomitable left for Excelsior from late 2020 through mid 2021. Not Indomitable, but on Torchbearer, one of the larger, more active SGs left Torchbearer a few months ago for Excelsior. The leader of one of the other larger, more active SGs on Torchbearer noticed that, and moved his SG to Excelsior shortly after as well. I would be extremely surprised if something similar hasn't occurred on Indomitable as well. It's not all bad news for Torchbearer and Indomitable though. Back on live, I intentionally avoided Freedom, Virtue, Justice, and Infinity because they were the four large servers. Now on Homecoming, I avoid Excelsior and Everlasting because they're the two large servers. I imagine that I'm not the only one, although rare as we may be. I may want to play with people, but in a more rural setting compared to the big city.
  24. It really didn't help that Indomitable was declared the "unofficial PvP server" a few days after it was brought online, with all of the baggage that brings, (rightly or wrongly). When Indomitable was first brought online, I briefly checked it out, and was trying to convince my friends to move there... but then it was declared the "unofficial PvP server" and my friends stopped even considering it and I noped out. Then it really didn't help when many PvPers moved to Excelsior about a year ago. From what I understand, PvP is now dead on Indomitable, but it still has the declaration (and stigma) of being the "unofficial PvP server" when in reality, that's pretty much Excelsior at this point.
  25. True story: Ghost Widow's hair... isn't actually hair in-game. It's actually a cape, with all of the dynamics of a cape. It looks hideous when used on a PC, which is why it was never proliferated to PCs. You'd essentially be supergluing a cape on top of a PC's head.
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