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Biff Pow

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Everything posted by Biff Pow

  1. I see this a lot but it's only 400% total. The meter goes up to +400% but my damage caps around +300% because Enhancements are included.
  2. I like the wealth of options and ideally that should lend to many different ways to build and play Dominators, but somehow that doesn't seem to be the case.
  3. Dominators need consistency. I want to play them but I don't like the part-time superhero feeling.
  4. One small suggestion- put the Gaussian's Chance for Build Up in Invincibility, you'll get a lot more use out of it. The more enemies around you, the more it goes off. Also, if you're slotting the Smashing Haymakers for the S/L defense, why not switch them to Kinetic Combat for twice the bonus? Then you can move those Taunt slots to somewhere they'll be more useful.
  5. I don't know if it's "sub-optimal" but most Super Strength builds I see skip Handclap even though it's really useful leveling up. Don't just stand there letting enemies debuff you, smack em down!
  6. They pretty much reworked Regen into Willpower so it could be ported to Tanks (but also kept the old Regen to not upset anyone.)
  7. Tankers: "Are teams useless endgame?"
  8. That's funny, I bought a nice new computer in anticipation of Star Wars Galaxies but it turned out to be really boring. Luckily City of Heroes came out not long after and made the new system worth it.
  9. Reduce Hasten to 40% Recharge but it gets an extra 10% for every other power you take in the Speed pool. So it's a buff if you're really commited.
  10. I like this slotting. A good low level IO for only 20 Reward Merits is the Steadfast Protection +3% Def. The Impervious Skin +Status Resist IO is usually pretty cheap in the Auction House and it gives +25% Regen (but only once, the +Regen is unique.)
  11. A Melee/Support AT would really only need one power change, maybe the T1 Secondary power, that gives some personal defense. The obvious example would be changing Personal Force Field to a regular +DEF power. Status protection could come from the AT's inherent power, maybe attacks provide a few seconds of protection.
  12. My problem with basic SO slotting is that one Accuracy SO feels like too little, and two is too much. So my recommendation is to break the rules a little and use one Acc/Dam IO (from any set) to balance that out. Then add one Accuracy, two Damage, one End Reduction, and (if six slotted) a Reduce Recharge or some increase control/debuff.
  13. You have Invincibility set to 10 foes in range, so that adds a lot of Defense. Also your Resists are including 6% from the Might of the Tanker ATO, I forget about that one a lot.
  14. How about a little bit of Smash/Lethal Resistance in Practiced Brawler? A practiced brawler would naturally be able to take a punch. Or do I just want someplace to slot the +Def IOs? Maybe.
  15. That seems like a different conversation, my suggestion was only a cosmetic change- new maps for variety,
  16. I'd like to see more mission maps for variety, then we can add more content and "hard mode" ourselves with AE. Hopefully existing missions could use the new maps as well.
  17. Take Rage out of Super Strength and Brutes still have Fury, which is the same concept. And everyone has access to Rage Inspirations, which is the same concept.
  18. Hit Handclap right before Rage crashes and you'll have a lot less incoming attacks for most of the ten seconds.
  19. I wouldn't go that far, and I'd hate to see a basic power like Super Strength get turned into combo-building or bonus-stacking like newer sets.
  20. It's too bad we can't colour tint the Propel objects in Gravity Control. Throwing all that crazy stuff is kind of Green Lantern.
  21. This is why I'm fine with dumping Rage altogether- Fury took its concept.
  22. Yeah, Super Strength is a popular set so any big changes could just upset players. And it's such a classic and common superpower that I think it should be kept as simple as possible, no gimmicks.
  23. I think Super Strength is mostly fine. The only power people don't seem to like it Rage because of the crash. So while I don't think we NEED a change, here's my little idea for the set anyway: 1. Change Rage to some passive defense power like Tough Hide (having Super Strength would naturally make you a little tougher.) 2. Super Strength users now have a "Strength Level" (a nod to the old Marvel Universe Handbooks.) Just choosing Super Strength makes you Strength Level 1, plus one Strength Level for every power picked from the set, up to Strength Level 10. Each Strength Level gives +2% ToHit and +6% Damage, up a maximum of +20% ToHit and +60% Damage. If that's not overpowered enough, I'd also make Hurl a Targeted AoE attack. It feels weird throwing a big chunk of debris into a crowd and only hitting one guy.
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