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Everything posted by Grindingsucks

  1. Mot thanks you, in kind. Your regular offerings help quiet his growling tummy. 😁
  2. It's less about raw strength (let us say, damage, to be precise) than about how it "feels" when you play it. Random shit blowing up (cars, doors, and the like) + strong knockback would help it to play like the thing that it actually represents. Not that SS is weak, per-say, mind you. And don't look at the sun. It's bad for your vision. 😛
  3. I agree that Super Strength is underwhelming and doesn't really model the effects it's supposed to emulate very well. I like the changes you're suggesting, but I don't think they would be popular, because most people are crybabies about knockback effects.
  4. Superman would win. Here's how it would go down: While Goku is powering up for his mega-punch, superman would fly, at superspeed, to the Watchtower. He would call an emergency meeting of the Justice League. He would explain that he is facing a powerful, magical foe. Batman would analyze Goku's weaknesses and come up with a flawless plan to defeat him. The League would break for tea, eat a light brunch, take an hour long nap, and then binge-watch the first two seasons of breaking bad on Netflix. They would then return (seconds before Goku's power-up animation sequence finished) and beat Goku's ass.
  5. I can well imagine! By the way, you might want to include which server/shard you play on, in your original post. Just a suggestion. 🙂
  6. Your custom comic book covers are awesome! Nice work! 😎
  7. Everything on the market except white salvage is overpriced, IMO. I post everything I get for 1 insp, because it's the most efficient way to dump and sell my items and get out of the market (a task which I find indescribably boring, sucking my time from other parts of the game) quickly. If that happens to lower overall prices to a reasonable level (which I highly doubt), so much the better (from my perspective). Other people feel differently, of course, and they're entitled to their opinion.
  8. Don't forget the Peacebringers Luminous Blasts and their annual "Vampire Turkey shoot".
  9. I'll have a go, Emmy. 🙂 I've been playing about a year now. I have a bunch of characters. I've done a ton of RP (and always will- my favorite reason to play the game). I've done a ton of solo play. But I've only run a handful of Task/Strike Forces. When I join groups, it's almost always on radio/paper missions, because I've done tons of them solo and I'm confident that I know what I'm doing. I want to try all of the Task/Strike forces but they stress me out, because I hate being the guy that gets confused/lost when everyone else has already done the missions and knows exactly what to do/where to go, so I still have a lot of them I haven't tried yet. Of the ones that I HAVE done: 1) Mothership Raid: Boring. No thanks. 2) Imperious Task Force: Fun at first, but eventually exhausting, because they take so long (probably why a lot of people do them as speed runs, though I loathe speed runs and would rather simply decline to play the mission(s) if this is the solution). 3) Penelope Yin: I love this one. Fun mix of foes with a cool ambush at the end. Doesn't take too long, so it isn't exhausting. Five stars. League battles: Initially, it was cool, seeing so many heroes battling together. Five minutes later, I was bored. Participating in Leagues? No thanks. When I play tabletop/pen & paper RPG's, I typically favor melee types. On CoX, I've discovered that my favorite AT's are the one's that primarily function at range (Shooting attacks and/or control type powers). This was unexpected, and somewhat surprising to me. I find AT's to be overpowered, generally, at lvl 50+. The sweet spot for play for me, is about lvl 35. The exception for me is the Sentinel, which is well balanced, and fun to play as a lvl 50. I have 18 characters, 5 of which are lvl 50. Of these 5, three are Incarnates. I only enjoy playing two of my level 50's- my Dominator (an incarnate- though I enjoy him for his RP and look, rather than his IC stuff), and my Sentinel (Not an incarnate, and never will be, as his concept doesn't fit the theme). Real life has me so stressed lately, that I can't focus well enough to interact with other players, so I've been mainly solo'ing and (mainly) base building. I'm admittedly addicted to this game. 😛
  10. Ha! I knew it! Honestly, it's great to see you using your formal training in pursuit of a hobby. And you can't argue with the results! 👍
  11. Well, there's a lot of talented people in our community, then! I enjoyed exploring your haunted house. Thanks for sharing! 😎
  12. Just curious if any of you happen to be architects or graphic designers in real life? Some of these are so astonishing. I'm working on my own, to share, but not yet close enough to completion release it for public viewing. I have to give a shoutout to @Dacy. Your tutorials were key to helping me learn how to use the toolset. Without them, I would likely have been to frustrated to ever learn the toolset, at all.
  13. More NPC options for bases. A custom NPC costume creator would be best, or simply more NPC options added to the selections as a consolation prize, if this isn't feasible. I also love the idea of having a more robust dice roller.
  14. Hmm.. alrighty. I'll take a look at it. Thanks. 👍
  15. Your Rad effects sound way, WAY better. I think I'm too jittery about messing up my game files to attempt installing them, though.😛
  16. While I am certainly in the camp that feels like IO sets and incarnate abilities are over-powered, and I do feel like the game has other flaws that would be better addressed than left as-is, I am coming around to this way of looking at things, more and more. The game DOES have a number of interesting tools for self-limiting power. And, as you say, one may choose not to slot IO sets or incarnate powers, or seek accolades. I think I just need to focus more on seeking out players with similar play styles and tweaking the game as close to personal preference with those tools, as we can get it. Otherwise, I just need to learn to be more accepting of the game in the form that it's in, and not hold everyone else to the same kind of play standards that I have (which are very specific to me and probably not that common among the player base, generally).
  17. What I heard was that their market was about 90% Asian, and that the Asian market had little to no interest in Western styled super hero genre games. So any profit the game generated was a mere drop in the bucket compared to what they could make by axing the game and funneling the assets towards something more appealing to the Asian market. If this is true, whatever amount of money they might have made by continuing with the game is dwarfed by the amount of profit they gained by abandoning it. In any event, we're playing the damn thing for free now, so I can't find much reason to complain. 🤷‍♂️
  18. Regarding the prestige powers, some of them shouldn't even be powers at all. Rocket Board, Flying Carpet, and Void Skiff should simply be animation choices in the drop down menu for the flight power. Adding insult to injury, is the fact that they shut all of your other powers off when you activate them. This is not a reasonable balance for something that is nothing more than a free (and somewhat inferior) fly power.
  19. ... when you see a character with veteran levels that has the "Help Me" tag above their name. I'm guessing they clicked it on way back when they first made the toon, then just forgot that they'd done it. Sort of funny, though. 😁
  20. I'd get rid of enhancements and the Incarnate system, so that team tactics and AT roles actually mean something. Either that, or add end-game content so challenging that AT roles and good team tactics would be needed to beat that content, even if you have all of the best enhancements and incarnate powers.
  21. I do hate buying and selling on the market, but it's the only way to get the IO sets you'll want for your character in a timely fashion. I don't really get into bidding wars, per-say, though I find waiting for my bid to go through incredibly boring, so I'll often throw an egregious amount of money at an enhancement I need to complete a set, so I can get it slotted and go about my business. When selling, I just list each item for 1 influence, take whatever I get, and move on. I spend as little time as possible on the market, though I still feel like I spend way too much time on it. It is what it is, though. 🤷‍♂️
  22. I actually feel like Sentinels are the most reasonably balanced AT in the game (apart from the special AT mechanic). They perform quite poorly compared to the other AT's but, as another poster noted, that is primarily because of the tremendous power creep in the game (which also- sadly, IMO- renders AT roles and team strategy in combat largely superfluous, particularly in the 50+ lvl range. I think this bit will only be fixed by introducing new, suitably challenging end-game content to the server, but that is a segue and isn't relevant to the topic at hand. Moving on...). Because of the power creep, Sentinels do need a pretty serious upgrade IMO. Having said that, I do enjoy my Rad/BR Sentinel, even if he doesn't perform as powerfully has my Dominator, for example. At end-game content, I don't think it makes much difference, though. A group of incarnate players will hit a pile of mobs, wreck them in about 3 seconds, with little to no regard for strategy, move on to the next pile, etc- often without suffering a single casualty. I do think, at lower levels, that Sentinels are quite a bit more enjoyable to run during solo play. YMMV and what not.
  23. Mad respect for doing them all. Especially Westin Phipps! You are truly Eeeeviiiiilllllll!! 😆👍
  24. I'm not offended but I don't agree that it makes my play experience better. I tried it with Roll20, Neverwinter Nights, ect. I didn't like it. Understand, I'm mainly an RP'er, and most human beings (including myself) are atrocious voice actors. On the the other hand, I'm a dab hand at keyboarding and know how to turn a phrase, so using the in-game chat is more pleasurable experience for me. Clearly, you have the opposite experience, and that's just fine- even though the two of us would not enjoy playing together, for the same reason.
  25. Don't get me wrong. I don't actually know and I'm certainly not a numbers guy. I do experience the feeling that the RNG is acting wonky sometimes, but that may merely be my perception based on whatever circumstances are at the time. I mostly think this because of times I scroll back through the combat tab and examine the results. There may be more going on under the hood that what the text message is relating to you, though. 🤷‍♂️
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