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Everything posted by PhoenixV117

  1. Yeah, or add taunt aura to one of the pools
  2. So, the rebirth server got a bunch of changes that we desperately need and that essentially fix and buff warshade and peacebringer. When will homecoming get this ?!
  3. Why do some sets get this and others don’t? mad a mellee character taunt is essential to get your damage off. rad and bio are two of the best sets to take, and both get a taunt, yet other sets which don’t measure up don’t get it and it hurts them even more ? stone armour is a new addition and it didn’t get a taunt aura? Even though it got mud pots which has a crazy high end/sec use with no taunt ?
  4. Energy sucks tbh. Requires a slot to mitigate knockback and doesn’t have much damage. time is nice though. eneegy time fire and maybe elec are probably the ones you wanna go with for the secondary. primaries, I’d say fire ice elec
  5. Anyone got an elec bio? Post changes
  6. Do you have an up to date version with the changes to elec?
  7. Just finding it difficult to reliably find builds on this thread? Is it due to the low player count on sent? i make builds on other classes I’m familiar with but not sure how to on sent and which skills to miss / pick looking for an elec/bio or water/bio with the obvious obligatory psi pool unless someone has a suggestion for what could be better than that?
  8. So, blasters and the like got their new elemental power. where is the mellee version? fire mellee is fine ? So is cold, not out of the realms for some water bending. think kinetic mellee style animations with water effects ? tidal forces could still work, basic skills add charges then when you cast your superior mellee damage skill you proc an aoe damage + knockdown/back that scales with charges saved. couod also have a ‘swap ammo’ function similar to DP where you either do extra fire damage from hot water or cold, then normal would be smash/lethal + CC effects 🤷🏽‍♂️ having typed this out I’m actually imagining a water armor set hmmm
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  9. I think you misunderstand, I’m fine with the end cost as I don’t want the shields suppressed why can’t the shields still be effective in forms. Won’t make us tankier than scrappers won’t make us better than brutes just a QOL thing.
  10. Thanks guys, just had a look, couldn’t see where the builds are posted though I must be blind but yeah looks like the pylon times are 15 seconds faster with bio but during gameplay the extra aoe from rad will be needed to kill mobs thanks
  11. My only current scrapper is TW/bio, hits hard perma aoe chain with the cone and the aoe, also use whirlpool from the mako line for xx -res debuff and cc but. It’s quite boring, how is rad armour and energy to play? The bio is fun but the Titan weapons is slow and clunky and feels more repetitive as a result for some reason. pros and cons, I’ve never played rad armour, what’s its survive like vs bio and how is the damage like vs bio, ( I run offensive adaptation perma) but I know rad has the two aoe proc abilities ? halp also any good builds wouod be great so I can see what the skills are looking like : p ty
  12. Just this. A simple request, so many people want it. but seriously. Why hasn’t this been implemented yet? Is there something preventing it in the code… or ?
  13. See, why comment when you’ve CLEARLY never played a BIO scrapper. The taunt aura on it is strong. Never had anything run from me on it. Even if things did run. It does that much damage and knockdown that it wouldn’t even matter.
  14. Made both to 50 maxed (t4 incarnates and essential accolades) exact same survivabiliry. scrapper has WAY HIGHER dps. Scrapper wins hands down.
  15. They genuinely are just a bit meh. Even with a top tier build. In my opinion, toggles need to stay up when form changing, or their damage abilities need a boost.
  16. Fire pistols (procced) beam I reccomend on sent with bio water seems to be performing well and as for defence. You want time.
  17. Not realistically. they just need to enable toggles when form changing.
  18. They asked for feedback which was 90% against the change yet they’re going with it anyway 😂 why ask for feedback then...
  19. It procs a lot if you proc mule smite and don’t add any recharge enhancements.
  20. My current main is a fire/ time defender and I’m a tank on it. The nerf will mean I have to keep re toggling a lot more. Pain in the asssss.
  21. Anyone got an up to date dark / shield or dark / bio build ?
  22. Have you got an updated version ?
  23. I have no idea how to read this 😱😂
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