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Everything posted by MetalSiryn

  1. I know I have you in my friend list, Veracor. It will never be deleted, but if I DO happen to see you log in and I'm online....you'll be hugged as soon as I see you. You will be missed, and I can't thank you enough for running Old school LRSF after I asked you. I never would've gotten it on my own. You were the one that gave me all my 'master of' badges on my badge hunter. My contribution to help was only a speck of the contribution you gave to Everlasting, but I was glad to help, even in a small way. You'll always been known as 'The Great Dragon' to me. Hope you have fun, Veracor....wherever your path takes you. Wind to your wings, Veracor, The Great Dragon.
  2. Link doesn't work.
  3. I'm starting to feel like you're planting evidence. >.>
  4. I'd like to add my vote for Chili Bear.
  5. I suddenly see Impervium sitting at their desk as the sound comes on....and a pair of snare drums pop out of their ears, cartoon style, while their face is scrunched up in pain when a Peacebringer/Warshade does the transformation sound
  6. They'll always be a part of the team as far as I'm concerned. They'll always have a home here.
  7. To be fair....most of my alts have Fly/Hover of some form or another. If not Jetpacks, then the rocket board, at least, but I almost always pick some sort of flight. Always Flew on this game. Why? I think Flying is fun. Could be the dream, could be I'll never grow up, but I'd always liked flying. Speed didn't really matter to me...and if I need more speed? Afterburner. Other than that...Time Constraints never really felt that 'tight' to need 'Ludicrous speed!' for everything. Then again...I'm usually the dude that jogs when everyone else runs forward. My point being...go with what you like. Want to go faster? Go faster. I'll fly above everything and enjoy it.
  8. I happened to be staffing a multiverse sort of chatroom when someone came over the public channel and said that City of heroes was back and running. I paged the poster and they gave me the link to the Homecoming forums, where I signed up and started downloading the game inside of 15 minutes. I literally ditched two places where I was staffing to join City of Heroes, and I'm still here 4 years later. Of course, the multiverse place rapidly crashed cuz.....to say the place was toxic was like saying Mt Everest was a 'hill'. So I don't miss it.
  9. Melee Defenders/Corruptors in General instead of just Broadsword Defenders/Corruptors? That'd be amazing. And Illusion Masterminds would be amazing too. But then....ideas.
  10. Since this has been deemed my theme song by @Quick Trix Here it is.
  11. Gonna Milk that joke, are ya? hehehe
  12. Or people just have their friends on certain servers.... But, everlasting does have a good RP community, and there are some that will do the sub-50 arcs. Usually for badges. And 'usually' if you approach someone to Roleplay, and they're not busy, they'll Roleplay. There's also a great helper community in Everlasting (usually in Chaos United) Hope to see you around.
  13. Another one joins the Eternal Patrol/Battle. /e Holdtorch
  14. Yes, a TMNT game. However, it's a loving homage to the beat 'em Genre, and past TMNT games. If you like TMNT 4: Turtles in Time....you'll love this. Plus, you can play as April and even Splinter.......and even Casey Jones (after going through a few hoops). Another point going for it is that it's based on the 80's cartoon, and...has the voice actors from that show as well (Minus Shredder's original VA James Avery for obvious reasons). If you enjoyed those games, and/or liked the cartoon...you'll enjoy this game. and I can't say enough good things about it.
  15. I'd love to play this game, but the only launchers I find require a copy of the game. Can anyone provide a link for a launcher that doesn't need the copy of the game?
  16. Great Comic! Loved reading it. Also loved having a guest appearance.
  17. Oh my god this is SO much fun! I hope this becomes yearly!
  18. I had been thinking about this for a little while and wanted to bring it up here, rather than in the 'Fallen but not forgotten' thread because I didn't know if it would impact those who had passed or not. This was what I had in mind. In some armed forces, ships that were lost at sea would be remembered by 'Joining the Eternal Patrol' rather than 'sunk'. I kind of liked that thought for 'fallen' players of City of Heroes (in general, not leaving out the villains or Praetorians). Lois Lane's final line in the Comic and animated version of 'All-Star Superman' (and I'm sure I'm going to get this wrong), She says: 'He didn't die. He's still up there somewhere....trying to fix things' So, the thought is, are they really 'fallen heroes'? Or did they 'Join the Eternal Patrol', still trying to fix things and make things right, but they're still with us in spirit? Just a thought.
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  19. This is a good idea. All minions have to be summoned, and fully upgraded before you can merge them. However, instead of it having a time limit, make it a permanent summon, like the rest of your minions can be controlled, have high HP unique resistances/defenses, etc. However....when it's defeated, or you change zones, it's de-summoned, and the cooldown is one hour, like the 'Return to Battle' and 'Renewal of Light' unique self-revives. And give the Gestalt a Taunt that works on AVs. This way, no one can abuse it, and you'll be able to fight the AVs as a Mastermind, and not have the AV just walk through your minions, kill the mastermind and move on to someone else.
  20. I got in after 2 were done, and stayed till the end, missing...one I think cuz I had to eat and all. That was a great time, and hope to be there for the mega-smushening next year. Will never miss a smushening with my bestie. Chloe-player
  21. I thought the battle was tough, but rewarding. Worth the reward merits it put out.
  22. One idea for the Sentinels....of course it's just an idea. Give them slightly more damage than blasters, but keep the shorter range. Why? The shorter range, the more damage they do and more accuracy they have, until they reach a minimum optimal range, which would be just outside of melee range, at around 10-20 yards. Of course, this also leads to them needing the extra defense/resistance since they're inside of ranged attackers. I've been calling the Sentinels 'Shotgunners' since I learned of their slight less range, but having armor like a scrapper/stalker. Let the Blasters be the snipers and long range. Let the Sentinels have medium range. Of course, that one post that said 'let Sentinels have slightly less damage, like 90% of Blasters' is also a good argument, but...again, just an idea.
  23. If anyone is willing to release the name 'Pixi', I'd like to use it. I've had a bit of sentimental value on it as I played someone with that name on a Final Fantasy server, and wish to use it again.
  24. For my Bots/time MM, Group Flight has become a godsend. The bots react and move faster when you have Group fly on, especially in the middle of the 'Bowl' in an MSR raid. No longer do they have to wade through Rikti to get close to the group, now they can fly over the group. PLUS, because of Group Flight, MMs are now viable in a Hami raid, as well as the pylon phase of the MSR.
  25. Posting this here since I wanted to put it into the report window in game and got VERY wordy, so here goes. So I'm flying around during an MSR, or after, and suddenly, all of my bots disappear. I'm flying out of range from the pylons, so none of them get shot down, but suddenly, they just....poof from my pet window. For reference, I'm using group fly. SO in this instance, I land and try to re-summon them and only get two of my tier 1 bots, and one of my tier 2 bots to appear, since they actually died and didn't disappear. So I try and try and try, even when the shields go down on the Mothership and we're in the bowl...I try to resummon with no succuess. Only when I teleport out of the zone do my bots return, and I unsummon them in atlas park, before going back to the RWZ, still part of the league during all of this, and being able to summon all of my bots in the middle of the bowl successfully and finish the raid. As I said, I went to put this into the support window, but it got very very long. Have any of the Devs seen this before? Or any of the players?
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