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Everything posted by Triumphant

  1. Hey, thanks for this. 🙏 I was not aware of this slash command.
  2. Homecoming doesn't have to allow anything. You didn't read my entire post.
  3. Weird. Looks like your last post was about 7 hours ago. Have you tried it today?
  4. You can make a similar looking character with a different name and background, but you still need to make the costume notably different in some way. Or you you can make a parody character (parodies are protected under free speech). So you CAN'T make Bruce Banner, The Incredible Hulk. But you CAN make, Spruce Planner, the Unbearable Sulk. Here's the bottom line, though. This is a private server, and you are a guest here. If the people running the server are not comfortable with the character you're playing and are worried about running afoul of copywrite violations, and those same people tell you to change the appearance or name of the character for those reasons, you really need to respect their hospitality by complying, or else go find some other place to play. Just one dude's opinion. This is a great game and it's free to play. I don't wanna rock that boat, mang.
  5. Yeah, I had two instances of both Brickstown and Kings Row last night. Probably server maintenance, yes.
  6. About 90% of my characters utilize Combat Teleport (along with the macros needed to properly leverage it in battle). This is one of the most effective movement powers in the game, and once you get used to having it, it can be (IMO) almost painful to do without, most especially if you're playing a melee toon. It really is one of my favorite powers in the game and you can get everything you need out of it by only slotting a single enhancement in it (though I often put a set of 2 Winters in there, to get the slow resistance and a bit of fire/cold resist).
  7. If I'm playing on a PUG, I always assume that I'm playing with people of varying levels of skill and experience, so I just suck it up. It's not worth the emotional investment to throw in with a group of randos and then be irritated when they don't play the way that you want them to play or if you get the occasional jerk face (an unavoidable consequence of interfacing with the human species though, as a misanthrope, I do sympathize with your feelings about this). Also, I'm a fairly mediocre player, so I may be one of the people causing the problem for you (though, not in this particular case, as I don't use wormhole/fold space). You've got basically 3 options when you're playing an MMO: 1) Play solo. 2) Play with a group of buddies that you know and trust to play the game the way you like to play it. 3) Suck it up, Buttercup.
  8. Here's what I reference. Covers pretty much everything I need w/regard to teleport macros:
  9. It was a bizarre choice for a powerset with an otherwise extremely cool-looking set of effects (Noir may be the best looking themed set in the game, IMO). Would love to see a no effects option for those rainbow/sparkly powers, agreed.
  10. I avoid the dodgy Japanese translation problem by using descriptors in the Kung-Fu movie or G.I. Joe tradition: Snake-Eyes, Steel Fang, Storm Shadow, Striking Death, etc. Or some other, even more comic-booky gimmick. P.S. But, Ninja Clan SG is a cool idea. I approve. 😎👍
  11. Yeah, those spectral demons can be a pain. Definitely pays to take them out as soon as possible.
  12. I was reading their forum name as Xdaddy, so my sincere apologies if I mis-gendered anyone. That was not my intention. Old dude is old, and my eyesight is not what it used to be. 🤷‍♂️
  13. Yeah. He's still right, though.
  14. For those of us with regular, ongoing money struggles, I'd just like to say thank you to everyone that helps keep this game going by donating to the server costs. This game, being free, and being able to run on my battered old computer and dodgy internet connection, is one of the few forms of stress release that I'm able to indulge myself in. So, yeah- thank you for your generosity and continued love and support for this game. 🙏
  15. I've been trying one (Dominators, I mean) tentatively. Also Dark/Dark. I've gotten so used to running AT's with strong defense and/or resist sets, it's a bit of a jarring switch for me. Domination is cool, though. I love it when I can mash that Dom button and insta-recharge my endurance bar (and lock down the mobs and get those sweet resist buffs, of course). I don't know If I'll have the patience to learn to play one all the way to 50. I've had a go at it 2 or 3 times before, and I always get frustrated before I can grind into my incarnates. I'mma try to be more patient this time. 😄🤷‍♂️
  16. This is just one more thing to add to the list of things that I hate about raids, tbh (not that I needed any more).
  17. Well dude, the bottom line here is that you don't get to decide who does or doesn't respond to your forum posts. You can ask them not to (as you have done), but they aren't under any obligation to refrain from doing so. Sorry, but unless someone violates a rule of the people hosting the forums, that's just how a public forum works.
  18. Yes, I use it (City of Data) myself. But new players expect the information that they have in the base game to be useful- and not deliberately misleading. I don't think this should be an unrealistic expectation. At the very least, there ought to be a disclaimer in the description that these descriptions no longer reflect the reality of the game, after various power changes. Even better, would be to delete the damage strength and speed references and simply provide a link to the CoD page.
  19. Heh. Yeah, there's a lot of players in this game who want the game play to pretty much always go like this: 1) Mobs aggro tank and stand in a big clump around it. 2) Tank taunt auras should be wide enough to keep all mobs on the map fixed like this forever. 3) Everyone takes knockback to knockdown and no one uses really fun powers, like fear or confuse, so that the mobs always just remain right where they are. 4) Everyone kills the mobs with impunity while they are focused on the tank. I mean, if you want it to go like that, why not just have 2 AT's in the game. One person could play the Tank. Everyone else on the team could play a scrapper. Boring.
  20. I've often thought this. Yes, it is flavor/text. But it should accurately reflect the nature of the power it describes, even if only in a general sense. It should also not offer two, diametrically opposite descriptors, as this is baffling (and, quite frankly, frustrating). It's what 99% of players use when deciding what powers to take, so it should be useful for that purpose (again, at least in a ballpark/general sense). This is a relatively simple fix, involving going into the editor and tweaking the power descriptions to reflect the current meta (and should really be part of the process of powerset rebalancing, every time any power is changed, IMO).
  21. Have you tried selecting parkour stance for movement powers in the character creator? It holds the weapon out behind you, when you run, sort of anime pose style.
  22. Eh. Nothing, I guess. 🤷‍♂️
  23. Also, a bit harsh, but you aren't wrong, either.
  24. Hopkins is a beast. Many heroes have been laid low by him. This is nothing to feel ashamed about. Having said that, he is beatable, even fighting solo- just a very hard nut to crack. I would not want to tangle with him using primarily a control and/or debuff type AT though, and I can only imagine your frustration while attempting this.
  25. I don't know about 40k sorcerers specifically, but yesterday I made a sorcerer that is a Dark/Dark dominator. I plan to go heavy into sorcerer pool. Not sure about what epic pool I'm going to take (Or if I'll even get that far. I've tried to learn to play dominators in the past, and have gotten frustrated. I return to the AT periodically and attempt another go at it, just because of love the IDEA of it, and so many of the powerset combinations readily fit my various character concepts).
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