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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. Sorry for the crappy formatting. On my phone. I'll fix it up when I get home. I really hate writing in the phone, lol.
  2. Me too. Though I guess they'd have to have a Kallisti location. Personally I don't like the "LFG only" thing much since it seems like a really non-immersive way for things to be started, even though it is great from the quality of life standard.
  3. Simply incredible! Can't imagine all the time and skill it took to make this!
  4. Finished the loyalist arcs. It was really good! Need to make a dirty Resistance character soon.
  5. I'm pretty sure you get your soul sucked out though in the carnies.
  6. Wasn't there in game dialogue of an Arachnos soldier talking about how good the dental plan was?
  7. Did the first Loyalist arc. Pretty good I have to say! Definitely going to do them all.
  8. I went to Primal, only to take the portal back to Doorman. Pretty much showed up in Talos, then turned right around back to Praetoria, I honestly did not pick up that I could have gone straight to First Ward.
  9. All this info is really helpful. I just got my first Praetorian to level 20 (responsibility playthrough, though I did make some resistance choices. Couldn't say no to Yin trying to find his daughter or betray my bro Kang). I have to say it is really unintuitive to follow the Praetorian storyline once you're in Paragon. Your guys' posts really help.
  10. You don't already regret not having a one slot boost to 3% to defense or resist? Failable escorts are the bane of my existence. I just struggle to keep them alive unless the difficulty is cranked way down. I taunt everything that moves but they still somehow get killed. Feels bad man.
  11. Seriously. And to boot I didn't even have to get this game from some shady dealer with a trench coat.
  12. It's a mixed bag for me. The Heather Townsend one felt half assed I'm particular. They could have had some ghosts representing her survivors guilt or something. Why TF is she looking at two boxes instead? Pretty much all the other DA ones are really good IMO. The Praetor Duncan one made me like her as a character quite a bit.
  13. For a new reworked FF set? Provides a speed boost like Speed Boost.
  14. Dunno if this is going too far, but if we're all rich enough, we should ATT everywhere so the travel time is consistent. Even if the next door is...next door. It would take the same time with ATT. I vote Synapse personally so we don't have to deal with Council cave maps. lol. But I'm up for whatever
  15. Depending on when, I'm down to be a teammate. I think I've got an alt that is haphazardly slotted and in the appropriate level range for Synapse too for an accurate simulation. To minimize variables, it would be ideal to have the same team both times. Dunno how realistic it is to achieve this though. Another idea is to do an incarnate friendly tf since that would accentuate the overkill phenomenon and thus increase the gulf between having splits or having everyone stick together.
  16. Yes. They continuously spawn in groups of like, five? and you have to get 25 of them too advance.
  17. Don't follow the syllable numbers too religiously. The famous masters sure didn't.
  18. Acrobatics from the leaping pool. There's also the universal travel io that gives -kb, steadfast protection defense io that gives -kb, and set bonuses (overwhelming force and I think some pvp ones too. Dark armor also has the same kb hole too iirc.
  19. I tried to play Day Z back in the day and immediately got motion sickness from it. It has never happened to in any other non-vr game. Motion sickness works in mysterious ways, lol!
  20. I generally wing it myself. But there are often ways to improve builds in pretty unintuitive ways that i don't pick up on so it is always good to see what others have come up with. I think there is a lot of creativity and game knowledge involved. I freely admit my builds probably end up suboptimal since I wing it. I did use a build I found in an old thread for my elec/ea stalker and I'll be damned if that isn't my best character. Though it is also my most meta set combo too. Anyway, making builds is complicated and requires some knowledge, so I don't begrudge people for asking for them.
  21. Colossal Katana is great! Commander Brave Robin is the only bad one, and only because it has two "titles" in there. Commander Robin or Brave Robin both work on their own. Commander Brave even works. My tastes might be shit.
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