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Everything posted by ImpousVileTerror

  1. I, uh . . . I wouldn't mind it, @Sir Myshkin. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15464-third-class-atos-game-changers/ As an option, anyway.
  2. Which zone are you in?
  3. "they're stripped of IOs and deleted" I know! I know! Not my characters; not my call. Just . . . just . . . We -have- 1000 slots! And free, unlimited accounts! *sulks*
  4. Also, just 'cause it amused me:
  5. @Frostbiter went there earlier: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15491-forum-reputation/?tab=comments#comment-164727 But really; neither of you have BAD Reputation! In fact, you both have Excellent Reputations!
  6. An excellent point. So . . . what if it was somehow able to target JUST Set Bonus Defenses? After all, the nature of this complaint (at least as I keep hearing it) is that a Blaster at the Defense Cap trivializes all of the Melee Archetypes. (Again, I'm not here to say this is necessary or warranted. I just like to theorize about tweaks to the game, and what sort of impact they would have. To play "devil's advocate," if you will. Good ideas rarely spring up fully formed on their own. They require the nurturing of a community's efforts to spitball ideas and examine their outcomes.) As for Elusivity . . . sorry. I still haven't been able to wrap my own head around that one as-is.
  7. Goddamnit @Jimmy! https://forums.homecomingservers.com/leaderboard/?custom_date_start=1594468799&custom_date_end=1594468799 @GM Widower was just about to get their first Win, and you somehow stole First Place in the tie! I demand a recount! *flails tentacles*
  8. Proposed by @r0y in https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/20019-roleplay-pet-peeves/?tab=comments#comment-238461 I think this idea has legs! While strictly not necessary, I think it would be nice to have a collectively shared and community-authored scale for roleplay to help players determine just how "far" others want to go. Here's a rough, first draft: RP1 = Light roleplay, jumping between in-character and out of character as necessary, largely just idle chit-chat while performing gameplay. RP2 = Moderately-light roleplay, being mindful of Out of Character signifiers (such as "(( ))" or "OOC:"), rare references to past roleplayed events. RP3 = Moderate roleplay with decent story cohesion and ludonarrative resonance, player-characters sharing past histories, strong adherence to Out of Character signifiers while interacting with other roleplayers, occasional references to past roleplayed events. RP4 = Narrative-driven, returning characters preferred but not necessary, strict adherence to Out of Character signifiers (but may still use General, Help, and LFG as OOC), moderate references to past roleplayed events. RP5 = Deep narrative, recurring characters, strict adherence to Out of Character signifiers (and only used when necessary), referencing other roleplayed events frequently. Please! Feel free to critique, to edit, or to write your own scale. Let's take a look at some ideas and consider which ones we like best. Then, as the community comes to form some opinions, we can start putting these in to practice.
  9. Oo! Good use of Spectrum there! Well done, @She-Wolf!
  10. Nah. You're just a polycharacterist, and there isn't anything wrong with that. (To be clear: This is a joke post. I know what Lockpick is describing isn't quite comparable to actual polyamory, but just go with me on this journey for the sake of the jest?)
  11. (Been a while since I deployed one of these.) But, back on topic: Yeah, would be nice. Feasible? Not likely. It would definitely open the door for a lot of roleplay potential! And gameplay potential. But the level of groundwork necessary, and the number of risks and points of failure with the code, and the number of players that it would upset . . . well . . . I mean, it's wonderful to dream! And, who knows? A savant might come along and join Homecoming (if they haven't already, and we just don't know it yet), and discover an amazingly simple and elegant means of implementing that level of player-versus-player, so it doesn't hurt any of us to dream and to make suggestions . . . But really, it's going to take something big and dramatic to inspire the Devs to make changes on that scale.
  12. Well, @AerialAssault as a . . . "mathematicianist" (ahem), I notice that the idea actually has some legs, as the amounts Debuffed in that example are: 22.5 Debuffed Defense and 2.5 Debuffed Defense 22.5 is definitely the larger Debuff, and ergo the person who was originally at 45% Defense will certainly "feel that" Debuff way, WAY more than the person who lost a mere 2.5 The idea has legs . . . I just wonder if its strictly necessary. I also wonder if it could even be programmed with the spaghetti in its current form.
  13. Aye, @Doomguide2005. Which is why I followed up with https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/20784-give-all-mobsnpcs-stuck-command/?tab=comments#comment-237270 as an amended idea. Even that could be potentially exploitable, but it would at least give the Devs some more control over the frequency and intensity of its use.
  14. And just in case someone else stumbled upon this thread and would like a visual aide: On the Origin Tab of Character Creation (green arrow), Select either the "City of Heroes Freedom" button (purple arrow) to toggle a character who will either be a Paragon City Hero or a Rogue Isle Villain (including the Epic Archetypes for each of those sides, all of which may visit Null the Gull in Pocket D starting as low as level 1 to switch to the Rogue or Vigilante Alignments), or select the "City of Heroes Going Rogue" button (yellow arrow) to toggle a character who will be a Praetorian (which will allow you to decide between Loyalist or Resistance Factions).
  15. Don't worry, @cohRock. I believe in the you who believes in themself believing that they can do this!
  16. My thoughts on this are too complex to really dive in to right now, but I think what I expressed in the weekly discussion on Redside Population and Incentives has some good food for thought on the subject of open world opt-in PvP: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/19655-weekly-discussion-53-how-to-increase-villain-population/page/7/?tab=comments#comment-222758
  17. Well, I mean . . . does @GM Tahquitz even like tacos? I would have figured they would be more interested in taquitos.
  18. Thanks, @GM Tahquitz, for a little something-something that happened in the (relative) background for the safety and privacy of another user.
  19. Has anyone got a screenie of Todagut and their coordinates?
  20. Given that the first Mayhem Mission (Atlas Park) starts you right next to the Exploration Badge, I think the precedent for Safeguard Exploration Badges was set fairly early on there, even with people generally not playing Villains as much as Heroes. I'm also of the opinion that these things should be completely and unambiguously documented, but that documentation be kept in such a way as to allow players who -want- to be surprised and to search for things on their own the opportunity to do so without "spoilers." There are bound to be things in these games all the way back from Legacy Issue 0 which are still not documented in Wikis, not widely known, or even not discovered yet! I mean, it seems most people don't even know about the Rikti Monkeys who fight in the Rikti Monkey Fight Clubs, and that there are -two- of these clubs. And the SCoRE and/or Homecoming Teams have added various tribute and memorial NPCs to all sorts of zones ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/10666-curupira/ ), and we haven't even documented all of those yet either.
  21. A little something like this . . . Bear in mind that I don't really like associating City of Heroes with comics, let alone one of the big two, but I had trouble finding a better image to use for this . . . I mean, this is totally a pipe dream, particular on -this- kind of scale. I just think it would be awesome to do something like this.
  22. As far as experimenting with varied community appreciation events like this, I think you're doing an okay job, Homecoming Team. As previously said by others; so long as these events are not something -unique- in a "miss it and there will never be anything else like it" manner, then I think it's alright for it to be a little cumbersome the first few times its run. Not perfect, and maybe not even ideal, but the effort is appreciated. And if critiques and feedback lead to even greater events in the future, then that's all for the better! Perhaps a Weekly Discussion on Special Events would be a good subject to slip in to August or September, @GM Miss?
  23. Wow. Third week of August came sooner than I expected!
  24. Thing is . . . those other people wouldn't know if their words were being filtered unless they get told so. If they're unaware they're getting filtered, then they have no real impetus to try and change up their words. That's the beauty of a client-side filter; it's on the client's side.
  25. Paperwork. Loads and loads of forged paperwork. No one ever checks the paperwork when you pile enough of it on their desk. They'll just rubberstamp the "APPROVED" and throw it in their "outbox" to try and get home before the next episode of their HBO miniseries airs that evening.
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