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Everything posted by ImpousVileTerror

  1. I mean, we could make an original entity with the Arachnobot skeleton "easy" enough . . . Hell . . . ATTENTION MOD COMMUNITY! Let me know where to find the textures for the various Tarantulas and Arachnobots, and I'll see what I can whip up. I've got . . . ideas!
  2. And definitely not on board with it being tied to Incarnate anythings.
  3. Hero Patrons were an idea that kept cropping up during Legacy, and I think it could be cool . . . but not until we have something else to keep people interested and invested in Redside. I would also REALLY like to see a Natural Patron of some sort. I know the Legacy Devs were planning to have Manticore switch sides, but I think maybe having just an exemplary Arachnos Soldier or even a non-Arachnos mercenary offering Patronship would be great. Sets themed after the likes of Willpower, Martial Combat, Dual Pistols, and other Sets that are unambiguously Natural-friendly. The Patron Pets are also . . . eh due to their limited timers. If there could be a way to have those pets permanent, I would be far more interested in having them!
  4. As I composed this thread's original post, another person created an account. Another 13 joined in the past 4 hours. @Jimmy, @GM Miss, or @GM Widower . . . would any of you happen to have other statistics to share in regard to the rate at which new accounts have been made over X period of time? I have trouble shutting off the part of my brain that likes to examine statistics for market analyses, and I'm in one of my 'moods.' Lay the detailed data on me, please! I want to chart and graph and stuff!
  5. Cool! Many thanks, and nice use of the "Like" feature. Although . . . mayhaps a "Thanks" would be more appropriate? eh, no big deal. Just a thought.
  6. Awesome! Do you have a detailed list of the changes?
  7. I'm a roleplay altoholic. NONE of my characters reach 50; I'm too busy having fun and enjoying my characters.
  8. Now that the topic has shifted to keyboard and mouse use, I feel it's a thread I can post in. Never played Champions; only ever saw screenshots and Monster Factory's video series. Enough to know it definitely was not "for me." I use arrow keys. I was raised on Wolfenstein 3D and Doom as my first first-person gaming experiences. My left hand rests across my keyboard to reach the arrows, and right hand on the mouse. This grants me quick access to both the Numpad and the keys around the Enter key. I find it highly efficient and comfortable, and amusing when young gamers look at my arm and ask how it could possibly be either of those things. And then I proceed to "rekt" them in Quake.
  9. I've known for a while about the Member Statistics at the bottom of the Home page for these forums. I would occasionally scroll down there and notice "ah, another new member! Lovely!" Recently, however, I've learnt about: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/discover/ and goodness gracious! The number of new user accounts that got made in just a five hour window last night . . . Well, it's true that some of these may merely be automated unsad bots, or existing players creating their additional multibox accounts, but it certainly appears that our rate of growth here is pretty impressive! Of course, that doesn't mean you should stop spreading the word. Word-of-mouth is still just about the only way we've got to use to continue to grow right now. So, I guess what I'm saying, is: Keep it up, community!
  10. Clever names and amazing costumes are a fundamental part of this game that we play, so . . . yeah. I'd say that respects the spirit of this thread, if not the letter.
  11. Thanks for the report, though you were probably looking for: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/13681-report-typos-here/
  12. Don't worry about it, @Oginth. I read, and reread, and reread, and reread the whole post a few times trying to figure out what time it was scheduled for. Then I noticed the subject header. You're not alone.
  13. LAST MINUTE EVENT NEWS! An in-character Pride roleplay event will be taking place on the Everlasting Shard tomorrow (Sunday, June 28th) at 3pm Eastern, hosted by @Tess LaCoell. There will be live DJs. The event is open to everyone, even Out of Character, but Roleplay is preferred for those comfortable with it. Base: HoTPride-9075
  14. I strongly recommend taking a stroll around Port Oakes. It is, perhaps, the most "lived in" Zone in the entire game. There are SO MANY little stories that are told with the map assets. Like the three-car collision in the east end. Or Tart and Vixen. Or Canada Joe. Seriously. Port Oakes is GORGEOUS!
  15. I was about to say "But who wants to wait until level 18 to get their Medic?" . . . and then I thought about it. I think we've just cracked Mercenaries!
  16. Also, welcome to @GM GoodNyght and @GM Brax, with their first public posts.
  17. Also, most importantly, @Danyool: Welcome Home! If you ever need a hand with anything in-game, don't forget to look in to the Global Channels: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/20291-looking-for-a-group/?tab=comments#comment-231039
  18. Come now, don't you recognize the map? That's Port Oakes! Or were you making some kind of jab at my typo of two to-s? If so, I apologize that I don't quite follow, and will need to have the joke explained to me.
  19. The, uh, Hide as an Inherent thing was actually . . . sorta . . . kinda . . . a joke. Sorry. I know that wasn't terribly helpful of me. It's potentially a lot of balancing work for the Devs to do something of that nature. I mean, I'm not inherently against it, as I know that it could open up some options for other players. I just think if they ARE going to go that direction, there are probably other methods with a lower impact. That -does- seem to be a goal of theirs, even if they can't always obtain it: Low collateral impact when making changes.
  20. @holymittens knows a thing or two on the subject, and the files that they shared demonstrate that coding for missions isn't -that- complex for the writer. No idea how much back-end code goes in to a mission / story arc, though. THAT part, I think, @holymittens didn't even know.
  21. This is why Enhancement Storage is a great thing. Just open the packs and keep what you get. Eventually get around to rolling an Alt who can use the Enhancement. No fussing with Converters necessary. Law of Averages dictates that if I make enough characters, eventually I'll Slot them all without having to play roulette.
  22. Or making Hide Inherent, and then spending all the Dev Time to add one more Power to every Stalker Secondary. . . . like an AoE Placate. But then Ninjitsu needs something else . . .
  23. If -any- game should be "catering" to the minority when it comes to accessibility; it's this one. City of Heroes is about empowerment. It's about choice. It's about feeling like you have something to contribute to make the world a better place. It's not Dark Souls. And suggesting that -options- are going to dumb-down the game for everyone is seriously disingenuous. They're OPTIONS. To help accessibility. To encourage more people to play. To Feel Welcome. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/2411-the-future-an-open-letter-from-the-homecoming-team/?tab=comments#comment-18407 I am 100% in favour of a High Contrast Mode being added as an option. Great suggestion, @Patti. Anyone trying to gatekeep this game should seriously take a moment to consider what they're doing.
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