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Everything posted by ImpousVileTerror

  1. I -think- I saw them playing -once- on Homecoming last year. I have a feeling they are triggered by use of the Pocket D VIP Teleport Power, but since everyone* is using the enterbasepasscode command to get to Pocket D through the Telepad, the random chances just aren't proc'ing for their assembly. That, or they were removed when Dark Astoria got fiddled. (* obviously not _everyone._ )
  2. Then the dog is going to starve and be trapped with their own dropping?! Even crueller!
  3. I'm not much for one to care about dogs, but that just sounds sensible to me. That trailer is going to get really hot during this month too. That's cruel.
  4. I really hope that Control, Assault, and Henchpet Sets are going to receive preferential attention, as there is certainly a dearth of representation in those categories. However, balancing a new Set isn't a simple process, at least not to Homecoming's standards. Your best bet to help this process along would be to compile the numbers for your proposed Sets, and then run them through the theoretical number grinder. Get some DPA, DPS, and DPE values charted out. Bonuses points if they're in a visual graph format. No; this isn't a joke or me trying to be cheeky. Doing that level of work is likely to be the best method to encourage the Homecoming Team to seriously consider their addition. The less work they have to do themselves, the better your position will be to get them in. I'm juggling too many geese of my own right now, but I would be happy to provide some assistance to you if you would like to make this a community project.
  5. It feels like this thread is taking the piss out of someone in particular . . .
  6. And which city in Québec is more Canadian (or Canadien) than Montréal?
  7. Noble Savage Contact in First Ward Player response uses "hear" for what should be "here" in line "What? I'm hear to ask about the Awakened."
  8. Some interesting information here, and it's good to see some questions getting answered . . . But the most important question was not! Is Derek related to Jeremy Jenkins? This is what we -must- know! For the sake of all time and space; is Derek just a bumbling youth, or is Derek the spawn of one of the most dastardly and powerful villains to ever inhabit any universe? A villain so cunning that he isn't even capable of realizing his own cunning! A villain with the ability to join any villain/hero group, even the ones which defy all reason and logic! A villain who holds within his being the capacity to unravel all which is ordered and structured in existence merely by walking in to a room with a résumé in hand! If Derek is the offspring of Jenkins, then we may already be too late . . . but with knowledge of the potential threat, there can at least be hope. So, @Mender Silos, we beseech you: What is @Mender Derek's parentage?
  9. Welcome Home, @Mother's Love!
  10. Likewise, so could I. I've not used the command myself either, but generally when it comes to Global Handles or Global Channels with spaces in them, quotation marks are a necessity to get slash commands to play nice.
  11. I think they may have done exactly that . . . I've noticed a few new accounts, and some old ones getting their flags changed recently.
  12. Throw quotation marks around your Global then. That should do the trick. ie: "@0th Power"
  13. Alternatively, what about allowing a new Level Up Option at Trainers for Villain Epic Archetypes? When you hit Level 24, you get a choice of the regular "Train and Respec" or "Claim 1 Free Respec and Level Up as Huntsman/Blood Widow" And once you tap that Respec, THEN you have to rebuild your character. I mean, I understand that the Arachnos Archetypes were pretty much jury-rigged from the get-go, so this might not be possible . . . but if it is; wouldn't that be preferable?
  14. One of the reasons I use Ninja Run, @Oginth.
  15. Did you want to make a request at https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/18674-lets-make-some-profile-images-for-the-needy/, @Twisted Toon?
  16. Sorry, it wasn't meant to be snark, but actually genuine.
  17. I also would like to say that on a purely personal level, I always like to see new members joining the community who immediately add an "avatar" image to their profile! Just gives me a warm fuzzy. Anyway. Carry on!
  18. Good effort on using the search tool, Hotjava, though this particular topic probably wasn't the most ideal. A for effort, all the same. But to answer your questions: No. Only characters in the Group roster may have permissions to use a Group's Base storage items, whether they are Inspiration, Enhancement, or Salvage. Empowerment Stations, NPCs, Telepads, Mission Computers, and stuff like that are all available to any visiting guest, though.
  19. Sadly, not looking great: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/14462-could-we-please-get-these-costume-pieces-moved-from-dev-only
  20. The issue, as I understand it, is to -incentivize- playing content at the lower levels. Rather than just jumping in to Death From Below, Drowning in Blood, or Architect Entertainment. Though, if repeating low level content is really a threat of farming, then mayhaps putting the 18 hour timer on the multiplier would help. So, 26 Merits for doing Beast in the Mountain at the appropriate level, then 7 for the next run if performed within the window.
  21. Looks like someone is being naughty.
  22. I'd recommend increasing Merit Rewards when your character is the appropriate level to the Task Force / Trial. If I'm level 15 to 20, automatically get 2x the Merits from Beast in the Mountain. If I'm Level 21 to 30, 1.25x Merits. Anything after that, regular Merits.
  23. I notice Speed of Sound is level 15. Clearly they were moving faster than everyone else and had enough time to gain some levels.
  24. Is someone playing Warframe? It looks like someone is playing Warframe. (I keed!)
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