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Everything posted by Communistpenguin

  1. I never said +3. But you could absolutely keep everything green pretty easily as early as the late 20's early 30's depending on how much you died.
  2. I think a big issue is also just how FAST we level now. Back on live before level smoothing you could generally afford to keep yourself in SO's without too much trouble, simply because you had a longer time to get infl before your current SO's went red. Currently you have to actively turn off xp if you want to hit most of the same story arcs and contacts and taskforces that you would have when game was originally designed. So if you are trying to use mostly SO's you will have a tougher time.
  3. Could we swap them out for the Mastermind robots? Or Vanguard robots? Or Malta Robots? Really, I would like a less humanoid exclusively robot lore pet.
  4. I turn 39 in December. I was one of the last waves of beta players that got in through the CoH pre-purchase box. I think I started maybe a month before launch?
  5. Not really? We already have alternate animations for powers where the animations are completely different, they literally just reused an existing animation from another power. The challenge, as I see it, would be finding existing animations with the same animation time to swap with. I *think* they can modify animation times, either speeding them up or slowing them down, so that might not even be too much of a stretch. As for muzzle points, Beam Rifle can use any of the rifle models despite them all being different lengths already, so i don't think that is a big hurdle.
  6. I would assume they would reuse existing assets. The real challenge is finding suitable animations with matching time with the original animations.
  7. I dont know how possible it would be, but it would be pretty sweet if we could get 2 sets of alternate animations for trick arrow(including the arrow) where it uses the laser rifle or regular rifle instead of a bow. For the assault rifle set at least, it looks like you could steal the m30 grenade animation for alot of it. It would be cool to be able to make a "pure" rifle or beam rifle character.
  8. Can we get an option to make your own group fly only affect your pets? Using it as a bots MM is awesome, but I get complaints from others who do not want it on.
  9. So I am sure that I am not the only person who constantly hits the tray switching arrows by accident. Would it be possible to move the arrows and tray numbers to the right side instead of the left side?
  10. Fair enough, I figure it doesn't really matter, the time would probably reset by the time you finish most missions.
  11. Seems like a reasonable accolade power, though I might suggest increasing the time to maybe 10 minutes.
  12. Make it a series of missions from either the universities librarians or maybe the Midnighters, or even Ourobourous
  13. Then just call it summon soul and make it a click not dependent on a mob?
  14. If any change is made to Web grenade, I would suggest making it something like a "Grenades" power, with the switch ammo mechanic. Ammo options could be Web Grenade, Stun Grenade, and Regular Grenades. Or maybe just make Web Grenade a small aoe? I like the idea of making Mine into a throwable mine field. Maybe give Seeker Drones a blinding component? Time Bomb needs to be completely overhauled. Maybe Move Minefield up to the final power, and create a Bean Bag cannon similar to acid Mortar in that its a placeable pet, but make it do stuns.
  15. Why would you have no control over it? I assume it would award you a gold button power that has the same function as reveal. Basically, you would have a second reveal power that worked on charges.
  16. I was also making a reference to the original map of PP. They didn't used to have the paths for the maze on the map, and people would always get lost in there. Also, yes I was referring to the reveal power. If they did implement my idea, it would hardly be the only awarded power that you could simply buy another version of cheaply.
  17. I say make it give charges for the power that clears the fog of war on maps. "Your ability to navigate the maze like Perez Park has given you an almost supernatural awareness of your surroundings"
  18. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't all that acc from thunderstrike wasted on LS? I don't think it needs it?
  19. I dunno, my LS only costs 18 end. My slotting is Force feedback proc Devestation: Dam/end Devestation: Dam/Rech Thunderstrike: Dam/end Thunderstrike: Dam/end/rech Basic Rech io That gets me +95.1% dam, 117.2% rech(41.44 sec recharge time) 73.6% end(17.98 end cost)
  20. Also, Gale if you don't have the KB->KD proc, is also a edge case. It also suffers poor acc and has limited function. Though the kb->KD io and a acc enhancement solve this pretty well.
  21. I mostly agree. Thunderclap could use a little love or tweak. Its a pbaoe minion only(iirc) stun with a loooong animation and I think poor acc? While I love the animation, getting frozen in place surrounded by mobs can be a bit dicey. I'm not sure what should be changed, it is not widely regarded as a great power in the set. Maybe remove teh root while the animation plays? I should specify, My stormie is a defender, on a controller it would be much more manageable.
  22. Core changes I wouldn't mind seeing... Maybe the idea that power pool should have 4 powers? the devs have gotten away from this a bit, but I wouldn't mind seeing it expanded... Like maybe a "weapons" power pool with the various temp powers like pistol shot or the baseball bat. Just make 1 pool with a whole bunch of powers that are all available at the same time. No tiers. Also power pool attacks do not have to be amazing, but they should be worth the effort to select, slot and use. I always thought a mastermind, that instead of 6 pets, could adjust them. So you could have the choice of a bunch of weaker pets or a fewer stronger pets. Maybe have it like a Hydra mastermind, where if you inject it with a certain serum, the 3 minion level mobs merge to form a boss level mob. Or the reverse, maybe it would be preferable to break your boss level pet down into multiple minion level pets. Or if you want, merge all your pets together and get a EB level pet. Id love some of the older ignored zones to get some zone stories and arcs. Like, Eden seems like something interesting happened there, but we never really get to explore it storywise. Same with Creys folley, maybe make it cross faction and have a villain arc about sowing chaos in the freakshow groups that live there. All available contacts should show up in the find a contact function. Maybe the ability to pause Oro arcs? I don't like being locked into no-teaming until the arc is complete, so being able to pause it and go back to your typical level before the oro arc is complete would be nice.
  23. I frequently have to play one handed due to the presence of small children, and having to hold them. So I map autorun to my middle mouse button. Not the most efficient way to play, but its better than nothing. I also have macros to turn xp on and off in my email, so if I want to have more dynamic control of my leveling speed i can quickly toggle xp on and off.
  24. Could we get the DE granite and crystal models as pets? The earth golem just looks dumb.
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