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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I made a similar choice recently. I play rather than rush, so I choose in part by how quickly I want to get certain powers.
  2. When deciding an armor set, I ask a series of questions: 1. What’s the thematic choice? This trumps all. There are very few things you *can’t* do with any given set. 2. Do I want defense or resistance or healing or combinations? I tend to prefer resist sets for brutes and tanks, for example. 3. What are the bells and whistles? For example I generally try to avoid sets where I need to activate mez resist.
  3. I do both. I use email for short-term holding until it starts getting full then I move it to bids on a (hopefully) nonexistent item. Email in the past has generally been buggier than the AH, believe it or not, so I don't count on it still being there from day to day. Also, I have heard that you can only have 100 emails at a time, which puts an upper limit on your storage.
  4. Part of it also is the "did this happen or didn't it?" memory/reality wipes like House of M and the Sentry. Part of it is that everything is a Secret.
  5. This is the thing that is throwing me off. I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out what is or is not canon anymore, or even if the whole concept of canon has been thrown out the window. These are great suggestions, and I'm SUPER thankful for them all!
  6. I just created an air pressure-powered technology scrapper named Johnny Pneumatic. EDIT: Also a sun-powered energy/time blaster named Johnny Gnomonic.
  7. Ok, I've gotten to the point in the pandemic where I've subscribed to Marvel Unlimited for (almost) unlimited browsing of comics on my tablet. My question is, what has happened since the late 1980s (when I last spent time reading monthlies) and what should I be reading? I've seen just about every Marvel-associated movie (including the Dolph Lungren Punisher, which was the best, fight me!) so I'm trying to catch up with the universe and catch the great stories that I've missed. What do I like? Well, I have to admit I started with everything Marvel Zombie, so there's that. As far as what is my favorite style, I love Sandman and Neil Gaiman, so I've also read his Eternals series. Outside of that, I'm kind of picking and choosing. Any thoughts?
  8. I would guess those were parking bids.
  9. It appears there were a small number of 1bn bids still out there, and a larger number of 100mm bids. I'm not sure if the latter are still there or not -- I soaked up about 10 of them (but missed the big fish). Also, my noob traps were moderately effective...
  10. I don't like the incarnate system. The interface is ridiculously bad. Half the powers are extraordinarily overpowered, and half are generally harmless. Most of the time it makes a near god-like character into full god-like. But it does a terrible job of making a mediocre character into a great character, imo. My incredibly unpopular suggestion: Make all incarnate salvage fungible by rarity and lock it account-wide, so you can move incarnate salvage from one character to another. Then lock the number of incarnates per account to one. You want a godlike character? You get one. You want two? Make a new account or demote your other god. One thing about living in Paragon City I never could stomach, all the damn godlike characters.
  11. It is my hunch that a reason that they haven't made this update in a while is that the population has dropped a lot since March, which is fine with me, but may result in a lot of DOOOOOOOM(tm)ing.
  12. I just had my major oopsie. Made a new villain as a tanker, took him through the tutorial, opened an email holding 999,999,999 in order to buy some things from the P2W. Ran a few missions and decided I'd like him better as a brute, so deleted and remade him. And finally, as I was wondering why my new brute had no inf, it struck me.
  13. I've been thinking about this for a long time. Very few of my characters get significant play once they ding 50, and I keep hoping that I'll find that magical combination that will keep me interested for a while. I think my criteria are: 1. Melee oriented, so brute/scrapper/stalker/tanker. 2. Damage aura preferred but optional. 3. PBAoE Heal that takes Accurate Healing and Damage Procs. 4. Has at least one attack with KB for FF +recharge proc. 5. Positional defense oriented, rather than typed defense. 6. PBAoE friendly in both primary and secondary. 7. Endurance tools available pre level 35. 8. Can solo AVs/GMs without temp powers. So far, I've probably come closest with my quartet of lvl 50 Staff/Bio // Bio/Staff, yet I really don't feel much desire to pull them out for a "spin". I was hoping to get some real affection for Rad Armor or Energy Aura, but they feel "meh" to me.
  14. I will never forget the first time I discovered the Shadow Shard on Live. I spent weeks in there. I wish, how I wish, that there would be a Rularuu invasion again in dreary old Paragon City.
  15. Pricing strategy is an astonishingly large component of success in the AH.
  16. About half of my alts have no bios, and I should work on that. About half have pretty decent backstories. And about half are pretty much, "Was bitten by a radioactive [wombat/VCR/accountant]."
  17. You are blowing me out of the water. My base across all markets is assuming a 2mm profit per marketing slot, so my bottleneck is how many transactions I can do per minute, then wait. But there is no way I can make 1-1.5bn profit per day in 10-15 minutes. I just can’t process the raw materials that quick and if I’m reposting cheap items, I can’t count on replenishing them every day or even weekly.
  18. I honestly would not have a problem if HC went to a fixed rate economy, where you can buy whatever you want from any vendor. A lot of the entertainment would go away, but I would find other ways to be entertained.
  19. Yomo woke up on New Years Day much like Yomo does most things, begrudgingly and with some white spittle in the corners of the mouth. New Years Eve 2020 was a special event, presumably. Still trying to figure out how and why there is an honest-to-god sheep in the bathroom, but hey, wait, what? 2020 is over? That means that everything is going to be back to normal! *Logs on*. Oh. Oh well, at least the virus went away, right? Right?!? *Steps outside*. Oh.
  20. I hear you, but I think the economic impact of "accidentally" giving away a few extra packs here and there is healthier than people buying hundreds of thousands of packs in total. I'd vastly prefer it if there was no discount this year (or any year), but I'm hoping the devs will look at this as an alternative to making the rich richer.
  21. Cutting prices on Winter Packs will do more to keep inf in the hands of the already wealthy. How about giving away 1-5 packs to each account instead? of course, I’d prefer neither happens, but I’m ebil like that.
  22. A healthier winter gift would be to grant 1-5 free Winter Packs to every account.
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