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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Oh, I’m a bottom feeder when it comes to converters, so that’s certainly not me! I don’t want to summarize what my results “mean” because: 1. It might seem patronizing to people who already know; and 2. I don’t really want more competition.
  2. I’ve started a presence on another CoH server and I plan on farming there for AE tickets for recipes and salvage. The AH there is a wasteland.
  3. It depends on how much time I think I’ll have. Usually it’s 15-30 minutes. If I’m marketing that day, I’ll make my marketing circuit which is 5-10 characters. For longer blocks, I usually have themed supergroups that I will focus on for a few weeks at a time. Then I will usually play 2-3 missions on one at a time. Finally I will periodically check my list to see if anyone hasn’t been touched in 60 days, in which case I take them out for a spin and gain a level or three.
  4. I hope to do some discovery on my next case study on this, assuming you are talking about converting by rarity. Hopefully, my data sample will be large enough in the next couple of days. One thing though: it could really be observer bias. I think we all have good streaks where LotG show up a lot, but then we stop there. And you may not be consciously tracking if it took three conversions since the last one, or fifty, because when you get in the zone things move quickly. Just a thought, but I hope to figure out a few things about the mechanics without actually getting into the code.
  5. Recently I wanted to just verify that the RNG was working as expected, so I converted 1,000 IOs of a six-IO set to one specific IO in the set. The IOs were all the same level, but not the same type, and I didn't convert them all in one sitting. The remarkable part is that I tracked how many conversions it took to hit my bogey for each one! This is remarkable mainly because my attention span is, ooh a squirrel! Anyway, it turned out pretty much as expected if you work off the assumption that the RNG is fair. In 1,000 trials, mean was 5.176 conversions/IO v. expected of 5 conversions/IO. Median of 4 (only integers counted. Mathematically it should be 3 point something something.) StD was 4.388 v. expected of 4.472. Min of 1 (duh) and a max of 24 (which is far below my personal record). Chance to roll desired outcome 20% Cumulative Expected Actual Trials Probability Probability Results Results 1 0.20000 0.20000 200.000 185 2 0.16000 0.36000 160.000 151 3 0.12800 0.48800 128.000 127 4 0.10240 0.59040 102.400 103 5 0.08192 0.67232 81.920 86 6 0.06554 0.73786 65.536 65 7 0.05243 0.79028 52.429 68 8 0.04194 0.83223 41.943 37 9 0.03355 0.86578 33.554 36 10 0.02684 0.89263 26.844 13 11 0.02147 0.91410 21.475 22 12 0.01718 0.93128 17.180 26 13 0.01374 0.94502 13.744 16 14 0.01100 0.95602 10.995 20 15 0.00880 0.96482 8.796 10 16 0.00704 0.97185 7.037 10 17 0.00563 0.97748 5.629 5 18 0.00450 0.98199 4.504 3 19 0.00360 0.98559 3.603 2 20 0.00288 0.98847 2.882 3 21 0.00231 0.99078 2.306 2 22 0.00184 0.99262 1.845 7 23 0.00148 0.99410 1.476 2 24 0.00118 0.99528 1.181 1 25 0.00094 0.99622 0.944 0 For those of you who like graphs: I would say, working as intended. However, there are a few caveats. I didn't test for this, but it felt like there was some auto-correlation (meaning that a below-median number tended to be followed by a below-median number and vice versa.) I didn't start with the same IO each time, and I didn't do this all in one batch, so if there is a bias due to a random number seed, I didn't see it. I hope at least one person finds this interesting and/or useful! If anyone wants the raw data, let me know. There will be more case studies in the future.
  6. Actually, what I would really like is a way to rate or comment on someone else's bio. It's awesome when you read a great one, and just saying, "great bio" in a tell may just plain not be enough.
  7. I'd be over the moon if things got locked again. Maybe it's the dopamine talking, but when I would kill that last Overseer for the badge and the weapon skin unlock, my character development goes up a notch. But, I understand behavioral economics, and I know that when you give something to someone for free, then you take it away, that person tends to feel that they have personally contributed the value that they attribute to the thing. So I'll cross my fingers and hope that new stuff gets offered that I need to work a little bit for.
  8. Sadly, it's been around for a long time and it affects us all. Most people, myself included, use a workaround where you put in a lowball bid, like bid 5 for 10. Then it shows up in your bids and refreshing almost always works then.
  9. Good use of a necro thread, as I do think the dynamics have changed over the last year. A couple of thoughts and observations: Fifty should enough for a decent sample size, but it looks like you got some really bad rolls. My experience over time has been receiving around 1.2 ATOs per pack, although I recall getting more from one variety versus the other but don't remember which one tended towards higher yield in my memory. Getting fewer ATOs means getting more "other stuff", and the marketable other stuff is basically merits, converters, boosters, catalysts, unslotters. The market value on all of these items have dropped a lot over the past year. A year ago, you probably still had a good shot at selling converters at 100k apiece, but that number may be 70-75k now. Also, even the prices of ATOs seem to have dropped. There used to be some strong sellers (>10mm) but that seems to have dropped from the 10+mm range to 8-10mm. Every once in a while, if I notice supply seems to be low, I'll buy 100 packs and go through the process of weeding through them, but it's certainly not as profitable as before. In terms of time spent (both in actual human minutes wading through the supply, converting, listing, etc.) and time waiting (real time -- my turnover time for ATOs is calculated in days or weeks rather than hours), I don't find hero packs to have the same bang for the buck they once had. My 2 inf.
  10. I just got my first EM to 50 (Bio/EM villain tanker), and honestly it was the easiest most over-powered experience I've had yet in HC. I went +4/x8 somewhere around lvl 41 and normally that takes me a lot later, usually post-alpha. Maybe that's because Bio is so great?
  11. As a real-money set, yes, it's overpowered. It's by far my favorite armor set right now due to it's versatility more than anything else, but they could easily change the -7.5% resistance penalty for offensive mode to -15% and it would still be worthwhile. imo.
  12. Systems/assembly lines really work. If you can put 100 IOs into the market in 1-2 minutes, you are cooking with gas.
  13. I think you need to distinguish between revenue (collecting sales) and profit (net of costs including materials, crafting fees, cost of converters). For the most part, I don't record keep unless it's for a specific project -- it's too much like work! For my 24-hour challenge, which was primarily rare roulette, I netted approximately 2mm in profit per IO after all costs. Then it just comes down to how many transactions you can execute per minute. Rare roulette is probably a lot slower in terms of transactions per minute than most niche marketing, and it might be less profitable as well. There's also the aspect of actual time passing. I tend towards markets (and pricing) that I can expect to have made most if not all of my sales by my next login for that alt. If I'm going to do something, for example, with a lot of Hero Packs, then I know it's going to take me more than a few days to make my sales, so I price accordingly.
  14. I'm still doing this! If you see someone new to the game, send them my way.
  15. Bit of a necro pull here, but lately I've been really pimping out a few of my pre-50s. +4/x8 gets more interesting when half the mobs are +5 -- you can really tell the difference!
  16. It's difficult to quantify it in an apples to apples basis with something like farming. You can hop on at 1pm, farm until 2pm, and count your inf. But you can't hop on at 1pm, spend 60 minutes in the AH, then profit. My experience though is that in terms of actual minutes spent, marketing blows everything else away.
  17. For my cost accounting, I find that one yellow recipe counts for about 2mm+ in profit. Doesn't matter if I get it from a drop or buy it on the AH.
  18. I recently started up one of these (high teens now) and I'm really enjoying the combination. I consider myself well versed in TA but not so much in Water, so I'm in a bit of a pickle. Not only are there so many good/great powers between these two sets, but some of the powers are (in my opinion) slot hungry and when taking a first pass at an end build (which I expect to be very different from my leveling build) I'm kind of at a loss when trying to figure out what to skip, both in terms of power and slots. Trick Arrow seems pretty straight forward to me: Entangling Arrow -- skip Flash Arrow -- 4 slots Glue Arrow -- skip for this build Ice Arrow -- 4-6 slots Poison Gas Arrow -- base slot Acid Arrow -- 4-6 slots Disruption Arrow -- base slot Oil Slick Arrow -- 6 slots EMP Arrow -- skip I'm having trouble with Water Blast: Aqua Bolt -- either base slot or more? Hydro Blast -- level up with it but respec out later? Water Burst -- 5-6 slots Whirlpool -- 4-6 slots Tidal Forces -- base slot Dehydrate -- ??? Water Jet -- ??? Steam Spray -- ??? Geyser -- ??? I would expect to have Combat Jumping, Hasten, Kick, Tough, Weave, Maneuvers, Tactics, and some sort of resist shield from the epics as well. Currently looking at something like this (lots of slots to put to work): http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1131&c=557&a=1114&f=HEX&dc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ny thoughts? I appreciate your feedback!
  19. I actually have a lot more problem with Longbow. Especially when you get a particularly bad combination of bosses.
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