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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Pricing strategy is an astonishingly large component of success in the AH.
  2. About half of my alts have no bios, and I should work on that. About half have pretty decent backstories. And about half are pretty much, "Was bitten by a radioactive [wombat/VCR/accountant]."
  3. You are blowing me out of the water. My base across all markets is assuming a 2mm profit per marketing slot, so my bottleneck is how many transactions I can do per minute, then wait. But there is no way I can make 1-1.5bn profit per day in 10-15 minutes. I just can’t process the raw materials that quick and if I’m reposting cheap items, I can’t count on replenishing them every day or even weekly.
  4. I honestly would not have a problem if HC went to a fixed rate economy, where you can buy whatever you want from any vendor. A lot of the entertainment would go away, but I would find other ways to be entertained.
  5. Yomo woke up on New Years Day much like Yomo does most things, begrudgingly and with some white spittle in the corners of the mouth. New Years Eve 2020 was a special event, presumably. Still trying to figure out how and why there is an honest-to-god sheep in the bathroom, but hey, wait, what? 2020 is over? That means that everything is going to be back to normal! *Logs on*. Oh. Oh well, at least the virus went away, right? Right?!? *Steps outside*. Oh.
  6. I hear you, but I think the economic impact of "accidentally" giving away a few extra packs here and there is healthier than people buying hundreds of thousands of packs in total. I'd vastly prefer it if there was no discount this year (or any year), but I'm hoping the devs will look at this as an alternative to making the rich richer.
  7. Cutting prices on Winter Packs will do more to keep inf in the hands of the already wealthy. How about giving away 1-5 packs to each account instead? of course, I’d prefer neither happens, but I’m ebil like that.
  8. A healthier winter gift would be to grant 1-5 free Winter Packs to every account.
  9. Normally, I thirst for the tears of those who meant to lowball but accidentally did the opposite. OP, in my opinion, was trying to pay a fair price for a Posi Blast -- that's what I pay when I need one soon(tm). @AngryJesusMan, check out my giveaway (in my sig, on the clicky). I'm happy to more than make you whole on your loss.
  10. In my opinion, the devs should absolutely not put Winter Packs on sale for 10mm this year or any year going forward. In my opinion, the devs absolutely will put Winter Packs on sale for 10mm this year and every year going forward. My argument for the former is too much supply in the hands of too few. I was blindsided (by my own blindness) when the packs went on sale last year. That was where I had put my excess inf bids because I didn't trust that the devs wouldn't introduce lvl 53 Hami-Os (*duh Duh DUH*) and I figured that If I bought something at a 60% discount I could probably figure out a way to make inf out of it. I accidentally bought *thousands* of them. So I started paring down my exposure, and guess what? I made a $#@$-ton of inf off of them, starting from day one. The "markets" seem to have set rough values for ATOs and Winter-Os at 80% of the cost of the pack, which jibes well with my rough observation that I tend to get about 1.2 IOs per pack in bulk. It's the "other stuff" that determines your profit. Winter-O packs give way too much "other stuff". Despite the fact that prices on the other stuff has dropped a lot, even if prices remained at 10mm forever, smart money would buy the Winter Packs because they (anecdotally I admit, but it's very clear to me) provide more "other stuff" than ATOs. This keeps the rich richer, in my opinion, and I don't see that as a particularly healthy thing for the game. The rich in this simplified game are absurdly rich. It seems to me that the only thing stopping ridiculous market shenanigans is good will. And that will hurt the casual gamer. HC seems to bend over backwards for the casual gamer, and yet I think that putting Winter Packs on sale will hurt the casual gamer in the AH in both the short and the long term. But they will put them on sale, because for every ebil marketer who buys a few thousand packs, there will be one dewy-eyed "newbie" who will moan how unfair it is that they can't buy a single pack at discounted prices. My two inf.
  11. I was visiting family in Hawaii, and one night I was reading in bed. As I reached over to turn off the light I caught a scurrying movement on my chest out of the corner of my eye. Knew instantly what it was, and leapt out of bed to grab the nearest shoe. The 8-inch centipede ran under the bed and I couldn't find it after looking for about ten minutes. Slept in the other room on a couch with a shoe in my hand. I hate those bastards.
  12. Thanks for posting this! Homecoming is the land of milk and honey, and there is no reason that every single person shouldn't be swimming in inf. By describing different methods, you really demonstrate how people can find their own groove. Well done!
  13. I have 90% resistance to toxic.
  14. This was from last week when I was selling a bunch of converters:
  15. Given that procs work approximately the same in the future as they do today, I don't think anything that can run in proc-heavy mode needs a lot of work. I include AR in this. It's not a great set, but it's not ridiculously awful. I could see juicing up the damage a little bit, and changing the radius on Ignite to something like that of Caltrops or Burn. I feel like Broadsword could use some help as well. Originally the king of burst damage, it's been left in the dust by War Mace and Battle Axe. I'm not sure what a good fix would be. Giving Headsplitter a wider cone would really be nice. Sonic Resonance is in desperate need of a makeover.
  16. PART III: Profit Now it’s just making sausage. Here’s what I did by IO set: Adrenal Adjustment: Convert once by category to get a rare Energy Manipulator. Rare roulette from there. Annoyance: Convert once by category to get a rare Triumphant Insult, then rare roulette. Discouraging Words: Convert once by category to get a rare Deflated Ego, then rare roulette. Encouraged Accuracy: Convert once by category to get a rare Rectified Reticle, then sell as is. Essence of Curare: Convert by category until rare Hold set. If Basilisk’s Gaze, reroll in set if it is the proc and sell as is otherwise. If Neuronic Shutdown proc, sell. Any other rare Hold, play rare roulette. Exploited Vulnerability: Convert once by category to get Achilles’ Heel, then convert in set to the proc. Harmonized Healing: Convert by category until rare Healing set. If Miracle, reroll in set until the proc. If Regenerative Tissue proc, sell as is; rare roulette with any other Regenerative Tissue. Sell any Preventative Medicine as is. Jaunt: Convert once by category to TimeSpace Manipulation, then rare roulette. Karma: Sell as is. Paralytic: See Essence of Curare. Quickfoot: Convert once to Celerity. If Stealth, sell, otherwise rare roulette. Reactive Armor: Sell as is. Serendipity: Sell as is. Soaring/Springfoot: Convert once to rare, then rare roulette. Steadfast Protection: Convert to Res/Def, then sell. Triage: See Harmonized Healing. Volley of Velocity: Convert once to Explosive Strike and sell. I am not going to get into specifics, but I ended up selling a not-insignificant portion of these IOs to myself. I can’t really consider it self-dealing, since I paid the same prices I would (and do) ay to anyone else. However, I did have the advantage on several items to know that I already had a minimum bid out there. So, how did I do? Well, I used a total of 7,672 converters (1,000 used in Part I, and I forgot to break down the split between Parts II and III) and sold the remainder at a net price at or above where I bought them. So initial investment was 712,665,000 and net inf at the end was 2,444,985,675 for a net profit of 1,732,320,675. At first, I was disappointed, since it was short of my shortcut estimate of 2mm profit per IO, then I realized that since I was also the end buyer on a large portion of these, I certainly could have hit my bogey if I had offered at higher prices rather than hitting my own lowball bid. Also, since those repurchases are all being remade into higher priced items, Team Yomo is definitely making out like a bandit here. I hope some of you found this interesting. If anyone cares, here is the spreadsheet in Excel form. Happy hunting! Cleaving Blow.xlsx
  17. I was today years old when I learned that some people put videogames on their CV.
  18. Based on what I've seen of the new sets and of suggestions in that forum, a new FF would have: 1. Self-heal, preferably in the form of a band-aid arrow. 2. Damage aura 3. Endurance regeneration tools 4. Ability to be slotted with KB procs 5. Toxic damage This is tongue-in-cheek, to be clear!
  19. Emergency? I'm not sure why a rebalance would be an emergency? Is there a threat of mass exodus unless Assault Rifle is buffed? It may just be me, but that one word implies a quick fix and I'd hate to see a cobbled-together buff for anything. I'm far more on the side of emergency nerfs, but again, that may just be me. There are some sets that could benefit from careful, reasoned buffs though, and I'll work on my opinions later today.
  20. Part II: The Winnowing So we’ve taken a look at the random number generator, and I for one can’t take anything conclusive out of it. Part of me was hoping to see that we would see statistically significant evidence that there *is* a systemic bias built into the conversion-by-rarity machine, but it’s not there. So now that I’ve wasted all this time and effort on this, let’s try to make some inf! This is the Market forum, after all. It’s all fun and games to have 14 Adrenal Adjustment EM/R, but that’s not going to put my characters through school, so I needed to start figuring out how to monetize them and other IOs. My next set was to transform every one of the uncommon IOs into something that is either saleable, or is easily transformable into something that is saleable. In my case, that meant rolling and re-rolling each IO until I got one of the following sets: Adrenal Adjustment; Annoyance; Discouraging Words; Encourage Accuracy; Essence of Curare; Exploited Vulnerability; Harmonized Healing; Jaunt; Karma; Paralytic; Quickfoot; Reactive Armor; Serendipity; Soaring; Springfoot; Steadfast Protection; Triage; and Volley of Velocity. These 18 sets (out of the 44 unique uncommon sets available at level 20) are valuable to me for one of several reasons: they are valuable in and of themselves; they can be easily changed into something valuable; they can be automatically be converted into a rare through one conversion-by-category; or they can easily (not automatically though) be converted into a rare through a few conversions-by-rarity and are in a lucrative category. Here are the results within a 2-standard deviation band: And here are the results within a 3-standard deviation band: I did all these conversions in one sitting, and keep in mind that each category already had some entries from Part I (also one sitting). In theory, by rerolling until I got something that fit my criteria, it should still be an randomly distributed allocation. If you roll a die a thousand times and reroll every time you get a 5 or a 6, you should get a random distribution from 1 to 4 that should be roughly even. EDIT: I need to point out that the second distribution is really comprised of two different distributions: one of which (in theory) has a 1/43 chance for any given set, and one of which has a 1/18 chance for any given set. I really should account for that at some point. The distributions by individual IO, like in Part I, appear to be less randomly distributed than I would expect by chance. Like @Andreahsaid, I should run a chi-squared test, but then I would have to remember how to do that and also lament how my data set is too small. Distributions by set seem to be more feasible. Coming soon: Part III: Profit!
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