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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I think you should have to arm wrestle Back Alley Brawler for 'em.
  2. I'm opting for Elton John rich, since he was also one of the first people listed.
  3. Someone bought a Regenerative Tissue proc from me today for 20mm and all I could think was, "Serves the low-baller right!"
  4. I just googled "famous rich people" and Cyndi Lauper was one of the first listed. You are Cyndi Lauper rich.
  5. Again, I'm no expert, but what stuck with me is that you would need to rebuild your domination bar each time, whereas now that is unnecessary if you activate domination before it wears off. I'm totally fine with that, personally.
  6. I was all warmed up and ready for a "nope" until I actually read your post and realized it was calling for a nerf. Yeah, I'm good with that. I'm not super familiar with dominators but I have a few in their mid-30s that are easily soloing +2/x3 content and I expect to up that to +4 shortly. Currently I only use domination for boss and AV fights, so perma-dom seems excessive and "easy mode" to me. But, in general, I will support most nerfs to this game. Anything to add more of a challenge.
  7. I love this post for two reasons. First, a good theme is a good theme. It's nice to see people not chasing a FOTM, and this is a great way to encourage that. Second, that's a great prize. Both in terms of value, and in terms of convenience. Well done. You have earned the Yomo(tm) seal of approval.
  8. I know you do. It makes things psychologically harder when I know who I’m cowman PvPing against!
  9. That is certainly an option. Cowmen of the crafting variety aren't creating inf. They are making more valuable goods from materials, but they are actually removing inf from the system. Please read my previous post. You might learn something.
  10. I know this ship has sailed, but maybe I can simplify the issue of why inflation is bad. First of all, inflation is not the same as higher prices. If demand for something something rises, or supply of it falls, you'd expect to see prices rise. Basic economics 102. Let's say that our current economy is exactly the same, except Miracle +recovery is replaced with 2x Miracle +recovery . Demand would get filled very quickly, there would be a lot of extra supply, prices would drop. We'd say that's working as intended. Who gets hurt? Well, anyone who owned a lot of them in storage. But anyone who wants to buy one in the future is better off. Now, let's say all inf in the system is doubled, bur the rate of recipe drops et al remain the same. The medium of exchange has just increased in supply, and that is going to affect prices of everything that is denominated in that currency. Prices of goods would rise, possibly as high as double their previous level. Who gets hurt? Well, if prices on everything double, then it's just a menu pricing problem, which is minor; if everything you sell is at doubled prices and everything you buy is at doubled prices, then for established players it's pretty much a wash. The people who get hurt are the newish players who don't have an inventory of goods to sell. Effectively, their purchasing power has been cut in half, and their relative earning power as well. That is what the devs are trying to keep from happening. No one expects to have a billion inf in 24 hours from scratch*, but putting newish players at a purchasing disadvantage to established players would probably lead to fewer new players entering the system. And the lifeblood of this game, even in free mode, is new players, since in the long run we will all be dead. So it goes. * It takes about 34 hours.
  11. Seriously, the farmer and the cowman should be friends. From here on out, I will refer to marketeering as cowmanning until we come up with a better name.
  12. From Sunday to Monday, it feels like a lot of supply of set IOs hit the AH. Prices definitely are a bit depressed today.
  13. Nice! Thanks for putting this together. I'm assuming that volume measures number for sale? I am at a loss for determining true volume transacted, as you print a ticket in last 5 whether it is a block of 10 or a block of 1, and you would need to constantly refresh in order to measure something that could probably at best approximately model actual volume.
  14. I hear what you are saying, but I don't think it really is time. It's convenience and patience. I see a lot of posts (not yours!) that say things like, "I have four jobs and eight children and three wives. I have forty-five seconds to play CoH every other month, and you expect me to be able to compete with those slack-jawed yokels who are playing 26 hours a day, 9 days a week? No, just give me my purple IOs for 10,000 inf each and give me a temp power that will let me solo Hami during my leisure time." There are a lot of things in life that are a lot more important than this silly game, but if you are carving out any time at all to play it, you probably have five extra seconds to put a number other than 5 in the sell box. If you are playing today, you probably will be able to play again within the next few weeks and pick up your buys and sales at your next log in. What the buy it NAO and sell it NAO crowd is paying for is convenience and the lack of patience. Typing 5 is a lot easier and faster than determining a better sell price to get a little more return. Throwing in a high bid to avoid bid creeping is certainly faster, although it must be annoying if your high bid doesn't insta-fill and you have to bid creep anyway. That's A-OK with me. Sometimes I pay up for convenience, but mostly I collect impatience fees from the AH in the 45 hours a day I play marketeer. I'd love it if more people would put some more effort into the AH process, since that would add a little competition and keep it fresh, but I'm perfectly happy to keep the counter on my imaginary currency rolling over.
  15. I think the real problem with a set price regime is in setting a price that will be good for the lifetime of the game. How much is the right price to buy common salvage? Right now that's 10,000 and I don't think too many people would blink at paying that if they needed to. How much is the right price to buy a purple recipe? Right now that's 100,000,000. Do you want to leave that number there, or set it at 100,000? The player supplied market system allows for variation within the prescribed band, and enough people find that interesting and worthwhile. I guess it all goes back to a matter of price, and I'm happy to discuss it mainly because I judge there is a zero percent chance the devs will move to a fixed price vendor offering system. What is the "right" buy it now price for a purple, for an ATO, for a PvP? I'd like to see what the fixed price supporters think is proper. I think 100,000,000 for any item in the game fits, although I'd love it if they raised it from that current price.
  16. I want my Beasts pets to sniff each others' asses. Can we make that happen?
  17. I’m bumping up against the same problem I did last time. Yellow recipes just don’t drop often enough for an unsophisticated marketeer to gain tons of inf. ive been getting 5-10 every 5 levels in standard +1/x1 play. A really simple algorithm could easily net someone 500k+ per craft/convert, but in order to make lots of inf, you either need some knowledge or you need to buy yellows from the AH.
  18. Call it blasphemy, but I’m not even considering ATOs, Purples, or Winter Os high end any more. I Just don’t get the volume I’d like for a 2mm profit/slot. performance shifters in my mind should be higher than they are right now, especially the End Mod. I think some people have been dumping supply from their bases. This is a good reminder to periodically check “dead” sectors, like melee or Gaussians.
  19. The sad thing about this is that 12mm would have been a perfectly acceptable buy it soon(tm) bid. Dam those fat fingers! I hope you find your person!
  20. My rankings on enjoyability/ease of play for the MMsI’ve played (all over 25, all under 50) 1. Demons/Dark 10 2. Beasts/Traps 7 3. Mercs/Time 5 4. Necro/Traps 2 5. Necro/Kinetics 1 My demons is the most recent, and damn they are incredibly overpowered versus the rest. I just started a Thugs/Poison.
  21. I haven't even read this yet and so far it's my favorite guide ever.
  22. I will suggest AH as a topic, which I am happy to spearhead. Something broader would be Economy, but I don't have as much interest in championing that other than to soothe my thirst with the tears of low fixed-cost item advocates.
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