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Everything posted by SwitchFade

  1. I got this, peoples... AR has one gun, Pistols has two guns. Solv'd.
  2. For every min maxed controller I have built, I never take the single target immob, always the single target hold. The immob is a skip.
  3. The game is fine as is, on the whole. The game is balanced around SOs as it should be. IOs make me super tasty. I like tasty.
  4. I know how we can find out... Pack light! And.... do you like fish?
  5. If you want to sap, kin/elec defender
  6. By far the top controller combo for absolute control; hard, soft, area denial, knockdown, damage, debuffs, buffs.... Not only does it lock down absurd area, it neuters AVs. Earth/storm/stone is the gold standard for abusing control.
  7. So, we've as gleaned that Inherents are not slottable, Hide doesn't always need to be on, and shouldn't. So, this is why Hide is fine as is, 1. It's slottable 2. You don't always want it on 3. If it were made auto, it would lose some of its stats @Uunsorry, my question about the inherent was a sarcastic 😝, didn't mean for anyone to actually answer 😱
  8. "Yes, I kicked your dog. Please be kind to me."
  9. Kin basically lives in melee. All your buffs center around your target, so if YOU want huge damage, heals, endurance... you're in melee. Kin does not mesh well with beam.
  10. Or..... Up up down down left right left right ba start to claim 5264?
  11. Based on this, you should just try it because, 1. Your friend is new, likely you will leave difficulty low, everything should fun and easy 2. Your friend is new, every set will be fun 3. Your friend is new ,they may want to try many things 4. The duo you suggested will be safe and put out solid damage It sounds like you should just try the most fun theme and combo you two would like, because if they love playing, that's all that matters. A sonic/kin duo can play most content just fine. If you're sure corrupters are the most fun theme for them, go for it.
  12. All depends on what extreme you want to push it to. If you find it fun, go for it, try it out to lvl 32ish, even without fulcrum you can see the potential. If you plan on maximum, you'll be better off with a different primary, sonic base numbers vs other sets are lackluster, even considering -res. Is there a thematic reason you want duplicate? If one was a kin/xx defender that would be a improvement in overall support figures.
  13. There are plenty of players that use SOs only, or partially and the game balance is centered around SO build capability. Changing that is a fundamental system level shift.
  14. Hmm. I would be in favor of a full review on all secondary powers to see if there are needed tweaks to end use per activation, but a blanket reduction would be a no vote from me.
  15. If low level iO sets were buffed, it would make all my builds even more powerful at all levels, as I said I can +3 at lvl 9, why do I need more? Right now I can and do slot sets starting at level 10, and all buffing them does is make all my builds even more potent. As I said, right now I slot ATO, Winter, low sets and SO. If you buff low sets I still slot ATO, Winter, low sets and SO, the only change is you just gave me a free buff. No vote.
  16. Case for change? If the justification is to "level the playing field," that's very nebulous and I am unconvinced, thus a no vote. All the sets you list perform very well. Why specifically are you advocating for increased DDR on sets?
  17. Aw, thanks. I'll repeat one of my posts, as you may have missed that. The current state, with those sets you mentioned (see this post was targeted at that, I do read), is already a cakewalk and I can +3 by level 9. Buffing more sets is completely unwarranted. Helping is fun 😁
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