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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. So the teleporters themselves are putting my enemies' intestines back into their bellies en route? Fascinating what humans have done with all that technology we helped them build. Too bad those porters can't erase the memories of my deeds from my victims' minds.
  2. I eat babies. This information is nothing new to me. How many millions have I disemboweled on the streets, in office buildings, across the lush grass? I lost track long before Paragon City existed. The people wanted to be gods and there's only one outcome from that greed for power. My side won the war ages ago... evil wins because good is stupid and weak. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to continue my "Hero of the City" job. Heh.
  3. A good way to find out if a set sucks is to compare it to all the other sets in a controlled environment using the same armor set for all your tests. No procmonster builds needed. Pylons are an excellent test of a set's single target DPS, regardless of how the character is built. Same goes for the Trapdoor missions. If max diff is too hard for the builds you run, drop it to +0/x8. Or +0/x4. As long as it remains the same throughout your testing, it'll be fair.
  4. Agreed. While I have many issues with the state of the game, the vast majority of them were around back before the snap. A few have been made worse but it doesn't change the fact that I'm grateful to the dev team for keeping the doors open.
  5. That's what defense is for. 🙂
  6. Depends on your build. Some might smack you into the dirt. Some you might just not have enough ST DPS to get past their mitigation.
  7. Maria Jenkins arc. Either talk to her in PI or through Ouro. Make sure you have AVs enabled in your difficulty settings. There's also a nice mission in AE, Praetorian Invasion by EvaDestruction, that is full of them.
  8. As would we all.
  9. I've watched them all. And everything in the pylon thread. We've gone through so many variations of City of X ... now it's City of Procs. Actual powerset combos and base values mean nothing. It's all about which powersets can leverage damage procs the most.
  10. When is powerset X good? When compared to the other powersets while slotting SOs? Or with a standard set IO build? Or when procmonstered? Or when backed by amplifiers? Or when spamming T3/T4 inspirations? I used to think I had pretty solid builds using what I thought were great (or at least fun and concept fitting) powersets but it's become quite apparent that they're all grossly inferior to what the procmonster crowd is pushing. Threads like this are gonna go round and round until we start laying rules for what's being compared. But knowing that we'll never agree on the rules... just... bah.
  11. Assault/Armor Earth/Bio would be amusing. Nrg/Nrg as well.
  12. Username checks out. Nerf procs. Pretty awesome.
  13. I've long stated that the power order for SR should have been toggles, pb, passives, quickness, elude. Melee, Ranged, AoE, in order for toggles and passives. <shrug> At least on tanks you can grab Evasion at 12. I do run CP/PP-SC/PP on my claws and sr using builds but I also don't do procmonster builds and I do strive for equality amongst damage, mitigation and sustainability for long AV fights.
  14. Copied my swipe-only/inv scrapper to beta. T4ed Musc Core, Degen Core, Ageless Radial, Assault Core. No Pyronic as that wouldn't be kosher. *IF* assault core was perma, she would eventually take it down. However, it isn't, so she can't. 😞
  15. Copied my db/nrg scrapper to test since I didn't want to burn through any more transcendents. Chain is BF, SS, AS, repeat. Musc Core, Ageless Core, Degen Core, Assault Core, Pyronic Core, all used. 2:11 2:32 2:47 RNG appears angry at me tonight.
  16. Can be seen at character creation or in game as long as you don't fire off another attack after Stone Spears. Animation fires once normally then hitches and fist returns to ground. Body type doesn't matter. Primary doesn't matter. Appears 100% repeatable.
  17. In other words:
  18. Are the floating minerals stuck at a certain height above the ground or the head? Can they be made to always sit at head level or do I need to bump the character's height to get them to head level?
  19. No clue how much psi resistance the AVs have but I have watched it tear through the monsters in pretty sick order.
  20. And yet it remains unemplemented and ignored. Perhaps he was being kind.
  21. You showed some math. I, and many others, determined your math was was incomplete, biased and wrong.
  22. My SR brute can do it. Testing my shield tank right now. She died. Since I was testing as I did with my SR tank and brute, that meant no clicking hasten. Which meant AD stopped being doublestacked, which meant cascading defense failure which meant death. Course she probably wouldn't have died had I just kept clicking hasten. Testing that theory now. Yup, as long as hasten is backing up AD, I'll sit at 87.8% DDR. No CDF. And that's with AD only single slotted with a 50+5 recred, Don't currently have a shield brute to try it. Even with the lower resistance levels, it should be ok, too, as long as AD remains doublestacked. That's *IF* the DDR values are the same. I honestly don't know. Yea, SR sucks so much. /insert painful eyeroll here.
  23. Nah, it's just math. It absolutely could be returned to a semblance of balance with enough work. But as I mentioned in other threads, it would tick off so many people that we'd all be better off hosting our own instances and doing it ourselves for the literal handful of people that might agree with our balancing. And as the saying goes, ain't nobody got time for that.
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