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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. Respecs are assuredly NOT easy. The interface is one of the most ridiculous I've seen and it shows it's age. I know this because I've played more modern games in the last 15 years that handle the process much better. I would not mind respecs if the interface and way it's done itself were simpler. So no, if a change requires a respec I simply avoid it. As in I roll a new character.
  2. On a more serious note, not every page is going to be a hit. Paragon learned that over the years. Sometimes there will be more hated or more liked things in a page/issue. That is fine.
  3. So about Hugh Jackman in the next deadpool. Is he going to waring the traditional wolverine costumer? Yay or Nay? 🙂
  4. With that said our time to test things is also volunteer time. If folks don't feel (and I have various disagreement on this idea) their feedback is worth it, then they won't test, as some have said. Also I've always taken issue with calling something a Feedback thread. They are more "test this and let us know if it's broken" threads. Which is fine. Also let's keep in mind not all feedback (even for those who heavily test things and leave pages of testing data) will lead to a change. Which is also fine. I think if folks really want to have a say then they join the options laid about by Flea above BEFORE things hit test. As he explained folks have the option to join at a time when ideas are still in alpha. Maybe that's a better place to try to affect change for those who feel the "Feedback" threads, well aren't.
  5. Except if the main threat is kryptonite or magic . . . then yeah the rest of the league is VERY MUCH often needed. I would keep comic books out of balance discussions, as the way writers write weakness or situations doesn't really always have a clear analogue to games like this.
  6. I don't agree with the idea that the 20s and 30s should be a slog. With the increase in power leveling on HC, I'd argue many others don't either. Anything that can be done to make those level areas more fun is fine to me. Other than creating more content in those ranges faster so that we are not doing the same old missions for the 1000th time (which isn't happening since this isn't a paid dev team and they have lives outside of this) I think smoothing out how and when you get powers is a good thing. Other's mileage will vary. EDIT: Also after the instant pvp lvl 50s release, suggestions were made for instant 50s in PVE again. It got many arguing against it. I wish the OP luck on that, and flame retardant pants. He will need both.
  7. Then the devs should look into the timer. Based on the patch notes they should de-spawn based on that. If that's not happening then it's bug.
  8. Run to a the train of the area. The drones will zap them away. Every city zone has a train area.
  9. If you don't want to speed run . . . don't. Form your own teams as others have said. And do more Hard Mode stuff. Also keep in mind: it's a game. You're not stuck on a team you're not having fun on (for whatever reason). Yes, you ca quit and find another team. For tfs pay attention to what the leader is advertising. If in LFG they are saying "speed this or that" don't expect it to be a team that slows down for any reason. Don't join if you're not interested in speeding through the content just to get the merits. As that is the POINT of those advertised teams.
  10. I'd rather they create a difficulty slider (as someone else said) to make a level between EBs and AVs. I SOLID GOLD NO from me to just making all EBS more difficult.
  11. You and I must be reading a different thread. People asking "why is this necessary" is not the same as attacking you.
  12. Ehhhh if it's not that high, then to me again it's pointless with the crash. I would keep the armor aspect, keep the crash, but reduce how long it lasts and have it turn it up to 11 as others said.
  13. I take Maneuvers when I can. (It's a great LOTG mule also). Tactics though is highly skippable. I've found over the years on teams we have more than enough to hit, especially with Incarnate abilities and the level shifts.
  14. I don't have a dog in the fight about how long it should be however, I will say this: The invisible suppression timer SHOULD BE VISIBLE. It SHOULD NOT require you to think about it in your head. If there is a time that I can't consider my offensive toggle usable then it SHOULD BE visible somewhere on the UI clearly. And no I don't count the tiny icons below the life bar as visible. In a hectic COH fight there is some much going on I'd bet a lot of people don't or cannot take a look there. I would put a counter ON the actual power in the powers UI tray. We already have an experimental feature where you can turn on a visible counter to show when a power is recharged.
  15. Honestly even on more regular played characters, to 50 I don't put ANY drops on the AH or buy anything on the AH. why? Cause of the upgrade with SOs. You just buy SOs early or get the ones that drop, and then just make sure you have enough inf to upgrade them (with the button that does so on the enhancements screen) as you go. I would actually like them to datamine just how many folks actual contribute or take things out of the market on their way to 50. I just usually wait till 50 to buy and sell IOs. Also my converting game is in the level 30s enhancements, not 50s. And I do that on already fully formed 50s. It would be interesting to datamine (if possible) how many others play like me. Start using and contributing to the market when they are already 50s, and not on the way there.
  16. it wouldn’t have much impact from PVE toons since they would have zero IOs also. Both groups have to/would have to fund these new zone stuck insta 50s and it’s a separate sugar mama already slotted 50, or do the usual farming and/or AH marketing strategies to earn inf. From that perspective they would be in the same exact place. One argument against instant level 50 PVE characters is that it might reduce the number of available teammates for lower level content and tfs. However many have said they don’t do lower level content until they have a fully IO’d level 50 to exempt down to do the lower level tfs/sfs (raises hand). I guess the bigger thing is to look into what can be done to improve/refresh the lower level content for those of us who have done it to death for the 1000th time and no longer find it fun. So that an instant level whatever options stops being asked for.
  17. Good point. However to me that’s a problematic argument for why that option now exists (even if I am glad pvpers now have the option). We’ve always been told (by pvpers and everyone else) that you have to put in effort to get your toon ready for pvp or that a pvp build can still be viable in PVE or that you should just use one of your other builds for PVP setup. This seems to be an admission that pve and pvp ARE indeed different enough that none of those previously stated arguments or suggestions were not viable. Or were too much of a time sick and indeed WERE correct reasoning as a response to “why don’t you pvp?”. When some folks brought it up in the past they were told “those are just excuses.” Okay then . . . I would be fine if they restricted these new instant level 50 PVE toons to level 50 zone content, tfs and newspaper/radio missions. with that similar modification in place to the suggestion for instant level 50s for PVE, I ask again what’s the difference?
  18. Pretty much this. When people start talking stupid my do something about it is to leave the zone and not bother with the idiocy for months. Life is to short to deal with stupidity in a video game. If I’m on a team and that’s happening in PVE, guess what I do: I find another team. Ding Ding. I don’t tolerate nonsense in a game I come to for relaxing. Life is too short and real life full of enough of that nonsense in the first place.
  19. With that said if a toggle is suppressed it SHOULD NOT be costing endurance. That’s the only part of what the OP said that I agree with. Also he’s allowed to bring the discussion up again if he doesn’t agree. (though I disagree with just about everything he said besides the endurance issue).
  20. True, except they have just given this option for PVP. I was with the line of argument against it till that happened. Now I have to ask what the difference is? One could make the same argument there yet PVPers got instant LVL 50 pvp toons. You could do the same for PVE and grant no IOS or inf to new level 50 PVE toon.
  21. I ask for the name they are switching to or to send me a tell when they are on that character. If it fills before they switch, not much I can do than to apologize and ask them to join the next run.
  22. Anyone have a Gravity Kinetics build? I'm just getting back into controllers 🙂 I heard such good things about Gravity on controllers and was wondering if its as fun as Storm is. Already have one up to level 42, played ages ago, but would like a build from the experts if possible. lol The one thing I do know is that Singularity is one of the best pets in the game.
  23. The solution is to wait for the devs to datamine just how many folks are getting and adjust costs as needed. As this new currency just came out folks just need to be patient. I find a 2% chance to be a bit low for anyone who wants these items and doesn't want to do the hard mode content. Other solution is just wait for the costs for them to go down on the market as has been mentioned. EDIT: With that said I hope the devs avoid the currency bloat that many other MMOs have fallen into. Last I counted Champions Online for instance has about 15-20 different types of currency for different rewards.
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