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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I've yet to play on a strike force (defines as "any PUG thingy over 8 people") where everyone did follow directions. Every CoP for example is always a learning experience for someone, or sometimes even worse. And let's not get into DfB's "only target the boss here ok?"
  2. Yes, "the good ol' days" were when the game was fun, not overly-consumed with the numbers game like it is today - we can agree on something! 😃
  3. First part, yes, that's me and I'm still pretty sure that is what they were designed for. I never said it mathematically made sense,. 😃 I said it was fun. I was recently on a team with a second stalker and we were both having fun playing scout just in front of the tsunami of the rest of the team, dropping the bigger targets just as they rolled up. Fun!
  4. And get a good chuckle out of a Knockdown Proc in your TP power making them all flop onto their backs soon as you show up. There's a reason my BAMPF melee stalker is my sort-of Main.
  5. Pretty sure though that's how they were intended to be played at first, that one big POW of an AS from Hide is very satisfying! I also found it a fair amount of fun to take things slow that way when soloing around; I'm rarely concerned with the "mathematical" aspects of planning out the game, that's just not fun for me.
  6. I'm probably late to the game here, but... Stalkers were my fave back on Live (and my current-sort-of-Main). Like how Doms had a set pattern of play ("Control, then attack while they're helpless"), Stalkers did too, "go invisible, drop the biggest target, then punch away at anyone else (and Placate might save your skin)." The crits from Hide are nothing to sneeze at, and that ATO just gives you more, so they're wonderful. These days of course, they play a bit differently, so they're sort of strange sideways Scrappers. I tend to open up with an AoE (if I have one) to crit it across everyone I can at first, and THEN slam the biggest target with AS... to possibly go back into Hide for another AoE crit. (Then again, my Main is an AoE king amongst Stalkers because he uses so many Combat TP powers to open things up; it's a whole thing.)
  7. You mean the WASD controls? I've done that too after logging off. There's also a little plaque/marker in front of a building I walk by going to work, I keep wanting to mouse my little blue hand over it to read it...
  8. Here's an odd one: I keep assigning a custom spawn to use the "Nemesis Rifle 2" for their AR powers, but it always defaults back to the basic, uh, default, rifle look. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?
  9. The devs have made those frustrating CoT maps 150% more confusing!!
  10. I've always enjoyed red side more, I like the general aesthetic, sue me - Blue side came first and it shows; then Red side came later once hey got better at their graphics; then Gold showed up and looks fantastic, but I don't like how it plays there - so Red side for me. I don't have to remember which zone Eden or Boomtown or whatever branches off of, I can just hop a ferry and get there, even at level one before I hit the P2W lady on Mercy, if I want. I did like the ATs better too, not that that's such an issue now of course. But I like to PUG, so... blue side it is now I guess, sigh, but I'm always willing to hop sides given the chance; I usually do when someone offers a team or SF on red.
  11. But it helps us maintain our air of mystery and ominousness!
  12. But if I wanna tell 2001:A Space Odyssey, I'm TSOL on that budget, which did used to exist. If I say I don't wanna run a Mercs MM because they're not working well (better now I presume, I still haven't refitted mine) or post a request for them to be improved, no one bats a eye. I don't see this being too much different. But I also know nothing about Storm Blast, I should go over and see if any of that could be applied to my current arc...👀
  13. There's being all inspirational and stuff, "working with what you have," and then there's "this thing used to work, wth?! 😃 The problem cropped up during live and broke arcs I had already published (and has kept me from reposting some of them on HC). I am working with AE right now, matter of fact, and it appears that the problem indeed doesn't pop up as often and guaranteed as it used to be, shockingly, but this is still like finding out the E key on your computer is busted "so go ahead and write your novel without using the letter !" Sure, it can be done, but wouldn't it be better if it worked like it used to and is supposed to?
  14. Late to the game here, but yeah, if I'm sitting around being lazy and not leading my own team, which is always, and I see a call go up for a red-side team, I'm more than happy to switch.
  15. I did this for all of one character who was already supposed to look like a Fir Blog. But Can't see doing it for anyone else until we get Tuatha... (hint hint)
  16. "Really couldn't think of a good costume and was willing to pay for it."
  17. The characters I liked I moved ages ago, maybe that's been common too.
  18. I recall a story that I heard back in the live days: someone found a similar way to get really tall, like the entire character model, not just the parts, and they were standing around playing dumb "I dunno man, it just happened or something!" They got banned.
  19. I have my Savage/Shield stalker who took the jump attack powers in both, Spring Attack and Combat TP just for something to do when the others are on cool down, so he can get closer to hit someone. I was getting tired of having to run down various shifting targets, so why not just BAMPF over to where they are? I also as a matter of course mostly avoid taking Boxing/Tough/Weave as I hate toggles I can't afford to run at first and completely wasting a power slot. Cookie cutter builds are just dull.
  20. Yeah, it's one of those things that's gotten poisoned by the online hate crowd. I still hold open doors as well, for anyone.
  21. Have seen the term thrown around in the pejorative sense that I quoted, often, I'm sticking with the idea it's been kind of corrupted by the reactionary crowd. You can make up your mind differently of course.
  22. From the Wikipedia page for it: "White knight" is also used as derogatory slang, often by men's rights activists, to refer to men who are trying to curry the favor of women by protecting them, alongside other, similar terms, such as "simp" or "whipped".[4] The usage of the term implies that men, when doing nice things for women, are motivated only by sexual desires.[5] Let's not to to get too 4chan-y in here, plz and thang-que
  23. This is why in the real world the rich do what they can to control the government, so they can set such into statute and common law as much as possible. But that's just redside commie talk, heh heh
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