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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I was just about to say that myself, the costume creator leans way too far into "City of Armors" for my personal tastes.
  2. Ha! Nice try, but we all know that birds aren't real!!
  3. Sometimes the character does really grab you. I've told this story before, but I had a great idea for a new toon (Grav/Dark Troller) and had a blast with him from word go. Except wait second... checked my character list and sure enough, I'd already made one previously, even got him up to like 40-something? Then just forgot about him, he never clicked right somehow, and I had forgotten he even existed. The newer toon is of course now past 50.
  4. Probably a stupid question here, but will those new defeat badges retroactively be doled out, or will I have to go re-defeat a hundred Minotaurs or whatever? Slightly related dumb question, is Vidiot Maps going to be updating for the new exploration badges?
  5. But we're getting Aeon's Gloves this time aren't we?
  6. I once checked with one of the kiosks on a character and found out I had participated in the defeat of over fifty thousand individuals! And I wasn't even a 50th level character yet! So I totally buy that about Knives, no way there's just 100 of them!
  7. The new harder mode should thin the herd quickly. Might be fun to watch!
  8. I've been "pandaring" to this demographic since the days of Live when I had a Panda-based AE arc! Ended up using the main character and contact from that for the basis of a number of toons, too. I really should go back to that...
  9. Yeah, I've used the stars to both remind me of how good a leader they were (or how funny they are, etc.) and to remind me of "oh yeah, better avoid that guy."
  10. Yeah, I like it because it fits my character's theme, but it's never a T9 that makes me cackle with glee as mobs of foes drop, or anything.
  11. That would explain why I wasn't sure, I rarely play blasters.
  12. I was under the impression they'd de-crashed some of these powers, was I wrong?
  13. This. My first "main" back on Live was an SS'er, and Grandville was a real PITA. Now that I can buy jet packs easily, the Sprint/Slide combo does me easily well enough. I don't need to ricochet down the street like a drunken pinball anyway.
  14. That was you? That happened to me when I was standing by the trainer at the tram station working on a costume slot. The frame kept shaking, I kept hearing fighting sounds... after a few minutes I was like "I oughta finish this and go check." That was fun!
  15. Ok, but other than that, how did you enjoy the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
  16. Sounds like a perfect option to drop on the nice P2W ladies in Atlas and Mercy, so sure, why not? Going price, 10, 25 mill?
  17. I'm currently leveling a Bots/Emp MM who has both the basic gun attack that comes with Bots [whatever that's called] and Arcane Bolt. I normally just set for bodyguard mode and run in first, gun- and bolt-blazing, and she feels pretty scary on top of her pets. I mean, if you want 15 attacks, then yeah, that's not going to work, an MM is a support class character. I suppose one could really skimp on the support power set and go for more attacks though.
  18. I've wondered how true that would be. But on the other hand it would limit them, assuming a decent kick/ "whiplash" kind of animation might be found; you'd have to set every kick animation, for whatever powerset, to that one single one, which would visually get old quickly, most likely. Not that I care, I still want it anyway.
  19. Yet another knock against the Incarnate system. Besides needing rethinking, it needs better descriptions. Somehow it's like a big complex system dropped into the game with no instruction manual.
  20. I'm still waiting on below-the-belt snake bodies...
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