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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. I don't remember for sure, honestly. This was back around Halloween, so it's been awhile... I don't *think* it took quite long enough for that, though. I want to say I deleted the placeholder fairly early in the day Pacific time, found I couldn't get it to work at that point, but was successful when I came back to it later the same night or early the next morning. It was at least a few hours between attempts, but no more than a day.
  2. Was the original character on the same account you're trying to make the new version on? I noticed awhile back that when I deleted the temporary "place-holder" version of a character that I had on @laughingcrow in order to switch over and make the "real" version on @coyotedancer that I actually had to wait a bit before the game would let me do that. Apparently it held the name as taken for a bit. Eventually it did clear, and I could make the new character as usual... But that wasn't instant.
  3. Wow. The rivalry between the First National Bank of Paragon and Paragon Mutual must really be heating up...
  4. I buy them more often than I sell.. and I absolutely refuse to give anyone 10m for the things. I mean, why the devil would I? For the same 10m I could just go buy a pack myself, and use some the converters it's bound to throw at me to get whatever ATO I wanted, plus the other things in the pack as a bonus.
  5. Toss in some Rularuu, too, just for fun... Eyeballs are like honey badgers, They just don't care what your Defense is.
  6. And both sides completely forget that duo/trio "small teams" even exist and that running that way gives still a different perspective on the game...
  7. There are at least three of us... Mine's name is Sokari. He's on Excelsior. 👍
  8. As for "Yeah. That's evil." arcs... There's also that low-level one in Mercy with the ex-Longbow guy. His name escapes me, but that arc ends in a way that's all kinds of skeevy.
  9. In general, I think we're fine where we are... That aside, the "hit and run" lifestyle hasn't really been A Thing for Stalkers in years, Bill. That was pretty much in dodo-territory even before the ATO procs and "fast assassination" changes came along and really rocked the stalking world. You really ought to come run with Kai and Blue some time so we can show off what a couple of well-built Stalkers are like these days.
  10. Monkey gas plays absolute havoc with pets... We'd have mechs and Lore pets and fire-monkeys and Mastermind minions running from one end of the war zone to the other. While that might make the nerf-herders happy, because pets of any kind would basically become useless on raids, it would also be pretty annoying.
  11. *looks around at her entire crew of creepy, body-snatching Oranbegan ghosts* Nope. Never done it. I have no idea what you're talking about. 🤣
  12. For what are probably obvious reasons... I want the Oranbegan architectural pieces. The stairs, angled walls, tunnel edgings and all that, to go along with the wooden bits, crystals, giant heads and such that we've already got. (Yes. I may want to make an Oranbegan base that actually LOOKS like an Oranbegan map. 😝)
  13. Moving to a new server by your own choice is a whole different ball of yarn than being forced into it by a merge, I think... And I'm saying that as someone who lost the name of a day one pre-start character in Aion when they merged my original server with a larger one. <_< Losing a name in a voluntary move is bad enough... Losing one to something you DIDN'T have a choice about is much more annoying.
  14. Name: Barn Cat Character Type: Claws/Fire Brute Server: Everlasting Level: 50 Alignment: Hero Classification: Assorted Magical Beings Group: Ordus Viatoris The Details: Sometimes ominous-looking black cats are just cats... And sometimes they're actually Abyssal entities that are only pretending to be cats. In either case, they're great for keeping the rats under control. [The barn cat is a tag-along companion character for Ossuni, my zen-mode farmer. He's built to follow along and help hold aggro on large groups. Not really a roleplayed character so much as a pet, he's a "cat-demon of few words".)
  15. One big argument against merging servers... The "Who gets to keep their name?"-fights would be absolutely brutal.
  16. Barn Cat would definitely +1 this... I ended up giving that angry furball the smooth wolf tail to get closer to reasonable proportions. We need chonk-tails!
  17. My middle nephew and his mum just started playing the game... They've been at it for less than a month, and came in as total n00bs. They started with a Brute and a Dominator.
  18. Mine was a tank, who only made it to about 30 before I remembered why I'd never been a big fan of playing Super Strength tanks. 😝
  19. Poor Able... That name just seems to be cursed. *HOW* many of us have tried (and failed-) to find something to do with it now?
  20. I wonder if it would be possible to have scanner/paper missions work more like the Tips? As mentioned already, you can do any level range of tips in any zone. They're independent of each other. If scanner missions could be constructed the same way... say, based on the character's level rather than the zone's... you could do your level 50 Council, or Malta, or Carnie, or *whatever* scanners ANYWHERE, which would solve both the "Skulls are silly at 50" faction problem AND the "Why can I only get scanners in Zone X when I'm Level Y?" issue. 'No clue if that would be possible with City's tangled mess that passes for code, though...
  21. It wasn't just a Freedom-specific practice. I remember seeing broadcasts for that kind of thing back on Liberty, too, in the Live days... It's always seemed silly to me to ask for any kind of payment from tag-alongs, though. As a strictly "active only" farmer (I don't AFK, solo or teamed-), when I invite other people along on my runs, it's just done as a favor. Sure, I take an INF hit when bringing in other people. And yes, I might not be the one who happens to get any interesting recipe drops.... But if those things were really a big concern, I'd just run solo. Getting a little less of a return in exchange for having someone to chat with while I'm burning down all the goons? It's a fair trade... And not to put too fine a point on it, I already have more purples and PvPs in storage than I'll reasonably ever need. I'm a *farmer*. Eventually that just comes along with the territory. So, why not "share the wealth" so to speak. My tag-alongs usually don't have farm characters of their own or the kind of resources that come with that, and so those potential Shiny Recipe Drops typically mean a lot more to them than they would to me.
  22. The large robots seem to be. I've been blocked by knocked-over Council bots in sewer map doorways more times than I can count. 'Pretty sure it still happens with Malta Hercs and Zeus bots as well, though I see Malta in missions much less than Council so it isn't as frequent a thing.
  23. 'Not sure I'd want a Global on a Stalker, but it could be fun to have, say, a Melee or PBAoE set that had a Special along the lines of Sudden Acc's KB-to-KD, that added a Provoke or Taunt effect to the one particular attack it was slotted in.
  24. The big Council and Malta bots *always* fall over in the middle of the narrow sewer map or office doorway. And block you in until they fade. Because they're jerks. <_< Getting past that not-so-little problem is just one more reason to love Sorcery's Mystic Flight teleport option... But I wouldn't be opposed to having some little "X number of charges, for Y bit of INF" short-range teleport P2W temp power for people who don't want to go that route. It's a minor annoyance, sure. But it IS annoying.
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