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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. i made an elec/shield stalker for this same reason. i think my choice is between scrapper and stalker at the moment, both good versions of the combination will make both on test and see which i prefer
  2. the data is really hard to align with perception - i want to make an ice/ice *something* soon and my brain won’t accept that the tank would also be a suitable option for good damage tanks are such a good AT thesedays, i agree with you that people are unaware however. i see a lot of outdated trends promoted
  3. overall however, if you want to clear content - often the primary objective of seeking higher dps, then tanks are the best choice if one was wanting a melee pvp AT then yes, tanks would not be the optimal choice
  4. brutes tend to have lower damage than tanks and scrappers in the current version of the game, they’re often the worst choice if you’re looking for a high damage melee AT a player did some comprehensive testing of brutes, scrappers and tanks recently. tanks are the highest DPS choice for melee players
  5. surely any alt goldside will be a solo ambition? 😛 dom or corr would also work well solo if you want some additional challenge - blaster could be fun too if you enjoy the glass cannon playstyle
  6. i’ve played my kin/sonic defender a crazy amount as it’s one of my 3 alts i play on HC since 2019 - it does speedruns (9min ITF), hard mode Aeon TFs etc.. it has a build of mostly SOs and a few cheap IO sets 🤷‍♂️ kin is such a forgiving set to play as your primary is 90% of your contribution. my advice as someone who plays a kin defender *a lot* is to genuinely not worry and just get on with it radiation would be an AMAZING secondary for kin. the huge amount of -defence irradiate gives will support your team so much at the lower levels, combined with speed boost hope you enjoy it, definitely don’t overthink it!
  7. debt certainly feels less impactful thesedays
  8. oh boy, wait until this guy finds out about the CoX badge system
  9. perhaps those people are unaware you can auto level any character to 50 on the test server along with free IOs and all other unlocks instantly
  10. when i play another alt other than my mind/fire permadom i realise how capable it is. it’s mostly used as a high damage ranged blaster, with the insta-lockdown mez controls for spicy moments
  11. i use the macro noted by Chemist above this post. sometimes bind it to a key also /macro FIND target_custom_next enemy alive Sapper for ease of use if i’m hopping about i’ll put the macro on the first tray and mash the 1 key when i need it heavily. helps so much for things like vines during the CoV respec TF, or surgeons during ITFs
  12. for future mishes, have you considered using a finding macro? i find it invaluable when looking for certain foe
  13. less gimmicks with new powers would also be nice. i‘d like a normal powerset without a ton of janky combo builders, special effects etc
  14. run TFs with enemies buffed and no insps mode enabled, makes for a very engaging and fun experience. a sensible balance of challenge and pace
  15. tankers out damage brutes on the testing i’ve linked in a few threads bigboy tank best melee AT
  16. it could hold a place in the morgue stalkers are relatively squishy, i just carry a T3 wakie and get on with things if i go down if you aint dying you aint living
  17. show some sensitivity - people have been too upset to speak about it until now this is the ED of the modern era. the puke era has just ended, things ahead are looking dark and unknown. and slightly pukey
  18. looking at the fantastic test results, scrapper would be the best bet for energy melee, followed by tank in my opinion and looking at the linked data, brutes are rarely the optimal melee AT in the modern area, save for a few very minor exceptions edit: i would also recommend creating an energy melee stalker on test. the ability to control your crits plus quick-AS makes it a ridiculously good ST damage combo
  19. hope he doesn’t vomit
  20. it still blows my mind and defies the laws of science
  21. in my opinion a scrapper would be a better solo character than a brute. the data dump from december showed tanks performing quite highly too as betty says, there’s a lot of info available and most things come down to personal preference - e.g. i wouldn’t trade my dom for the world i’d say build whatever looks like the most fun and post on here if you have any queries as you go along welcome back
  22. impossibly unrealistic scenario to RP around
  23. no, however you can pass them to other people you’re standing close to
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