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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. I'll give up ... Poseidon Avenger Project Thor Rollerball
  2. Off topic: Such a cool avatar ... I had to see if they were real. They are!
  3. These are my next character names! 😉 Save us, Fairly Large Gun! You're our only hope!
  4. I feel that. What do you think they could do in future, to improve the state of the game? Revert to pre-incarnates? Waste all that expensive development work, not to mention all the effort players have put into grinding the powers? ... I think we're a shark now, we can only move forwards. What that means ... I think it would be great to have a big old discussion on THAT topic.
  5. The following is my opinion, if you disagree, please be respectful. I agree with nearly all of your post, but I'm not sure I agree that the proposed alternative would retain players in a commercial version of the game. Unless, it came thick and fast, which I believe AE allows us to do. I think allowing people to switch teams is a shame because it means nearly everybody ends up on blue, to be with other players - it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. An inescapable spiral. It's somewhat disappointing, I have to say, especially when you can do so with minimal effort. I understand convenience is a wonderful thing, but the story of your character is marred by Null-the-Gull - when you should be doing dastardly things in order to become a villain. It should BE a story not a light switch. And I get it, I don't HAVE to use the seagull, but when it's THERE... it's just there - all you do it press a thing. It's too tempting, especially if the other method feels like a chore. Regarding Incarnates I think the NCSoft watched WoW with envious eyes and drooling jowls. I'm not going to say they were told what to do, but the Paragon devs tried to implement open world Raid-Like content. I can't say it's a bad idea - it's the meat and drink of Guild Wars 2 even today, but I don't get a kick out of it at all. Pressing 1111 whilst watching some feet/tentacles - it's a bit on the lame side, even when it's Lusca. Sorry Lusca. ... and you can see what the players would have said if the story kept going along the lines of "help <Legendary NPC> do a thing". It would be nonsense along the lines of "this story isn't about me". Because when you're top-tier you expect to be their equivalent, not their lacky anymore.
  6. I barely play my 50 characters. I wonder why? I recognise that Ouroboros exists, but; Is all the content at 50 Incarnate trials? Is there soloable stuff for 50s that isn't Ouroboros?
  7. I think Butt Gun was in a film I watched very late last night. I think it was called, "You Can Shove Your Butt Gun" ... erm, I mean ... <cough> I'm a fine upstanding citizen. I don't watch those sorts of films!
  8. Well I'm stumped. Where will I find a counter to that argument? I sure hope someone comes up with something ... Oh. Thanks.
  9. I think it's important to have this discussion. I also believe that even the most ardent advocate of land grabbing is happy with the system as long as the time period is reasonable. Even @ivanhedgehog admits that one year might be fine.
  10. NPCs in video games, innit? Especially effin' old 'uns. TL;DR AI=Adumb
  11. It's number.. hey, haaaang on a minute ...
  12. Now who's making fallacious analogies?
  13. Ehm.. no. I don't see how the amount of time changes whether I'm right or wrong. I think I'm either one or the other in the whole of my opinion. I think you mean to suggest that a year might be a more appropriate timescale for the proposed system. In which case, we're debating over the parameters within the proposed system and not whether it's reclamation rather than theft. There's no sophistry here.
  14. Working as intended, in that case!
  15. Thanks for all your modding work 🙂 It was nice to have you around.
  16. I'd love the devs to have a go at switching the environments from time to time. it'd be great to see what Steel Canyon would look like given the Gotham treatment.
  17. My teleport sfx mod is great for this, you can hear them "pop" when they return.
  18. We need an Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo ... etc. etc. and so on and so forth, etc.
  19. Obviously the AE was never there. It was is some inception shit - a conception of itself in which it must have existed and so it did. Sadly, the really hot cup and tea went cold and the infinite improbability of it being there in the first place unwound into a faint possibility.
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