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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. Herotu


    Heh! That's what I thought, too.
  2. I'll wager it means about the same as 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42.
  3. If you want to keep the poster up-to-date, just remove the currency symbol. 99 what? 99 peanuts?
  4. Yep. I dumped Rage. The downside isn't worth it. 🙂
  5. Heraclea loved a lot of the music I do. I was browsing the "Return of the Son of Jukebox" thread and his signature has a bunch of ... I think they're supergroup base and architect codes. Presumably his work? Certainly worth exploring, and (to the devs) perhaps saving, somehow, in honour of Steve.
  6. IMHO People have to make the game tricksy like this because the standard method (difficulty selection) is boring.
  7. Someone mentioned it in another thread, so here it is: Faith No More - Be Aggressive
  8. The post literally says it can be a copy of your original character aka no change.
  9. Should be a sound effect, but the problem is that there are so many possible hero-types that a single sound effect wouldn't be appropriate for many of them. I don't know how the sfx could be improved. I prefer more mundane sounds than the kapow things we have, but thankfully, we can mod it! 🙂
  10. I don't want to derail the thread, but I am confused about the timeline as I play the game - particularly the later events when you're probably max level. I remember that crey stuff was around 50 from the original game, but the extra content boggled my poor ickly brainypops 😞
  11. Isn't CoH set in 2005? I mean, it's way before all the bad stuff happened!
  12. I was thinking about Rage as an animation and how literature/graphic novels do rage. Specifically two Rages: Jekyll and Hyde and The Hulk So my suggestion is that the Rage power has an alternate costume that you switch to during your Rage. That costume slot could contain a copy your regular costume (AKA a "no change" flag), OR it could contain a new costume which you switch to for the duration of the Rage. Perhaps you could have a costume change animation of your choice that triggers first, though that might be a bit crap in the middle of a fight. You would still have Rage's regular glow. Another suggestion regarding Rage is for the Rage Crash - your character gets a limp for a while (not one that affects your movement, but you look lame/tired for the duration of the crash). The idea behind this is to give a visual indication of whatever effect your character has, rather than stacking yet another glowy aura on you.
  13. I like that - what would your solution be? I'd propose; changing the name of the current set to RAGE and tweak it so Rage is a more prominent feature, so the set has a good damage boost for brief periods. Then add another set called Super Strength that has lower, but more reliable damage. Alternatively, there could be a whole suite of new strength sets to really add some variety to the concept, since there are so many strong comicbook heroes - or this variety could be added as part of the power cusomisation.
  14. A lot of the game seems to be like this, which is great because you're not trudging through tomes of lore - but it's bad because you don't know what's going on. But that's good because you don't want to spoil the story, but it's bad because you don't get the story at all. In summary, I'd like know enough backstory about each faction to know why they exist and where. What they're upto and why is something we should discover over time through the missions.
  15. That's WHY it would be awesome! Actual threats! You know, ones that need heroes to defeat? Best of all, it's the ORGANIC content that every game developer and his grandma would kill for!
  16. Really? I find that quite interesting, as long as I'm still in range of the immob at the end of the cast. I'll agree that being immobed from a gazillion miles away because some mob spotted me when I buzzed it last year isn't fun at all.
  17. Jesus Jones - Right Here, Right Now
  18. The Stone Roses - I am the Resurrection (extended)
  19. I never understood this. If you're going to edit a post, why not edit the main post?
  20. Interesting topic. I have to query the premise a little, though. If there's not "one true fun", and we all find different things fun, does that mean that the game should appeal to everybody? For starters, it's a specific genre - so we've immediately turned off a section of people. On a less antagonistic note, I'd say that in order to find out what direction to focus, you're probably looking at creating a Venn diagram of what various people find fun (within this audience - i.e. not everybody) and then aiming to create a aspect of gaming that is in the most cross-over sections. I suspect you'll end up with vague concepts such as "progression", "stories" and "feeling powerful".
  21. I used enhancers as you suggested, but once I had enough inf, I looked at profit margins. Check out purples, they sell for most. Then look how much the recipe goes down to on the market. That's your buy price. Then see how much the crafted enhancement goes up to on the market. That's your sell price. The difference is your margin. Take a couple of million off the margin for the crafting cost. If the number is sufficiently positive, it's worth crafting-to-sell.
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