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Adeon Hawkwood

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Everything posted by Adeon Hawkwood

  1. So 1.5billion to insta-level a character? That would make a nice inf sink. Please add an option to buy merits in bulk though, I think clicking the buy merits button 1500 times would take longer than just leveling them. If it was an influence sink along the level of 1.5 billion influence per token, I’d be +1 with this. It still requires effort and keeps people in the game, and it wouldn’t be a “gimme” for most players Well you can buy merits for 1million inf each so setting it to 1500 merits would be equivalent to 1.5billion if you bought the merits. Now if they level boost item was tradeable the market price would probably be lower but that's harder to predict since it would affect the general merit market price.
  2. So 1.5billion to insta-level a character? That would make a nice inf sink. Please add an option to buy merits in bulk though, I think clicking the buy merits button 1500 times would take longer than just leveling them.
  3. I just put them in as enhancements at the max level for their set. Since the only difference is exemplaring that works fine for doing builds.
  4. You can check the wiki: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Super_Pack The homecoming devs removed the costume pieces and other account-wide unlocks and I think they may have tweaked some of the numbers but the basic list is unchanged.
  5. What AT are you on? According to Pine's Spring Attack is a 1.5 damage scale attack. So assuming that you're on something like a Tanker or a Corruptor with moderate melee damage scales then I would expect to see about 120 damage. Example: A tanker has a melee damage scale of 0.8, Obliteration gives 96.3% damage enhancement. 1.5 * 0.8 * 55.61 * 1.963 = 131 total damage. So yeah 120 damage sounds about right. As for it being labeled "Superior" damage, personally I would have labeled it as "High" rather thna "Superior" but the game as a whole isn't super consistent with those terms.
  6. Keep in mind with mez resistance it functions a lot like recharge. So 100% mez resistance will halve the duration of mezzes. It's definitely useful but it's somewhat subject to diminishing returns.
  7. I mean to be fair a sidekicked character generally isn't as powerful as one in the actual level range (fewer powers/slots). If you're cranking up the difficulty a bit then asking for somewhat higher level characters isn't completely unreasonable. On the other hand so long as they are level 22+ (i.e. they have SOs) the difference isn't that big of a deal.
  8. The WST gives about half a level of XP. If you have double XP on this is then doubled to give you about 1 level worth of XP.
  9. So the new economy is based almost entirely around Enhancement Converters. Basically people like myself buy up cheap uncommon recipes, convert them into rare enhancements and sell those. This means that unlike live crafted enhancements are often cheaper than buying recipes and crafting them. If you have merits that you want to convert into Inf buying either Enhancement Converters or Enhancement Boosters tends to be the most profitable option, earning you about 250K-300K per merit (before market fees). Other than that things are a lot cheaper than on live. Most good rare enhancements cost about 5-8million inf each. Purple IOs tend to go for ~20million. Finally note that the market uses a bracketing system so all levels of an IO along with the attuned version share a set of buy/sell offers and thus cost the same price.
  10. So there are several IOs that give knockback protection. For incarnates Clarion gives mez protection. You cna also take Acrobatics for a little bit of hold protection if you want.
  11. Just as a heads up, there is a secret option to let you filter out toggles as well as auto-powers. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,5424.0.html It's not quite "show only my powers" but it gets you pretty close.
  12. To some extent it's kind of true. Things like purples and such will always be rare but for Uncommon and Rare enhancements the real limiting factor is people spending the time to convert useless enhancements into useful ones. So more people spending time converting enhancements means that more enhancements are available on the market and the price of a non-purple build comes down. Now obviously there's a limit, people won't spend time converting enhancements unless they can make a profit doing so but at the end of the day more people converting means more stuff is available.
  13. In general the only "gear checks" I've seen are for incarnate content where a certain level of gear is required for the content. You need an alpha slot ability to do Apex & Tin Mage (unless you like have a -4 levels debuff) and for trials beyond BAF, Lamda and Keyes you really need at least some level shifts.
  14. Did you deal with the generators to weaken it first?
  15. I just put a single End Mod IO in Stamina (and the Miracle proc in Health) and I've been fine for endurance. I'm sure regarding the Hydra enhancements, the wiki says that it's Heal/End Reduction and I know for a fact that Golgi Exposure (the Hamidon equivalent) are Heal/End Reduction. In any case it's largely academic, Hydra and Crystal Titan enhancements aren't available at level 50 (unless the SCORE team changed something) so you'd need to use Hamidon Enhancements and I know they don't have an End Mod version.
  16. Those actually buff Endurance Reduction, not Endurance Modification, so they aren't particularly useful for sustain powers. Personally for my Blaster (/Devices) I went with: 2 x Endurance Reduction IOs 1 x Healing IO 1 x Numina: Healing IO 1 x Numina: Regeneration/Recovery IO 1 x LotG Recharge Speed IO That gets me plenty of regen and recovery plus I pick up a little more regen from the Numina set bonus and the recharge speed from the LotG.
  17. The other option would be to lean into it and make it a set based around a Grenade Launcher weapon. Now that we've got a no-redraw option for animations this wouldn't be as problematic as it was on live so you could have a control set where you have a Grenade Launcher that fires various support grenades. The SWAT Grenadier model in game has a Grenade Launcher so that gives a starting point for weapon model and animations.
  18. Ah, good point. I was going by the wiki (which says it does refresh) but I would take Arcanaville's explanation over the wiki in this case. So it probably doesn't refresh.
  19. I wouldn't both with Combat Training: Offensive. It's a great power to take while leveling but with an IO build you don't really need it. Between Tactical Training: Leadership, the accuracy slotting in your powers and the incidental accuracy you pick up form other IO sets you really don't need the extra accuracy from CT:O.
  20. The 10 second cooldown doesn't actually exist. It's a bit of "common knowledge" that was created by misinterpreting some early testing results that got propagated by the community. Arcanaville has spoken! http://web.archive.org/web/20120911134507/http:/boards.cityofheroes.com/showpost.php?p=3923625&postcount=18 The more important part is that you can't double stack it, or refresh it. if you get two procs it just refreshes the duration.
  21. Always managed it solo just fine. Just took a full pack of inspirations to do it. Yeah, good use of inspirations lets pretty much any character solo most EBs.
  22. There's a slash command to feed a pet an inspiration: /inspexec_pet_name insp_name pet_name I haven't really played around with this in game, however from what I've seen in general feeding inspirations to a pet doesn't seem to have a cooldown or count as using a power (since you can do it while mezzed) so in theory it should be possible to make a bind that feeds a pet multiple inspirations at a time. Also, a useful tip, if you drag an inspiration to the power bar you can find the exact in-game name which could help if you're having trouble with it not parsing correctly. Another tip, if you need a complicated Bind, try making it as a Macro first, that way you can more easily edit and tweak it to get it working correctly and then just copy it as a bind later.
  23. I'm not going to disagree with your assertion from a damage viewpoint (largely because I don't know either way). However from a practical viewpoint I think if someone says "I want to make a Fortunata" there's an unstated assumption that they want to use the Psi blast powers even if those are suboptimal. It's like if someone came into the Scrapper forum and asked for advice on a Sword/Inv scrapper, telling them that a Dark/Shield scrapper would be better is technically correct but also fundamentally useless for them.
  24. Full Auto and Flamethrower do not. Unlike Rain powers (which do a scourge check for every tick) Full Auto and Flamethrower are not pseudo-pet powers so they only do a single scourge check when the power activates. So you either get full double damage or no double damage. Ignite is a pseudo-pet and was updated for Corruptors so it should be able to scourge on every tick although I haven't tested it myself.
  25. I've noticed that. Another weird thing is that if the target is on an area that has a second floor underneath it then it will sometimes target the lower floor instead of the target's location.
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