Awesome playing with your kids!
Accuracy at low levels, I hear ya.. though at low levels, maybe we should be scared of things. I'm okay with flying or jumping over buildings while firing lasers out of my eyes letting me feel super.
Oh crud there's a RED. -or- Run it's a PURPLE.
The descriptions for con (Consideration System) levels are:
Yellow = "A bit ahead of your power level. Combat-oriented characters should engage solo with caution, avoiding them when they’re in large groups."
Orange = "Substantially ahead of your power level. Only characters skilled in combat should attempt to engage solo, and then only with extreme caution."
Red = "Significantly ahead of your power level. Should not be engaged one-on-one."
Purple = " Far ahead of your power level. Do not engage one-on-one. Purples near your level may be successfully engaged in groups."
I don't think we need to feel like the most powerful force in the universe early in the game. I'll disagree with " There is a lot of room for improvement here ".