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Everything posted by Andreah

  1. Even though it would break the rules, I hope they used a macro to do that. Eugh, it's worse, you can only hold 20 stacks on a character at a time anyhow. Think of all the character slots needed just to store it all off the AH. Or just storing it in auction slots, and rotating between slots of bids to buy, stored slots, and slot offers to sell. Yuck; all those stacks would take 60-odd characters (or more if they don't all have maximum auction slots) to post for sale anyway. All this work for ... common salvage? Eww.
  2. I see them selling at 70K still. I'm going to unload a few I stocked from last year. This doesn't make money in any significant way, it's just amusement.
  3. Is the candy cane market already crashing?
  4. Let's see.... 10,000,000 rare seeded at 1,000,000 each ... nope not enough inf. ... but all the yellow salvage? Hrm...
  5. No, but you can bid for them. :D
  6. Now imagine Iron Will were sold flor thirty threads each as a surprise in the next patch!
  7. I've been on break from CoH since just before the recent issue and am considering coming back with a new Inv/SS tanker, and these discussions are very interesting.
  8. Can you post a screenshot of exactly what you posted them for sale for and exactly the prices they sold for? At this point, we all have so much confidence the math always does jive that the alternative explanation, that you misread (or charitably, didn't provide exact numbers) the values is vastly more likely. Example: Item 1 is posted for 10,000,000. Poster pays 5% up front, or 500,000. It sells for 10,000,000. The poster pays the balance of the 10% final sales fee of 1,000,000, which is 500,000, when they collect the sale. Item 2 is also posted for 10,000,000, and 500,000 is also paid up front to list it. It sells for 15,500,000. The total fee due from the sale is 1,550,000, of which the poster already paid 500,000; and the balance of 1,050,000 is paid when collecting the sales.
  9. Andreah


    I used to go through a lot too, but I've temporarily stopped using/buying them. So that's possibly a small factor on the demand side of the equation as well.
  10. There is so much more to the game being massively multiplayer than being on a team that I don't know where to begin. Being on a team is a trivial part of it being multiplayer. Encouraged, yes. Expected, absolutely not.
  11. I recall there was a very good game design reason why both Fold Space and Wormhole could not be made to teleport anything higher than they can already. I don't remember the details, but it convinced me to stop asking for it. Past that, I too have a Gravity/Kinetics controller who also uses Fold Space, and I have seen no difference in Wormhole and Fold Space Teleport ability. There are nuances that might make it seem so in testing, such as Fold Space being tried first and applying its teleport immunity to those mobs.
  12. Much as I appreciated the original Devs' attempts to do world-building that made sense, they had a tendency to try to build railroad-track justifications for everything. I had this problem with AE too. They'd built the system to be nothing more than a simulation, a temporary pretendy-world inside our persistent pretend-world, when what most roleplayers, the ones who I suppose would care the most about this, rarely ever use it like that. Within our individual and small group "head-canons", our AE missions actually happen. Similarly with the powers our characters gain via the incarnate system. Perhaps some follow the railroad tracks, but most veer off it, following their own individual creative muses.
  13. I think all inspirations work that way, you can bid for them and get purchases in stacks of ten, but you can't keep them in your inventory except in singletons, and when you post them into the auction, it has to be one at a time and they don't autostack. Edit: This is also how enhancements work. If a thing stacks in your inventory, you can move stacks to the auction. If it doesn't naturally stack, you can still bid for them in stacks, but they unstack when claimed and won't autostack when put back in.
  14. A lot of the things that get listed for 1 are bought by someone else who then vendors it. Vendoring promotes inflation (in some small way) by reducing supply of goods (some of which have no economic utility anyway) by destroying the items vendored and creating inf out of nothing in their places. I think this ^ is true, but also not a big deal for most things. The only drops I think might be a significant point would be common invention recipes. Supply of common and uncommon salvage aren't a problem -- if there was even more it would just drive the market prices further down towards or below the vendor value. Invention set recipes, I hope most of these get sold on the market and converted into items people find useful to slot and listed for resale. We need more Player D's, always. More supply + more competition -> lower prices for everyone.
  15. A support Fort would work great -- when you build them do you double up on the leaderships?
  16. I'm not usually the top damager when I'm tanking. I don't build my tankers focusing on dps at all. If I did, I would probably agree with you. For example, if I were running radios with a high dps brute/etc, I wouldn't be the one herding. That role would naturally fall to someone else. I've seen sentinels do it quite well, too. I often run radios on a Kin/ defender. I admit I have sometimes used one of those characters to herd, but it's not something I routinely do expecting to survive. :D While it's technically possible, with some effort and the right build, it's not a wise use of the character. So of course, any player's best role on PI Radios may vary depending on their build regardless of their AT. My point is that having a skilled herder on your team can be a big plus, and tankers can be very good at it.
  17. I think a few more people may try PI Radios, but the Farms will still far outperform them in terms of payout and leveling speed.
  18. There are a few radio maps where this could be an issue, and especially with pets that may not be well controlled by their player.
  19. I disagree. If herding is slowing you down, it's not being done very well. For example, if the tank is asking the team to wait at a specific location while the tank gathers up mobs, that's certainly kind of slow, even though I've known tanks who're good at it, with all the right keybind instructions set up and so forth. However, efficient dynamic herding can double or triple the speed a strong team moves through spawn groups, and will accelerate any team significantly, provided they can steamroll single spawn groups. Basically, in any fight your team has AoEs that are not hitting their target caps on a single spawn group; and some powersets have fixed area buffs that are inconvenient, especially for lowbies, to relocate to another spawn. The solution is to bring the spawns into those AoE's at a rate just high enough to keep them saturated, but not so high it overwhelms the team's ability to sustain itself. And the tank does not choose the herding points -- the team does. Wherver the team is focusing its firepower, that where the tanker brings the herd. And I use Fold Space too. I use it to deposit my current herd into the team's concentrated AoE so I can quickly shed that aggro to go get more. I get that, but I don't record or post videos. I also expect herding tactics to undergo some evolution with the Page 4 aggro changes. I'm excited to see how much.
  20. That's one way to look at it, sure. However, I tank radios differently. I keep an eye on my team's health and endurance, and so long as those are holding up, the group is staying together, and no one is asking for us to slow down, I will herd as much as possible onto them. When the group is forming, and as we trade out for new members, I inspect the levels, powersets and set bonuses of the people on the team to get a fair idea of the overall capability. I also bring plenty of team health, health/end, defense, and defense/res inspirations, many kept in my email. If the team is getting in trouble, that's on me as the main tank, and I not only have the responsibility of slowing us down, but also of getting us immediately out of that trouble. I bring tools and resources to do that. The response I get from this is usually very positive -- it can turn the slow, steady "radio-farming" mode into a fast paced, high intensity team adventure. And most of the time, due to shared buffs and debuffs, the lowbies contribute to that meaningfully.
  21. Just from what you say here I'd put you in the Top Quarter of tankers. There's quite a few who don't seem to realize being super-survivable isn't all there is to being on a tank. Doing radios with a group with fragile, vulnerable, easily overwhelmed lower levels is an excellent training ground for tanking skills. I've even been on teams with two (or more) tankers practicing both herding and anchoring simultaneously. If you occasionally throw in some of the other enemy groups, you also let everyone on the team get a sense for how they deal with other kinds of threats.
  22. Perhaps in anticipation of Page 4, converter prices have been bottoming out overnights; I've been picking up quite a few as low as 51k each.
  23. I like PI radios / Granville papers for leveling lowbies, my own and others', because you can get more player to player interaction. It's not hard content, but it is content, and you can have a team talking to each other. It's also good opportunities for people to try out their powers while leveling in an environment where, say, a task force isn't at risk. The setting is low-pressure and people will even casually roleplay in it.
  24. I looked over the Wiki article, and using their nomenclature, the Boss, Object retrieval, and Rescue missions are very common, and in PI are only ever Council, Arachnos, Thorns, or Carnies. The Heists and Assault Prevention missions have those other groups as possibilities, but don't come up as often in the mission offerings. If you have any specific preference for mission types, it's pretty easy to avoid the groups and types you don't want. You are offered three choices. You can read the titles and descriptions most all the time to determine which group it will be. Except those Heist missions, which are easy to identify too. If you choose a mission, you can determine if it might be a cave by looking at where it is on the map. There are only certain doors which can open to cave missions (and even those never do so for Council). If no choice is acceptable, you can just choose any of them and abandon the mission. Then check the radio again and there's a fresh RNG-roll of three new options. Rinse and repeat until you get the ones you want. Most commonly people do that for Council, and will even advertise the group like that: "54 PI Council Radios LFM". On my server this means the group is going to run max difficulty council radios and anyone is welcome. The leader will just refresh the list until it's council. Worst case is a rescue in a sewer. No carnies intangibility, no night widows blinding everyone, no tight blue tunnels or giant layercake cave rooms, etc.
  25. Hrm. There are Malta that show up inside the Bank Safeguard missions. They may show up in those "Stop the Robbery" missions now that I think of it. But that subtype of radio missions are pretty rare. All of the regular PI Radios are Council, Circle of Thorns, Arachnos, or Carnival of Shadows.
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