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Everything posted by plainguy

  1. just posted something similar.. I agree..
  2. You might not agree with Gavric and it upset Jimmy. But Gavric did make some clear and concise points.. Retracted statements that Gavric felt were over stepped or incorrect. Again the Devs might not like this ATM. because they are at ground zero here.. But when you are at the 10k foot mark above it.. You appreciate the candid statements. I did like the notion of making COH Homecoming your own not completely sticking with the old concepts. But I can also understand that making NEW Content is a BIG STEP.. There is no one whispering in your ear how to fix or implement some things correctly. So you are testing it out and then pulling the trigger.. I get it.. Can't go to the moon sitting in an office chair.. Someone has to take that chance and jump in that rocket and take that risk.. This suggestion forum has so many ideas.. I just don't know if anyone is even categorizing this info. Again Gavric delivery might not have been 100 percent the best and he admits it. But again at least it was clear and had some decent points.
  3. I would like to see at some point in time the ability to have or access ALL Salvage, Recipes, INF/Money across all the characters on an account combined into one total list of some sort. There comes a point where just playing your characters just funds you enough money and IOs to finance and build out another character so there is minimal market playing required.. The problem comes when you are trying to switch merits, IO recipes and Salvage across toons. With 30+ level 50 toons it becomes a chore of logging in all your toons to build out one toon. This is my process when building out a new level 50 toon. I log in each toon. Check IO recipes stored on AH Then checking IO recipes stored on the toon. Then looking at which IO recipes you want to convert to others. So you are not just looking at for Luck of the Gambler Recipes, you are looking for Red Fortune and Reactive Defenses to convert to LOTG. Check for Merits Check for Converters so as not to buy more with Merits. Then it is creating the emails to send each IO recipe Email Money Email the Hero Merits Then checking salvage, usually the high end orange salvage and even yellow at times. Then you have to bring back to base the salvage to drop off in the empty salvage container you have just for this purpose.. You transfer over the High end salvage and then the Converters.. Sometimes requiring several log on and log off of the same character because you reached the 100 count limit on the salvage container.. Then of course this doesn't account for the next toon having the specific IO recipe you needed so you no longer have to convert a Positron Blast Damage IO to Energy because you found it on another toon. Reaching Recipe limit on the toon in question. Moving Recipes not needed to the mail system to make more room on the toon. End result Steps 1 to 10 are done repeatedly for the next 29+ other toons. This becomes a time consuming process. End result building out a character ends up being many hours of work and crafting. When someone is limited in game play that can be the span of several days committed to finishing out a level 50 character build. For me doing this it has taken me 4.5 hours over 2 days get this done. Again not knowing what each character had I a full mail system with IO recipes at the end that I needed to disperse back to other characters to hold. It becomes an arts and craft project that you need clean up afterwards as well. My suggestion, though might not be the best.. Have the computers at the colleges or base, inventory all the IOs and Salvage, Merits, candy canes, Brain Storms you have.. Maybe have a INF sink of 10 million to be able to do this, similar to the crafting table INF sink. Call me crazy but I would rather spend 60 minutes building out the toon and 3.5 hours actually playing the toon or several other toons.
  4. Definitely gave me a StarCraft Protoss look vibe.. Very cool
  5. Based on what you are saying I think it is fine. Recharge is good.. Defenses and Resistances could be better, but again your not looking to solo.. Maybe would have tried to squeeze out some Range defense at least.. But again as per your wording not an issue..
  6. I'm counting 38 defenses for pets with FF Gen and Unique IOs adding in Pets Maneuvers as well You made it clear you are NOT looking for Tankermind. Your defenses are decent.. Recharge is decent for double Triage Beacon. You have another heal as well. End use bit concerned.. Rule of thumb is usually EndRec is 2 points above your EndUse.. So EndRec should be 3 or you will be having some End issues from time to time. But again the Unique IOs for Endurance look like they get you close to the 3 EndRec suggested. Again your not solo but in group so someone else will cover short comings with some sort of buff or toggle.. EG Maneuvers.. BTW for those interested how I got this open.. left click the link and open in another tab and the download option will pop up. Assuming clicking it is not working for you as it is not for me.
  7. No one ever said change the current power.. Make that clear.. Option via IO.. Just clarifying that.. Any other changes I leave to the Devs.. If having the option drops the hit debuff to a useless level the that should be made clear.. Devs - Hey we looked into this as we thought this might be a possible idea and concept but during our power calculations we realized the penalty to the hit debuff for having the OPTION to removing repel IO was just not worth the time and effort. . Basically the Hit debuff would be reduce to a useless/negligible state that ended up not being of any value for the players.. Again assuming they would even consider addressing this..
  8. I never said I wanted to keep them in a corner but they don't stay.. Someone else posted an issue or a request and I came up with a suggestion via an IO.. But after thinking about it and reading it, you know I wouldn't mind being able to just have hurricane debuff or a team or even myself and not have the repel.. I think Hurricane without repel and its hit debuff is more useful on a team on a regular basis then how it is atm.. But I also see the benefit of repel as well even if situational or behind a team and during AV fights..
  9. I have a AR Device and a AR TA both can solo 8/3 and even 8/4 as well dependent on the mobs just like many other toons and builds. AR Device is good if you are a hover blaster with Range defense and good recharge.. You can have up 2 Gun Drones up. You can be around 13 seconds on Full Auto. Before the Recent Aggro changes to Gun Drone it was still good and NOT getting TONS of Aggro, I am guessing due to the height thing. Far enough to shoot but not within aggro range so much. I do also have a DP Device and discovered again BEFORE the recent Gun Drone aggro changes that Gun Drone was useless because I wasn't a hover blaster on my DP Device.. The amount of aggro generated by Gun Drone before the current changes only gave Gun Drone a few second life cycle.. The Aggro was IMMENSE.. There was no amount of aggro I could build up before using Gun Drone that Gun Drone would not simply take the mobs away from me. With the current changes to Gun Drone though Gun Drone on my DP Device is a million times better. My AR Device was build before the Trip mine changes.. Now that you can place Trip Mine at will without interrupt I would probably still go range cap with some SL Defense via Scorpion shield and Trip mine even if not six slotted.. You have enough AOE that its pretty cool. You could use jet pack to get you out of danger if needed and hover blast with Jet pack on.. Again I just have not been that anal that I am going to look at AR Device VS some other build and complain that AR device took 5 minutes to clear out a mission and it took this other build 4 minutes or even 3.. It just picking fly sh1t out of the pepper I think at that point..
  10. Thank you.. I Believe someone mentioned this as well earlier.. I glazed over it but now caught the comparison..
  11. Basically he conceded that the IO isn't an issue for him but he had to stress that the idea sucks.. The analogy is giving an apology and then using the word but in the same sentence.. It pretty much negates the apology.. Sorry I messed up but wouldn't have happened if you didn't do this.. Then I wouldn't need to apologize if you didn't do that.. As for the IO well I think it's an undesirable change in how Hurricane works but okay if someone wants to neuter their ability to use Hurricane's soft control ... He half arsed conceded about the IO but still is expressing his discontent and expressing on how it would ruin the power..
  12. Yep.. Look maybe this opens the door for other unique one off IOs. I know someone in this thread brought up water blast powers related to this. Again my idea is to give suggestions that will not imbalance or make sweeping changes across the game for everyone.. This is not game breaking at all. Again the Devs could toss this in the round file basket. Or This can be that new 20 million INF sink..
  13. I couldn't help but laugh.. This is okay I'm sorry BUT you still messed up and this is why it happened.. But I will apologize.. But you know.. Again just YOUR OPINION.. Which is fine.. I think it just a different way of using the power.. Mind you no one needs a stormer to herd.. No one is saying in LFG MUST HAVE STORMER TO HERD... Yea on certain teams not having repel and just the hit debuff of hurricane can be more useful.
  14. They go in an IO slot for the power.. They are pre-crafted IOs.. They are not player crafted IOs.. But offer a proc and bonus to damage and recharge.. Holy cow you are either trolling or splitting hairs here..
  15. Something else just popped into my head.. Have you ever used PW vendor ? Have you never seen those SINGLE IOs that are only good until level 20.. They have procs and such.. That sort of blows your always comes in sets statement out of the water..
  16. You know oddly enough as much as they did asymmetrical shoulders and boots.. I have NOT seen may new costumes come out with these changes being posted here.
  17. Yes I see what you are saying.. But your analogy isn't the best because they are sort of a necessity or you can have a bad outcome.. You are required by law to turn headlights on at night.. Failure to do so could be a summons or arrest for neglectful homicide. There are guidelines. There are no guidelines here.. I also mentioned in a previous post you failed to quote in which I mentioned that players usually end up doing thing with powers that Devs never expected.. For example like herding with hurricane. This was echoed by another poster Alty in attempting to refute a comment but also failed to see I mentioned this as well. The issue is Wavicle is stuck in the notion of LRN2PLAY. Is completely ignoring the fact that this is a suggestion forums.. The fact that no one is saying to change the power out of the box for everyone and that an OPTION to make a change with an IO is possible.. MAYBE.. I say Maybe because it could be possible that Repel is baked into the power somehow and just cannot be changed without recoding the whole power. And now in an attempt to grasp at straws is now challenging me on what this IO set would be and its requirements.. Again not an impossible feat of recoding since I believe the current Devs have done this with other powers. Not minimizing the task or the prioritization either.
  18. Do you see now you are coming after me on parameters of the IO set.. Do you see how you keep moving the goal post. It was about a change in repel.. I mentioned the IO OPTION.. Now you want to hawk me for details on an IO Set and how this whole concept now is bad in your mind because I cannot produce the accurate information on an IO SET that could be somehow validated and approved by the community ( specifically you). Or even required to post a suggestion on the Suggestion forums. Who says always.. Just because that is how it is TODAY.. It doesn't mean that how it MUST BE TOMORROW.. Again the devs could come here and say No dude.. IOs just can't work that way.. THEY MUST BE a FULL SET.. Or They might come here and say you know with one off IOs we can put in a bunch of different options and it just up to the player to decide if are willing to loose the benefit of an IO set.. Or They create an IO set.. Someone smarter than me can figure that out and post it here if they are so inclined.. Suggestion forums.. Nothing says we have to outline the whole project when giving a suggestion.. That is the whole point of putting out on the suggestion forum. Someone else gets an interest and says you know I have an idea for this so called set.. Here is a break down of my IO set bonus for this Repel removal IO set.. EDIT old Devs said Mastermind pets could not be changed.. Other servers have found work arounds to make that possible. The new Devs have made it clear from time to time that some of this code they see is utterly messed up.. Just horrible patch jobs that even they cannot discern why its there and what it is doing and have cleaned it up.. I gave you this great idea.. My job is done..
  19. I will add that some players do calculate INF like when farming the INF per minute.. If they can do an 8/4 mission setting in 5 minutes and now they are doing it in 8 minutes it can be a big issue for some players.. In their minds they know they are loosing X amount of INF and they just don't like it.. EG Speed ITF vs Non Speed.. I farm for example but I never do the math of how much I make or am missing.. For me I am just happy I can do it when I want to and I can PL one of my crazy builds to 50 when I know I can never get a team with them for example.. No.. because when you move against a flat wall YOU are now creating the angle that pushes a mob out.. Again you are really stuck on this LRN2PLAY hurricane power notion.. Its about repel and if there should be an OPTION not to have it.
  20. Look in all honesty you cannot keep mobs up against a flat wall.. The mobs will get knocked down and repelled. Eventually they get back up and move.. They might fall again.. But eventually they move to a focal point that puts them at an angle of this flat wall.. Which then causes them to just slide to the left or right and away from your hold. Could several stormers do this by spacing apart and such.. I would guess so.. Still doesn't answer why an IO would be such a horrendous game breaking idea..
  21. No To be more clear.. I stated already it just ONE IO.. When you brought up the penalty of using this sort of IO I explained that ONE IO would hinder the user from getting that set bonus.. So if someone were to six slot Hurricane they now could only benefit from 5 slots of the set as this IO would kill the 6th slot.. That could be part of the penalty as well. So as you mentioned you felt that the hit debuff should be reduced for some reason. Why I don't know.. Mind you this is no different then slotting a KB to KD IO in a power but also using a different set for the other 5 slots Example.. M30 Grenade - 5 slotted with Superior Defiant Barrage and 1 Overwhelming Force KB to KD IO.. You loose 5% defense increase to Energy and Negative and 2.5% to Range Defense. As much as I would have liked that 2.5% Range Defense I had to get it somewhere else.. Because I didn't want M30 Grenade to do that KB.. Sacrifices you make.
  22. No as I clearly mentioned it just an understanding of the game mechanics around defenses.. Which is why I have it in my signature for other players to understand. So I am not just giving someone a fish I am also teaching them how to fish IF they are interested in doing so.. If someone came to me and said I don't get how you do this.. I would happy to explain and I have explained several times on other post about defenses.. I was happy when someone pointed me to the link and explained it to me. Again I am the same plainguy from the old original forums so you can use wayback machine to find post I made.. I am positive there are post me asking about defenses and Adenonhawkwood was one of the players who took the time to explain it along with that link in my signature.. Which is about 10 years old but still up.. But as for Hurricane, You know I would LOVE to have hurricane up at all times when fighting.. I would love to give the debuff it offers to the whole team. Without messing up the Tank or Brutes herding ability.. Heck having the OPTION in the form of an IO ( yea it seems I have exaggerate these word, because it seems other posters are not reading it when I keep saying it) might give other players whom might be short on defenses melee wise and AOE but are range defensed the ability to pull and herd mobs for those moments there is no tankish type player on the team.. Again its an IO.. Not a base power change..
  23. 100% correct. I have an AR Device toon based around AOE and no trip mine as it was created before the change.. All my KB powers have KD IOs in them.. That was MY CHOICE for my game play.. I didn't do it because I was afraid a team wouldn't like me..
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