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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. as i understand it (so good F-ing luck...) it is your current value. even if through T9 buff, magic pool buff, incarnate hybrid being on, or a simple small orange inspiration. if that values soars to 100 you are golden. unless it is irresist... err unresistable this is a really annoying subject with one word being every term in the damn conversation.
  2. It’s strangely straightforward for CoH. Although awkward to say, which I suppose makes up for it Resistance is its own debuff resistance to Resistance debuffs. Am I saying that right? If, as a Tank, you are at cap 90% resistance, and you did not bother to overcap (or could not easily) then when your resistance is debuffed you resist 90% of that. But if you did overcap to 100%? Then your resistance cannot be debuffed
  3. Yes the “hidden” resistance value is used to resist debuffs, not the capped amount as you surmised. this is why it is important to 100% res values on tour Brutes and Tanks where possible. i never realized any of this until the Aeon where it became a debate topic. Now i build slightly different
  4. What causes a player to become a forum regular? Is it an unquenchable need to know? A need for a place to vent or complain? Float new ideas, help people or copy someone else's build for a project your working on? I came here because I was lost. When I get found I will leave. How much time do you spend on the forums compared to actually playing in game? Do you play in-game with any other forum regulars, or do you keep business and pleasure separate? I actually play a lot more than I post. This may shock some of you. Do you lurk or post away? lurker. Big on the lurk... Do you worry about forum reputation or padding the post count like it's veteran levels? I am very concerned with my forum reputation. I try to say nice things to everyone. What draws you in and captivates you to use the forums? “Isn't sanity really just a one trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit!” ― The Tick
  5. the pool power i always want...and never take. teleport. fold space is the new meta. i never have room
  6. 75 pounds of cocaine would indeed turn a happy go lucky bear into a giant honey badger in a dark mood….
  7. Billy Mayes was a very VERY enthusiastic TV potch man for every product of dubious quality on late night tv commercials. He was loud and very sure you needed it. In a shock to no one it was found out he did mountains of cocaine. There is a current movie out about…Cocaine Bear. Who found and ate a bunch of cocaine, then found and ate as many people as he could. And I thought cocaine was an appetite suppressant?
  8. Gold star suggestion. This is what will make or break a long term team in my opinion. Cannot believe I did not say it. Great catch Krimson!
  9. youre going to have to find a regular time slot that works. Cosmic has had luck with Friday evenings. the holidays have really threw a wrench into it this year though. once people lose the pattern they can get lost
  10. honest question. also, if played in game would this be a copyright infringement?
  11. I cannot recall ever encountering this
  12. I have some experience with this in CoH. One of the things Cosmic Council was doing when I joined were crawl teams. These have been led by Ukase. He does a great and consistent job. He was inspired to do them by two players that requested it. Who I think never even showed for the event lol. We’ve done a few so far including Gold and currently on an SO only run this time. The standout pattern is there is way more enthusiasm at the beginning with a slow departure of players until the die hards are at the end. My suggestion is to welcome everyone. Make a few teams for the first week or two. As the group shrinks you know who your die hards are. You want to recruit a good number of die hards. 4-8 is a great goal in my judgment. But be welcoming to anyone that might be interested and try to accommodate. You might find a new die hard by being polite!
  13. Finished 30-34 Redside today and levelled up to 39. Picked up two Dark Mastery powers. Dark Consumption and Oppressive Gloom. Oppressive Gloom is a game changer, used in conjunction with Dark Pit it is a worthy stun. Even alone it keeps the minion’s entertained. I have the wee beast heavily slotted for End so have not triggered Dark Consumption yet. It is there as an O crap button in case I get drained mostly. My tactics are tightening up with the powers. I am soloing a lot to knock out these arcs and learn the basics of each power and how I can get the most out of them. As I team the strategies will change. But I can tell already I will never run this like a Dark Blaster again. Dark Dark Dark mystifies the mobs and is (in my opinion) a better form of control than a Dom. Sure, they can attack still. They will miss usually. My armor is having everyone near me immobilized, stunned, feared, and to hit debuffed. If they are a priority they also get a regen debuff and a few hard hitting ST attacks, usually while they are standing in tar patch. It is quite addicting. Not as fast as pure blasting. But soooo many more options
  14. i always monitor my to hit, acc, dam, and stealth. on heavies i monitor my major def/res as well
  15. yeah, one Blueside mission has (i think i remember this horror correctly...) rescue seventeen!!!
  16. Doesnt Posi 1 scale down? I remember last year some madness where we started and were scaled down but then Doc Buzzsaw didnt scale. Man, that ate a few teams until they fixed it. Funny. Sad, but dam funny. Those blade sounds....
  17. Yeah I finally opened MiDs on it. 25' rad. So, just less than a Nuke. So when I was on the other side of the room.... lol. Vamps make shitty healers. Sue my malpractice carriers; Dewey, Cheatam, and Howe.
  18. As Uun rightfully pointed out the two cave maps are hard. I get this “unfair” feeling when I get one where I might have gotten a tiny two arm cave map. But how many of you have experienced the time sink of the Arachnos “reactor room”. This beauty is wide open and probably 15? Stories tall. Ramps and mobs everywhere. I got this map on a flashback badge run with no travel powers looking for a glowie once. There are elevators you have to know about to take you to platforms the ramps do not go to…..
  19. Unfortunately there is zero room for TP on my build. I will try to get better about the rez though lol. Mostly I am using it now for the debuff. I lean heavily into the passive aggressive aspect of Corruptors and less into the heal and buff. My build has (or will have in the 30s now) almost all Dark/Dark/Dark powers available in it. Room for Hasten and Fly. I could maybe squeeze one other on dropping my sole ST hold
  20. I did catch a Citadel later in the day. It was a mediocre run at best lol. But it was a run. Of note: On all the cave maps, every intersection seemed to encourage a team split. No idea why. We were at best two teams, sometimes 6. I am on a Corruptor (prob will be all year, that is the plan) so I followed the half that looked like it was walking into the stupidest thing they could do. I am not the best player, but I know those maps. Many times they found stupid. There were deaths. I think I was down 3 or 4 times. I am leaning heavily into debuffing during the first portion of the fight and blasting in the second portion. When enemy waves are coming in I cycle back and forth. I am more comfortable on a Blaster and know Dark Blast well. But I am starting to learn the tricks of the Dark Dark Corruptor. The AoE stun I used to turn my nose up at? Just enough breathing room to get off 3-4 AoE debuffs! I need to work on my rez. Do I need to be standing on my dead teammate? Damn I suck at healing lol. I do spam the heal, but other than being in close with melee I have no idea if I am healing those that need it. I mostly spam it as a debuff honestly. My ST heal self from Dark Blast hits like a truck. (and has 2 +end procs in it! that may change but it definitely helps at low levels) Also of note: No one had P2W powers like ATT and TT. (except me) They were all damn motivated to get to the next mission and run deep into the map before any other teammates showed up though! I blame sugar. Dont know why, sugar did nothing to me. Honestly they were probably just a dumb group. Sorry sugar. When I was able to take 10 seconds to prep a spawn before they clown car rolled into them (Tar patch, Fear cone, debuff toggle....) the spawn melted fast. It was a 55 minute run. It was not horrid. It was not great. It was the mediocre of times, it was the mediocre of times.
  21. While it is absolutely true it is easy to make cash in CoH…. I too call BS on your earnings. At most you say you gamed 4 hrs for 14 days. It seems like you are saying less, but lets roll with that. That is 56 hours gaming. In which you made 2billion. That is 35 million per hour. With no using the market? So just inf grind and selling common recipes? Someone double check my math. My little phone calc balked at 2 billion lol. But i swear i am calculating this right.
  22. Yeah, shit seem to have gotten heated. I offer the wisdom of a very grumpy old vampire. Do Not Let It Get To You. Get cut off in traffic? Let it go. Someone screams in your face. Let it go. Someone cheats you on a deal? let it go. There is a line....Some fool runs at you with the intent and ability to do harm.....(heres a hint...no words necessary; then clean up real good. And let it go.)
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