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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. And if they could do it while dancing the mamushka even better but i dont give a crap. I will ask my friends what they think. I may let you know what they say. Probably not.
  2. In running my “do all content” characters I have learned not to kill people when there is a choice. They disappear from my time stream and may be a contact I need. (Have had to call a GM to solve this once before)
  3. I saw something from a Cool player on here that said “always assume people are trying to be helpful”. Nice thought, they did not live in my graveyard. I run Redside. Because I just assume you are going to double cross me. But you know that i know that, so you prepare for my response. And try to backstab me while I deal with that. Look, I said I THINK I have a friend that could solo that at +4/x8, while drinking in under two hours. I may be wrong. DID YOU HEAR ANY OTHER CONDITIONS???
  4. I will talk to a couple of my friends who are more obsessed with such challenges and let you know what they say. I’ m not doing it. Obviously there will need to be some serious envenomed daggers and such on the AV wait a minute….dont spend millions in inf? Okay, now i think you are just doing hyperbole. Yes, there will be inspirations used and a build…that costs more than a few hundred thousand. nevermind, i am not bothering my friends with a challenge that has ever shrinking restrictions…. But can you do it on SOs using 1 insp and no P2W? Then you didnt do it in under two hours by the “right rules”. Sheesh. You see, I was not being facetious, I am pretty sure one of my friends could do this, if they wanted to. But, obviously scared my comment might be correct, you have started hauling out “your rules” for how it must be accomplished. The only rule I would agree to is the friend must be drinking. Both the people i know who do this crazy smashing tend to play while imbibing
  5. It would have felt like 2 hours to me. I have a friend that plays drunk that could probably solo a Synapse +4/x8 in less time than that.
  6. Just beat the snakes dude. Then you only see them again at 50. It is like 5-30 missions depending on how much you hate yourself. Kill the damn snakes. Move on. Or just do the Longbow missions. Okay, probably tough to dodge Snake missions on Mercy. Just kill the damn snakes m'kay.
  7. Lady Winter is the last one by level. Although in hindsight I could have done it on my alt acct farmer with myself as a tag a long. I thought it was open at 10, then 15, and just kept stubbornly fgrinding. It was close to the end of the last night when I finished 15-19 and levelled and got it. Self imposed drama. Yes, I bought all badges with canes. I did not dfefeat Snaptooth 5 times, just twice. He will be back for Spring and I HATE BNY. Long Story....
  8. and still no one has bought this last Perf Shifter. Now selling for 550k to 2mil. glad everyone is getting these. Who the F is flooding the market lolololololol
  9. I would be all for stretching out all holiday events. I wanted a new toon for 2023, bit I also wanted all Winter badges. I finally settled on the toon 12/27. Then needed (wanted) to grind every contact 1-19 redside to get the last winter mission to open up 20+ and fi ish winter badges. And 200 presents in a couple days while doing that kind of sucked. Luckily there is a loop in Port Oakes that is about 10-11 long and pretty much recharges constantly Having the events at a more island time pace would just feel better imo. Winterish time. Springish time. Halloween until Winter!
  10. This is IT. That is exactly what I needed. Thank you Ironblade! Such a geek. I bet you are the kind of player to have a physical Pocket D pass sitting on their desk….
  11. I do not run a lot of “hard” content. When I do PUG something like that I tend to watch who is leading. There are a few names on Excelsior that are great. No guarantees but at least leadership is doing all they can. The breakpoint for me is ITF. I will PUG +4/x8 or 2 star ITF on a PUG, pretty random. I was on my Dark/Invul Brute on a two star ITF PUG and the Tank taco’d against ROM. I stepped up and with a Corr propping me up could Tank him and kite him as needed.
  12. Fascinating Zect! Thank you. This is part of a good discussion. Honestly I blanched a bit at such a huge change. Now I am sitting here asking myself why? I know one serious money maker. I suspect they would be unhappy that they “worked” for their infinite sums and now peeps can do it for easy. Like working out for ten years then someone develops a pill that builds muscle like a gorilla. You worked for yours! Maybe an increase like this would work, but not as extreme? Honestly I hoard merits and only use them to buy converters. Think I have about 20,000 sitting around
  13. This must be the badge. Ukase mentioned something about it when we were gaming one night. I thought i would figure it out later. Welcome to later
  14. Dark Invul, in my opinion, is the hardest rock in the Brute heap. Dark provides a few tools to round out Invulnerability with a chef's kiss. Here is my build for solo play: https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1771&c=715&a=1430&f=HEX&dc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
  15. They aren’t worth playing with Perma Dom. They are necessary in one incarnate Trial and are a B class team member on every other 50+++ run. Crowd Control is fun and near useless when everyone is dead
  16. I use fly on almost every build. You say there are Clatrops down there? And you invested how much in winter packs so they do not bother you? Fascinating....
  17. I understand there is some linked mission badge on Sharkhead. While i run Villains a lot....I am VERY linear about it. And this is a spaghetti run badge so it eludes me... Anyone know what the badge is and how to get it?
  18. While I have a good grasp on mathematics, I understand crap about the market. Explains why my coffin sits in this dump really... My BELIEF....is that those holding 1bil, 10 bil, 100bil, 1000000000bil influence....will not change much about what they do. I know one personally. They hoard. They will change a bit of their tedious money making gambits sure. But they will just hoard. Still. The GOAL... as stated, is that those with less interest in grinding the game will be able, after a reasonable period, to afford these items. I am currently itting on 3-4 bil liquid and a base filled with goodies. I do not consider myself well off. I know a whale. They are well off. My game play will not change. i have about 300 Winters in my base and 200 Heros. and honestly, the Winters are very situationally useful in builds. Rarely OMG except for a few Tanks and Brutes.
  19. I suggest lowering the price of Winter and Hero (erm VILLIAN) packs permanently. This is brought up as a way to help casual (but great and appreciated) players who have no interest in farming or marketing to still be able to create good builds in a reasonable time frame. I am sure this will devolve, evolve, and revolve. I want you folks to know… you turn me right round baby right round like a merry go round…. As much as possible please keep the topic focused narrowly on the good/bad of lowering these prices to help newer/less grind inclined players. Of particular interest to me is if anyone has a numerical valuation of reward merits/influence/Winter pack/Hero pack that would illuminate the topic This thread is posted with all seriousness and good intentions. As a starting point of conversation I suggest 10 mil for Winter packs and 5 mil for Villian/Hero packs.
  20. I alt. A lot. So different than most of you… I have a few pages of abandoned 50s, stripped and bereft of all cash and enhancements. I have a couple pages of stuff that never made it to 50…sad little things, stripped down and probably will never be finished. I have maybe 30? Fully kitted out 50s ready to go at any moment. Another 10 or so less than 50 I work on. Most of these are characters I have played for more than a month hardcore. I like them, they fill a niche that I wanted one of. A lot of my volume alting is when I am trying out Brutes Blasters or Tanks and will make certain power sets and start running TFs. See if they work I have a dedicated Blaster for Really Hard Way. Beam Temporal. A Farmer. Favorite Tanks, Brutes, Blasters, Corruptors My current project is solo all Redside contacts while leveling and badge all Blue Gold through Ouro and by being Rogue as I do so. Just finished 1-19 content and got all Winter badges. Corruptor started 12/27. 2023 project but I wanted Winter badges…
  21. Dark Regen has one job. It does it incredibly well. One job. On my main I have it 5 slotted with Obliteration for the set bonuses. Dark Dark feeds off acc and rech. I also pump Res values on dark armor and ignore building defenses. I let the stun and fear and to hit debuff and stealth deal with the trash, the armor and dark regen handle the AV load.
  22. Paragon is a shithole. Let that sink in. Paragon is a shithole Nice neighborhoods? The ones with the supervillians doing bank robberies and kidnapping citizens to give to Vahzilok to create a distraction for Longbow? The alien invasions? The zombie apocalypses? And on and freaking on. Paragon is a shithole. Every office building, every warehouse, every freaking sewer. Even city hall is a war zone frequently Shit Hole
  23. Some people hare respecs. I am kind of used to them. They can be tricky if you start to lose track but I keep a MiDs up on my secondary comp. But if I had to manually adjust each power placement afterwards? Ouch /cleartray FTW
  24. Long post but well organized. Thank you. Now if we could force people to read it before rolling a new tank! Get well. Keep fighting.
  25. Torpor sounds more like a affect self invulnerability and heal/rec which locks you in place unable to do anything
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