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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Thank you. But.... So, i will never use an ice sword. And I have fly on all the time. We could go further but I think that illustrates our differences in playstyles. Your build is probably tougher and does more DPS. Sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie too, I'll never know cause I will not eat it. 🙂 I am running two characters with the exact same Ice build I posted above. a 50 that is incarnated and a 42 that is part of a Blue Side slow levelling group. I am real happy with both. My main is a Dark Dark Blaster that feels like way more work. This Ice Blaster is just a ....chilll... experience. Also the Blapping thing never materialized. The best range to be for this toon is 30-50 to stay out of the mix and keep cones available. Therefore the ranged def is better (for me) that s/l. I do appreciate you posting this though. I am sure some Blapper will love it.
  2. I think I used one of these like once, maybe twice years ago. I do not recall ever running across any object Redside (and i play a LOT of Redside) that offered anything like this. But I dont always explore. For all I know there could be something in the old abandoned labs where you can craft stuff that gives out this info
  3. ,,,we create here. creating, being inspired by 2000 year old legends....it is just natural and perfect personally i say forget the original Devs and dig into where your character would fit. hmmmm....underwater....underground....hmmmm. leviathon.... i am thinking the Coralax made a journey to recover an artifact and made a connection with Atlantean culture....
  4. The leader was advertising as 45+ I think he eyeballed the toons he got and made an executive decision. This is a guess. If so he was correct. We did accomplish it. So i edited his note from "+4 Kahn" which I know I hate to "+4 Kahn, succeeded" which i know I hate but the leader at least didnt screw everyone. But it was not advertised as a plus run and took at least 10 and possible 20 minutes for the final fight. For...no....reason. There is no extra merits. There is no extra badge. There is shit but a waste of time so the leader can go polish the e-peen.
  5. not something i use much honestly. can someone tell me a bit about them? oh, do they still work and are there any of them redside?
  6. Yeah. I played a long time on live. This is "our culture" I still hold resentments from a disintegrated old Positron from years ago... The Team Lead did not mention a dam word about +anything until he was setting the first mission. Hence the title of this thread. Yes, I know I said I would leave a TF if this happened again. I will need to train up to that. I really seriously freaking hate leaving TFs. I try to screen my team choices based on the ads. When PUGing there is still a large element of rolling the dice if you want to keep hitting objectives. i did put a note on this global. +4 Kahn, succeeded. I will never knowingly join a TF this person leads again. In the future I might put a date after the note. 6 months later I might see if they are not being a dick anymore. I have to learn to start checking and using notes. I will look on the bright side. Homecoming is so popular we have a lot of new idiots trying to do something. Rather than on the downside. Lot of these people have no idea how to maximize my F-ing enjoyable playtime. But yes, it will be difficult to quit a TF. Part of this is sheer branding. All of my toons are Snark something and this was my main Snarky. While I am Snarky (trademark, pat. pend.) it is not my intention to grief players. While I am not a 'great player' (I know great players, they are seriously two to three orders of magnitude better than me) I am a competent player who runs solid characters. I do not want to "lose face" over a petty incident. For me being the 1st person to quit a TF is a serious No-no. Heck I started on Redside Liberty for over 6 months. Getting ANY team there was rare and a Task Force was a special occasion. You did not quit unless the house caught fire. Even then just use an extinguisher and get back before the next mission. I tried to politely engage the leader and request a lower difficulty, and I specifically only asked for the end mission to be lowered. There was no response. If the had become hostile I would have felt there was an easy out. But passive aggressive is a hard wall to play against. They were going to do what they wanted and screw how any of their team felt about it. So this person earned a note. The first I have put on a global and the start of what could be a new way for me to screen the wildness. Live and learn.
  7. No, I was being serious. The most likely explanation is bitcoin farmers (or other intensive comp hackers) trying to create nodes that work for them, even for a day or two. It is the Tony Sopranos of the computer world. They will dump toxic waste in a stream if they can avoid a fee for taking it to a proper (and expensive) dumping site. Rather than buy comps and pay horrendous electric bills it is faster and cheaper to hack regular citizens. Things i learned in this thread actually.
  8. bitcoin farmers trying to create zombie mining nodes.
  9. current raw is 783 pounds 😮 my best is 5 sets 5 at 212. i have never just went for all out one press. i am old. something might fall off. i am hoping to 5x5 225 this year. but hope is eternal lol. anything over 190 or so feels ....heavy. on a gaming note i have switched over to blasters with a ice/ice i like and a dark/dark that is my new "main"
  10. Yet it is still the easiet choice for support on a Farm map. Step 1) Find Farmer Step 2) explain you need a "real" outdoor map. Places like the asteroid do NOT count Step 3) rain down T9s AoE and Ranged snipes from extreme range and help farm.
  11. Wise advice. Thank you. I will NOT stay in the future. I find it amusing that a few of the responders think I do not have good builds or that I do not run hard content. Maybe I am not a great builder. So I ask for great builds from the boards lol. Maybe i am not a leader of hard content. But I am a great follower. I take part in a Really Hard Way Magisterium every weekend. I just do what I'm told, but I take part. We get the Master Badge every weekend I been doing it as well. I will run some content at +4. It makes sense to me to run ITF at +4 kill alls. People need regular experience, incarnate exp, it is group farming, it is fun. There is a team that runs +4 ITF Master run, no temps no deaths. To me this is alien. Why? But, they state what they are doing clearly. I avoid like the plague. Do we say like the Covid now? I see no reason to run a Kahn at +4. there are no significant extra rewards and the time commitment goes way up. I do squats three times a week. They are hard. There are benefits. Doing the squats while standing barefoot on sharp gravel would net the same gains. But why do it? Because I can? Because it proves something? I'm mystified. Thank you everyone for your responses. (Even the wild ones!) Especially big thanks to those who wisely pointed out I just need to clearly state "You did not advertise this as a plus run, can you run it at +0? I do not do + runs on this TF" and then calmly stay or leave depending on how the situation evolves.
  12. Soooo.... This is getting to be a regular occurrence. Answer a recruitment ad for a PUG. Like the Kahn I just joined. Wait for 8 to fill and go. As we go the leader says casually "I'm going to set at +3, maybe +4" ... Me and another person. "Maybe not a good idea, there are lots of AVs in last mission" "seen this fail a few times at last mission" crickets. We grind through it. Tough team, the last room only went 10-15 minutes.... F THIS with a cricket bat.... If you are running a F-ing +4 Kahn, advertise it as a +4 Kahn. Thats all. Do not make me your F-ing hostage. If I leave I ruin it for the other 6 who just showed up. If i stay I take 2-3 times as long to get the merits / badge I wanted. Did I mention F this with a cricket bat? I never put notes on a player. I put a note. +4 Kahn. I do not run +4 Kahns. If I see this guy on a team lead I will immediately drop, long before they finish recruiting.
  13. This is a real issue. Not that lack of Redside activity is not a real issue...to some people. Let me preface my response with a statement. This applies to almost everything I say on the boards as well. I am ignorant about the details I am addressing. These are my opinions. They are colored by my experiences and my feelings. I am just a person reflecting on my situation and what I think might be going on. This game was build as two similar but separate platforms. Heroes, Villains. Then a third was added, because we needed politics evidently. The Going Rogue code was laid over these two creaky codebases as best as could be done. It...it ain't perfect. Most of the zones are written at different times by different people, copying, modifying, or creating new parts to make what they needed. Looking at you Cim. For whatever reason Rogues get a crappy run on team invites. I encounter it ALL THE TIME. And I miss teaming/League opportunities regularly due to this. Grrrr. I am 99.9% sure the Devs know the issue well. I am 99.8% sure they would fix it if it was easy. I am 85% sure this might involve detailed line by line parsing of code to figure out what in the snarl is causing the issue. They ain't paid. I still choose Rogue. I coose a Dark/Dark Blaster not because it is the 'best sets', for me I do not think they are. But they are the perfect sets for my concept. Same with Alignment. I would prefer villain, but I nod to the fact this is an MMORPG and try to team.
  14. The only word I got here started with a F, and rhymes with luck. The peeps that run this server are hardcore City of Heroes fans, of course. As are all the people playing. I am so terribly sad over this. I am also grateful that Homecoming is here and has not been brought down by these types of situations. I want to thank the hard working behind the scenes crew who give us Villains, Rogues, ...and the other guys I suppose, a place to call home.
  15. then i would have taken a shot at asking for Help with that "tough arc i cannot solo, 5 missions to go,, any help available?" If I was in game and not otherwise occupied I might jump in. Same with other veterans. Asking for what you need (exactly what you need) increases the likelihood of getting it. Redside has and always will be less populated. Dealing with it as such is a heck of lot smarter than coming to the forums with nebulous possible solutions the Devs might use, as most of this thread seems to be...errrr focused? on. One of the tools we have as a community is the global communications. Learning to use it effectively and clearly, while not a Panacea I/O, can change the situation for the better.
  16. I suggest next time you go to Help channel and ask something like "Can someone please help with a boss I keep failing on?" On Excelsior I answer these type of requests regularly and there are usually 2-5 other people that show up as well. Asking for Help is viewed differently than asking if anyone is interested in running X content for no merits and usually little experience (by and large only primary team leader gets reward merits if any) Asking for Help will get...Help.
  17. new perspective. please do not play redside. us villains like to be left alone in our misery and torment.
  18. yes, add many restrictions back into the game. until YOU get what YOU want. if it is not working fast enough add more restrictions. courteous nod to your redside strategies and tactics. btw, have you considered inconvenience fees like charging in game assets to open various ATs? i suppose grinding levels is part of that, but i am talking just buckets of inf.
  19. ice/cold corruptor has sick debuffs
  20. you have to scroll down for it....who scrolls down past what they went to the page for? blaster...brute...etc i guess i will close this topic and just research it on my own. not in the mood to quibble over these things.
  21. i never even knew that forum existed,
  22. so.....without seeming too Snarky (Reg Trademark, Pat. pending) Which Forum would i seek advice on that question? Controller, Dominator, or Corruptor? Wouldn't each of those forums, while knowledgeable, have an inherent slant?
  23. I was going to solo Redside on a Blaster. But changed my mind since I moved the Blaster project as my new 'main' and will be seeing quite a bit of it. Now i am thinking to do it on a Controller or a Dominator. Possibly a Corruptor. This will be a LOT of solo missions and story arcs at +0/x1 and then some PUG Task Forces for badges and fun. Character will bw enhanced, although slowly since it will not level quick. Which is more powerful? (I have run a very few Doms [grav&ice] and no Trollers. Tell me what is up with the choices if you would please. Yes, i am determined for it to be Dark/Dark/Soul. It is a theme I am doing. Focuses the feedback pretty well too!
  24. I want to do this. Although a standout memory from live is a failed old Positron TF. As I remember it was a weekend day. We gathered up 8 and headed in, complete PUG. 2 dropped in the first half hour. Before an hour was up we lost another. That was the tipping point. We were going slower. We lost 2 more in the next half hour. That left 3 with just a few more missions. They stayed 1 more. I am on an Energy Blaster. I somehow get everything done except the last boss. The last boss is an EB not an AV. I know I have a chance. It was a long ugly fight. I kept pulling to elevators and trying to use them to catch a break and recover. In the end.....abject and utter failure. Despondency. But yes I would play it again. They really need to add a badge for this masochistic crap though.
  25. One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do Two can be as bad as one It's the loneliest number since the number one No is the saddest experience you'll ever know Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know 'Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do One is the loneliest number, whoa-oh, worse than two It's just no good anymore since you went away Now I spend my time just making rhymes of yesterday One is the loneliest number One is the loneliest number One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do One is the loneliest One is the loneliest One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do It's just no good anymore since you went away (Number) One is the loneliest (Number) One is the loneliest (Number) One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do (Number) One is the loneliest (Number) One is the loneliest (Number) One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do (Number) One (One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do, number) One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do (Number) One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
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