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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I started looking through the threads. And the "calling all Corruptors" is actually nearly the exact same topic. So after reading through that I started thinking. An Ice/Cold may be the Ice toon I have been looking for. Have tried it on Sentinel (Ice/Invul) and Blaster Ice/Ice and Dominator Ice/Ice but somehow missed Corruptor. If I can softcap ranged Def it will give me a pure range pew pew and with the (thanks for all the input) Corruptor inherent interacting with the Area Ice Rains it may be satisfyingly potent. Then just frost things down for good measure. I am not a healer or buffer by nature but Ice/Cold does fit the picture of being a true Corruptor to me. And i have just the alt idea for it too....
  2. I am finding myself getting old and slipping into support roles more. Even on my Brutes. Thankfully, we have a lot of new players it seems. That need buffing lol. What would be some good choices when building for Incarnate Trials and 50+4 ITFs and other late game content?
  3. I so rarely get compared to sane. I am so saving this. Maybe print it out and put it on my wall.
  4. It is always a bit subjective. I want a "Tanky" character to feel useful and unstressed. I want to be able to do damage. For me Brute still fits that bill better. Brute vs Scrapper. Scrapper does more damage. But there is no doubt Brute is a significant amount Tankier. More than 21% well the Dam Res is 15% different Cap, then there is health. Carry the 7. Yeah, it is a bit. Do Scrappers do x% more damage? Yes! But....I like some armor. Tanks. More Armor, easier to cap. But...Brutes do more damage. Once you hit the same Def and Res, even if its harder to get there, Health is less important. Because if you are even going below 50% health you are kinda in a bad place. So,, with a little work, nearly as survivable as Tanks. More damage. So, for me, Brute still fits in that sweet spot on the curve.
  5. it got...warmer....over the last couple pages. But its a low drama message board so thats about all we will see lol.
  6. I start the best threads. Just sayin' Seriously though. I think it is a decent balance right now. I have a couple fully built Tanks. I am glad for the Tanker Buffs. they needed something. As much as I hate to admit it, the great Brute "correction" (and thanks to Homecoming Team revised and made better) was necessary because Brutes were outdamaging Scrappers. Not even in doubt. What we have is Tanks have better survivability and not quite as good damage. Brutes have better damage and not quite as good survivability. And that's Numberwang! Let's rotate the board.
  7. Okay, I have not run a Mastermind since way back on live. I tried Bots and Zombies and never made it off Mercy Island. So, yeah, I know I have a learning curve to climb haha. But I do intend to try a bit. One of my goals is to make an AFK Farmer. That way I can eat and read the news and make a little infamy for creating...errr...afk farmer builds? Anyways. What would be the top choices for AFK farmer sets?
  8. I play City of Villains...errr Heroes...multiple ways. One regular way is to slow level a character through all story arcs, stopping experience to do so. Every contact. I have only ever done this on a Brute, although I started and abandoned a few Tank efforts. Another way is to experiment with ATs and builds. On these I level DFBs, TFs, DiB. My main thrust is to get a little over the top level of a TF and then run the character through the TF. This lets me see how the AT/Powersets perform. I enjoy TFs and this earns merits as well. Sometimes I do try to get Powerlevelled as fast as possible. Even working 45 hours a week this can be done on Excelsior in a couple evenings really easy by just asking for AE teams. Very comfortable community. The AT/Builds I tend to do this with are ones I have played before, or powersets I pretty much know but are trying in different combinations. Then I I/O and run through various TFs to see how good/bad the decision was lol. Finally there are my EPIC Timesinks lol. Like my Main, A Dark/Dark Brute that I slow levelled through every story arc Redside. Now at 800 badges (and I havent even finished every location map badge) and incarnate level 54. I am still learning how to squeeze the most out of the build. Inspired by Hyperstrikes use of Rune of Protection on a unrelated project and pushed by a really horrid 50+4 ITF team (I was not lead) I recently revised the build (after months unchanged) and now have either Rune of Protection or Melee Core Embodiment up nearly all time. And Accolade powers. The thing is Tanky, yet has a damage aura and two "harassment auras" - one with a damage proc. And does Brute Dark Melee ST damage. I am forever finding new ways to push builds I thought were 'complete', probably because I am not a great builder. But also, importantly, City of Villains allows beautiful customization. You can run whatever you want, and build it however you desire. Then revise that. Endlessly. Then, lastly, but maybe most importantly, I can try new things. I havent tried an MM in nearly a decade. I remember i could not get the pets to "do what I wanted" Never got past Mercy Island. I am tempted to try again. If nothing else for AFK farming lol. (I do spend a lot of time with game up but...typing...) I have never gotten a good corruptor project finished. I have never tried a Defender. I have only had one Scrapper 50 ever. (I was impressed, Elec/Elec back on live) There are mountains left to climb. And, oh, so many costumes yet to create...
  9. THis whole topic is seriously making me want to try an MM, and i have not done that since a couple lowbie outings way back in the day.
  10. You posted this in the Brute forum. I know nothing about Stone, or I would post a stored build. Good luck in the search though.
  11. Thanks ForeverLaxx. Exactly the information I was looking for. As a min/maxxer (it is a SUPER game right?) that leaves my main choice comfortably in the Brute realm. I started on Brutes, unless there is some giant game revision I will probably end there as well. (Although if they modify Tanks one more time....) I think I can eek out a min max build on a Sentinel. It is just a LOT harder because they works against the I/O's half the time as Armor ATs are expected to use melee I/Os and the Ranged I/Os are not as useful in armoring up. But everytime I spend a week or two on getting A Sentinel where I want I end up running a high defense Blaster lol. But I will revisit some of my Tank-Mage concepts. There is a Sentinel out there for me, i know it lol.
  12. I've never even tried Power Surge. For the same reason I wont run Granite. Where is my character? Oh, can you suppress the effects?
  13. Based on my experience it is due to the information filter. I believe most 1st person setups have WAY more relevant data streaming to you in almost a "Heads Up Display" format. (why i run robots, way more immersive) City of Heroes combat data is nearly all visual. If you are not backed up over the shoulder view you are probably going to miss that Malta Sapper with the signature blue rifle just off to your left. And, well, are you ever in for a surprise....
  14. This is what was not adding up in my head. I knew that 10 points on Invulnerability felt, well, invulnerable. Thanks.
  15. I ran a Super Strength Invulnerability Brute for almost a year live on just Single Origin enhancers. I was learning the game and enjoying what I did. The power sets on a Brute are very functional on a Brute, even when sidekicked and at -mult levels Rage allows you to just keep doing your job. Once i could afford enhancers I could really only have one "great" build at a time. And we all love to alt. I ran a LOT on SOs. The game plays well versus SOs. Now I run very expensive builds against really difficult content. But the game has morphed for that content. Even at non incarnate you have incarnate powers, and more often than not some teammates are being "farmed" so you are pulling extra weight. Bigger challenges, more power, and requiring a better understanding of how to optimize to handle it. Different game. In the same game. Then there is me trying to figure out how to run anything besides a Brute. Sometimes extra power helps there. Sometimes maybe it doesnt. I learned a lot on that old SO Brute. Cheers Blue Centurion of Liberty Server. What a ride.
  16. I ran Invulnerability for well over a year when I first started. Knockback was one of the many reasons. It serves very well. -10KB. Man was I surprised the first time I encountered Back alley Brawler and he launched me across the map?!? My main now, A dark Dark Brute, has one 4 pt KB prot in Mystic Flight. And flies most of the time. Rarely an issue. Although in a +4 ITF with a lowbie team (complete nigtmare, I was not team lead) I was getting pinballed in fight at comp terminal very bad. Over, and over, and over, and then one more time. Survived, but lost a lot of time getting into position....as KB will do. I have heard, but am unsure, that 5 , 6, 7, 8 pts KB prot are effectively the same as 4 pts, due to the way the game scales KB. What arte the actual "breakpoints" in KB prot? (building a Dark / Dark Sentinel. decidedly untanky but definitely no room to get mezzed /KB.
  17. Okay. Lot of good feedback in the Tank vs. Brute topic. A little spirited too lol But can someone explain to me simply (besides a wee bit more range) The Damage potential difference between Brutes and Sentinels? Basic damage modifiers, target caps if applicable (I know Sentinels got truncated compared to Blasters...how do they stand vs Brutes?)
  18. at some point the only AT left will be tank and "Guy McNormal" 23 will have a chance lol
  19. I know it defeats the purpose....but i offer up the plotline from Supernatural. The guy never knows he dies. Some "power" changes his timeline so he did not die. Just a tought, the project sounds difficult as is lol. Can only imagine being level 30something and walk into a zone under Rikti Assault and get slammed. Be like....Noooooooooo
  20. I have a live build that (while trying to make it better...?!?) I have a full set of Superior Avalanche in Footstomp. chance for KD. and FS has a chance for KD. Long story short...sometimes they squirt like a stomped ketchup packet.
  21. but can you aim with that? you can play pool with force bolt
  22. There are a few things in the game I always have bounce through my head as things I would really enjoy. Taking the time to learn Masterminds (and I would do it if we had a pure zombie horde! - err, probably) Or taking a Assault Rifle Traps Blaster all the way through the game solo. Learning how to build intricate death traps into every map and pulling the mobs to destruction. Share your great "Never really got around to it" ideas with me. And all of us. That way we can all think. "Hey, you know what I should do..." Before heading into Character Gen for our thousandth variation of the same toon...
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