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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I can see you all are on the fence about this. so please continue to think carefully about the wonderful motivation of receiving another enhancement slot for powers. i really appreciate your openess to the concept
  2. This is so funny to me I do not know how to articulate it. I just keep re-reading it and giggling. seriously though, you want a Vigilante. And just story arcs from peeps like Dr Shelly Percy. Which...Yeah. I have to go back to giggling again. Thanks.
  3. I think of it as a Hell Hound. Which puts it then squarely into Demon/Devil characters for me. A lot of my Dark is Undead characters. It is odd how the game choices interact with my choices to define where certain AT powersets have to go for me
  4. Snarky

    Shadow Field

    I am trying to understand this. It looks different than the only Dom I know, Grav. Does it not hold everyone, but just a few in the area? Because the description and the detailed info both indicate a "chance" of holding... If it is not a hard hold, how does Darkness control, well, control?
  5. interesting. I have played crabs, never a huntsman. had to delete my crab and opull a couple other tricks as well. that backpack started showing up on ALL my characters. like a virus. sad. But Huntsman? Thank you. Will put that in the hat.
  6. I am flirting with the idea of starting another Redside run. Every contact/every story arc. I usually do this with a Brute. I tried it with a Tank a couple months back and got to around low 30s. Then the Tanks were updated and I wanted that thing incarnated asap. Also, the kill alls were killing me. So slow. But....A squishy? I have never tried it before. But, with I/os, temp powers, and every trick in the book (mine and the ones you folks show me) I am pretty sure it can be done. The only question is...what AT and powerset. Thoughts on possibles: Blaster AR/Dev. Things get nasty can always build a fort pull and watch the fireworks. I am half tempted to do this. Or Dark/Psi Or Fire.Fire. The pure Blap-happy killer Trollers: I hear Grav is super powerful on a Troller, and I love Grav conceptually and in game. Plant Troller. Here those are mad powerful. Not an easy concept for me to work with though. My thoughts keep going to poison ivy from Batman. I got nothing character wise. I have never run trollers and those bits of info is everything I know about them doms: I have had a couple 50 doms. Okay, not since live, but I ran them. I ran Grav / Nrg. I think Fires/Psi, Dark/Dark would also be strong possibilities I am not sure a Corruptor is a good choice. They really shine in teams. I think some of the power sets are still decent solo though I am not sure I could do Defender. I am not sure I have ever even rolled one. Sentinel. The odd Duck. Impossible to min max, yet soloing +0/x1 1-50 may be the ATs sweet spot. I guess the outlier here is Stalker. I have never seriously ran a Stalker. Not really a squishy. I suppose Sentinel isn't either. Kill alls on a Stalker? I know they excel at glowie runs like 1 min later done. But it is like Brute lite on kill alls. Any thoughts would be great. I will probably be percolating this for a few days unless lightning strikes or I haven 7 cups of coffee tonight.
  7. I agree. I e-mailed a 100 mil to someone who said they were new to the game and dead broke the other night. dropping a few mil every couple days on myself to not break concept is pretty much a no brainer. And the money is a pay it forward. Before I learned how to earn (thanks to the good people on the board patiently walking me through it) I could not afford crap. I told people how I was struggling and making cash with my strange tactics and a few (more than 2!) threw buckets of Inf my way.
  8. This is a very well thought out critique of Redside. While Redside arguably has some of the best storylines in the game, it is a specific type of storylines that it falls into. I have said before to do Kalinda and Burke's stories if you plan to run Redside. This is because they lay everything out so perfectly. If you like that, dig in, there are months of the same set up for you. This is not a perfect explanation of what they tell you, but it is not wrong either. Kalinda: Work for Arachnos. We reward loyalty. There is no other game in town. Watch your back. Burke: Screw Arachnos. Work for them, but steal from them. Oh, and some of them are honorable. But get your cookies and keep your distance. If you have a different character concept than will fit easily into running missions for the semi-organized evil organization Arachnos, whether being a loyalists or a traitorous selfish rebel, then the Redside storylines (mostly) will not work for you. There are some exceptions. A few of the contacts Redside offer storylines that explore meta concepts for CoH/Cov, but even these will almost always flirt with villain politics. For me this has always worked out. Somehow I just naturally click with the selfish backstabbing greedy pretend to work for you while looking for the angles world of Redside storylines. (looks at sentence, sighs) But seriously, I enjoy running those same arcs endlessly. Itching to run a complete all Redside contacts completionist toon again. Had one up to low 30s and just 50'd them. Was a Tank, horrid choice for kill alls. Doing Brute probably, or maybe I will go nuts and try a Dom...no....that would be....hmmmmm But yes, I do enjoy the petty villainy of CoV Redside. You might enjoy Goldside. So much more political and cerebral. I personally hate the missions for pure politics sake. Give me a Bank Robbery anyday. I sort of enjoy the difficulty of Goldside, but it is a messed up place over there. Even the street cleaning robots are politics junkies.
  9. Now this is an actual discussion. Thank you. It has made me realize I do not care if they make 1 more power pool available or all of them. Really a P2W option for fly that works on magic characters would have my propeller beanie spinning like mad lol.
  10. buildwise and inf speaking jetpack is a steal...but I run a lot of undead and wizards who are using a jetpack? can we get a wing option or a mystic fly aura or anything non tech in p2w?
  11. I posted here after starting the topic in discussion. I was informed there was a discussion going in here now i went back and read through. My opinion my point if view is that this is not so much a discussion. It doesnt really fit into an argument. Nor is it just snarky comments. It just seems everyone is unhappy with the opinions of everyone else and are expressing that. Peace out
  12. Great minds think alike. Or the moon is full. Whatever the reason i just started a similar thread in general discussion i make A LOT of brutes. Many. More than a few. Soooo. Fighting is a must. 3 left. Manuevers 99% time, so Leadership is a must. 2 left. Combat Jumping 99% time, so Leaping. 1 left. Modern builders wont even consider a build that doesnt have Hasten unless you are playing ?/willpower. ? Being some mystical set that derives no value from recharge. So. Super Speed. Sigh. Another build with Perma Temp Jet Pack. which reminds me i need to do an alt with the Perma Temp Jet Pack as part of their origin. Should make an interesting writeup But what (if it does not grind the game code into splinters) is the harm of more power pools. Wasn't Diversification what the Devs wanted at one point. Go wide not deep? in the modern game with i/o builds giving more than what the entire fighting pool manuevers and combat jumping give with a side of stealth and incarnate powers slathering on powah i cannot see a logical justification for saying more power pools are a game changer. Other than “ well this is how we always done it” so please look at this Thank you
  13. I tend to like the wild west of “discussion”. So much more fun
  14. You have no isea how many times i get to the end of a build I bave soent hours in research and construction and tweaking. It is pretty much done i have maybe a pick left over that could go for a travel power. (I really like fly). But... i have taken jumping for combat jump, fighting, leadership, and hasten. Well. There is another toon destined for a perma temp jetpack. Sigh i do not know if the coding is easy or impossible to add an extra power pool. it absolutely cannot be game altering to add a power pool in todays environment. A little more flexibility or proliferation into different support powersets cannot be important compared to i/o incarnate and various permatemp powers. so please. If possible. Think about doing this
  15. I cannot actually tell if this is a warmup for an april fools joke or something cool or something outside my interest Go. Hunt. Kill Skulz
  16. I just get this image of Mr Garrison sitting in front of a computer trying to interact with the Southpark kids. Saying excuse me, stepping away to slam a shot of vodka, then stepping back in front of the computer.
  17. Just got that in my email. So we should have another superhero mmorpg any year now
  18. I just made a cool villain. Then immediately went to Pocket D and slammed him Vigilante so I could actually run 4 DFBs. While in Atlas Park level 1 I got onto a crazy farm train (still on it, level 37 and going) So where do I want the guy to be at 35?-50? I WANT him to be a villain. Lets look at the Alignment powers for a Brute. ….Villain Alignment power is near useless with a 50 Brute. You will peg Fury in seconds of enemy contact. Confuse? Rogue power, good for solo story quest. Hero power....nice. grrr. Vigilante power is cool. So the best power for a Brute is the hero power. Sad. Lets talk about content. Okay, so we need Blueside access unless LGTF, ITF, and Incarnate TF are all you plan to do. (and that is tempting) I take a deep breath and think about the characters backstory and look. I am leaning toward Villain with him. Its going to be a lot of Inf in the build but points for style are more important than an alignment power or missing Blueside TFs. If I had not gotten onto this crazy farm I would have left him Blue to do the TFs to level. Now I don't need to. So this will be a pure Villain, as written an hour or two ago in character gen. But I already have a Vigilante on the server with a similar build just different power sets. this was an experiment that I got lucky with. Most alts don't get lucky, they struggle with running Blueside off concept and start to irritate and are then abandoned.
  19. it would be loud in certain zones. also if you are on a squishy in a zone that is tough for your character your ears are one of your best assets. that crackle telling you a clockwork has fixated on you is really important. Having some random NPC mention you beat down Bob the Council chief not so much.
  20. I recently switched servers and forced myself not to get a personal base. so i did some research on the server i went to. This involved a quick trip to the server message board. Rather than start a new thread topic i browsed recent threads asking about SGs. I quickly found a posted response about a long time running active SG and coalition i created my character on the new server and posted a few tells every hour until i got a response. I think i only posted a few. It was not frustrating so it must have been quick. I have almost no patience the next part did require a few actions but the SG was very good about working with me. I joined their discord. I played actively with the SG for over a week. I joined their in game chat channels. They are a good crew so this was all easy. Although i am still lost on Discord. They have more forum headers than these message boards then they invited me to the SG. I missed the first invite because it was through Discord. But i was in game a lot and playing with the crew on teams formed on SG channels and someone threw me an invite i still havent been in the base. I use the quick transport bases that have become popular. The SG dedicated channel is just a third chat channel for organizing TFs and content. But my efforts payed off by getting me connected with a laid back knowledgeable and active group of geeks. Goal achieved i do wish we could have more than one SG per toon. I have wanted this for a long time going back to live. It makes great sense from a storage perspective and from a comic book perspective as well. How many major characters were in multiple super groups multiple comic titles? Seriously. Like almost all
  21. there is one part I can think of that is something like that. it is the tech knight belt, w/ option. coloring the inside of it is a pain. you have to color the entire character or it wont change appearance
  22. It is the gross base unenhanced power value on the left. The number on the right is the adjusted value from the enhancers in that power. I do not believe this includes global enhancements from enhancement set bonuses or temporary buffs from team powers. It will include buffs from things like alpha incarnate slot since those go directly onto enhancer bonuses. As stated above the number May not be completely accurate.
  23. At low levels titan weapons dark amor and to a lesser extent invulnerability struggle with endurance issues. Kin is great fir them or the other buffer that gives endurance. really most brutes achilles heal is their end bar. That is why they loathe super stunners malta sappers and carnies
  24. Everlasting is a very good and vibrant server. Truly uber super geeks over there. It is also a role playing server. You can run in teams over there, but they only truly warm up when you have an outfit, a backstory, and spend some time chatting, in character, as that is more the focus than experience grinding. They grind, oh yes, they are excellent TF runners, some of the finest PUG teams, but they shine at RP. That's the whole deal over there. Excelsior is a bit busier, a bit more wild west, and maybe slightly less organized. Smart peeps, but by the very nature not as focused on others gaming experience. To give an example. There is a starter trial. Death From Below. Sewer madness, usually run a few times to powerlevel a new toon. There is a badge in it, that takes a little coordination to get. Nearly every Everlasting PUG team I run on gets that badge 95% time, whether anyone even mentions they need it. On Excelsior? Heh. It....can happen? People seem a little happily shocked when they get it. (and I set it up 90% time to just fall in their lap....still you have to be disciplined to get it) So, yeah. Everlasting is excellent playerbase, very active. But more focused on the character experience than the grinding experience. Wherever you pick I know every server is filled with the best gamers of any MMORPG in the world. Homecoming is really just that for a lot of us. So enjoy, don't be afraid to ask questions,. We can help level, help you earn billions, help you understand and build very powerful characters. And we have cookies.
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