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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. a lot (not all, but a lot) of story content story arc, and game exploration...is solo. At least that is what I have seen. PUGs do not have much patience for 99% of story arcs. I have a decent amount of time in grinding missions and arcs from contacts. Solo. It is my belief this is pretty common. The exception would be a group who do arcs together. I have not gotten into a group like that. I think it would be bad as F to start at level 1 and story arc with the same team all the way to 50. Not every arc, but maybe a planned tour for the team through content to Incarnate stuff. I do not think most groups who do arcs do it that way, but being a complete obsessive that's what I look at as the ultimate.
  2. I would use magic origin. It was with Dark Magic that the Hamidon created itself. I would go Bio Armor I would use all of the asymmetrical parts and probably Search for odd looking textures and addons to make the costume as inhuman as possible. I would use the elongated alien skull and search for poeces that fit on that without clipping that fit the rest of the costume pulling the head back into the design i would go tank or brute. Hami is tough. I would probably go dark melee for 3 reasons. 1) hami is tough and this set makes any melee tougher. 2) hami was created with dark magic. 3) i really enjoy Dark melee and have it on a few of my incarnated 50s
  3. There are always exceptions. On my Dark Dark Brute i run 12 toggles. And super high recharge is part if the focus of the build. Because it brings up the PBAoEs in Dark melee that replenish health and end and come up so often they are a miny AoE attack chain in themselves especially with Judgement layered in top on e in a while
  4. I really like this clarification. Not being Snarky. Well. I mean. I am Snarky. But. Okay i been watching too much SNL anyways the logic is perfect. Not being perma is not a huge deal. The only time you need a solid perma is for Perma-Domination. My main is a super high recharge Brute. Hasten has a very small downtime. It is not a deal killer. I waste more time combining inspirations and lining up where i want all my next attacks to group for max carnage.
  5. the cheesiest and smallest pet peeve. yet still a real immersion breaker. Standing in a low level zone map like AP. 8ft tall Tank, Armored, level 50. HEAVY. little old lady walks into you and pushes you into a fountain.....
  6. What would this macro look lime. And how would you edit it on the fly?
  7. Right. That is what i suspected. The “leadership” from our political parties has been woefully short and misdirected it seems to me. The information, even from the portions of rhe news media who have sounded a warning tone for a while, have drastically failed to communicate the severity of the situation i listen to NPR all the time in my semi. Even this fairly educated and cautious group of journalists seemed to miss the gravity of this story. Only picking up on it a few weeks ago it seems. Granted they were not saying the exact opposite of what was happening as some media talking heads have done, still i am surprised by the situation. As someone that listens to news all the time that is disturbing
  8. A "Kaufman Retrograde" From a Star Trek fighting game. The tactic is to fly the Federation ships backward. The photon torpedos face forward, so your enemy is taking time to get to you while facing your armament. Worked decent against everyone and great against Romulans whose main weapon lost power over distance. But the tactic was basically to make the enemy take longer to get to you as you fought them. Also, slightly freaked that we are now surpassing 100 deaths a day in Covid19 illnesses. This was my metric above for "we ignore this..." That happened fast. Where are we on the curve and the doctors are already screaming at us it will get worse before it gets better. Again, the curve. is it getting worse but at a lessening rate? Or is it getting worse and still increasing in strength? I studied no medicine. I have looked at math. These are not good numbers.
  9. I think the point is. We do not stop the economy to a dead halt. Instead we allow a 16 year old to own a car and drive. Younger ownership for guns cars kill. Guns kill. People still go about their lives flu kills. Stop 🛑 everything. Hoard toilet paper. Hide which is why i no longer believe it is the covid19 flu. I think it is the start of biological warfare that has escaped from a lab. I think that is why senators on the intel commissions are selling everything. They know the economy is not coming back
  10. spent 20 maybe 30 minutes scouring every stinking room in that arachnos map. found a wiki reference or a message board clue that pointed me right back to the last fight. it was Habashy right?
  11. someone always has to one up me, or 1.3 billion here
  12. you still need a badge to open the contact?
  13. I recently needed a few complete purple sets and other odds and ends for a build I shopped hard, bought low, converted cheaper enhancers to make the ones I need. a little over an hour. then overbid on my last purchase, enhancement boosters. by a factor of 10, extra zero. 200 mil gone, because I was bidding on 10
  14. I just pulled in to a company i haul steel for. Usually 10,000 pounds a day. Sometimes 20-40. I asked if i could use the reatroom. He directed me to use the one at the business next door ( not a public company orone i do business with). I asked “ will they let me?” He says, straight face, “i don’t see why not.” If the economy wasnt sliding into a depression i would have driven off. Dead serious. Turns out i need this job a few more days
  15. Lol yeah. A couple years driving Metro and my skills are definitely better. Portland OR is an old city and no tractor trailer does well here. There are tricks you can get pretty good with. But there is a physical limitation that you cannot get past as well Oregon just issued a shelter in place order. Trucking companies are exempt. But most of the places i got coffee and/or emptied my bladder are looking like zombie apocalypse hit. I found out we have had 100 automobile related deaths a day going back many years in this country. As a working driver this is not a shock to me. But... why are we shutting down the entire country for far smaller numbers of Covid19 deaths?
  16. If i see a post in Help “is there a GM online?” I usually take the time to respond “ i am NOT a GM. But what is your issue?” A d sometimes one of us in Help (actually more often than not) are able to figure it out. A couple times i have seen a response that is basically “ i am GM xyz, we are working on this”. that shows how helpful active and interwoven our community is thank you to all the volunteer GMs Devs, Creationeers and their support network. This game and this community rocks
  17. I have (after a long long long run of playtesting) settled on a main. It is a Dark Dark Brute. I am not going to try to sell anyone on it. I chose it for the things i like about it and how it fits my concept i have a very expensive super high recharge build on it that works quite well. I need to tweak it but i am quite happy with it Hasten is near perma and i am rocking cardiac and ageless on it i am wondering if there is another build strategy for dark that works as well but is completely different. Since i will be on this character for a long time i would throw another billion into a second build. If i liked it and it served a purpose. i tanked Lord Recluse with him in LGTF. Although when i first jumped in i did not eat inspiration and the F-er 2 shotted me. I popped back up and did the nob though. He currently farms 4/8 on any damage type including energy and s/l which are his weak spots. It is a seriously mean toon the way it sits. i would appreciate any thoughts or concepts on if there is a different build strategy for these powersets. I have been trying to get this to work and be able to afford it for so long my mind does not really go anywhere else when i think Dark Dark Brute. Thank you
  18. I have always enjoyed the badge system in CoX. I have never run a badger, my top live was probably a few hundred. I have one with a little over 500 and am actually committing to a long time project, currently at 361 badges. The things I have enjoyed about the badge system: It is a take it or leave it, not forced choice. There are bonuses and mini rewards for certain badges. The contacts opening up, the accolades. The key to get into Cim or Ouro. The bragging rights. Proves you did Master of... or just ground 500 badges, people need to know you are straight up crazy, they can tell just by looking at your info. Need title. You can place one as a placard on your character. Good stuff. I would love to see an extended (minor) reward system built into badges. Possibly in conjunction with veteran levels. Vet level X and collect X badges = 1 extra enhancer slot. Or 1 travel power that would exemplar down to level 1. Fly/teleport/SJ etc. It is a definite something, but not game altering madness. Maybe (diminishing returns, as is logical) a total of 3-4 total bonuses for 200 vet levels and 1500 badges. For me this is a lot but would keep the focus on playing deep into the game. For context my highest vet level is probably high teens and badges as I have stated is nothing spectacular. But it would be another way to use the existing metrics of the game to continue to empower supers. Total of 4 extra enhancer slots for a level 200 vet with 1500 badges is not game breaking. Or 4 extra travel powers (we already have P2W permatemp flight, this would just stylize it) or 2 enhancer slots and 2 travel powers, etc.
  19. I remember evrryone slowly dropping in ine ans i was on a Blaster. I tried so hard to finish it and couldnt get the EB at the end. So glad they changed it i recently soloed posi 1 on a Sentinel
  20. First: WOOT!!! Second: Thank you Homecoming Team. Best group of Devs in geek game world!
  21. Yes, and it was horrid back in the day, taking 2 hours or more and almost a cringeworthy recipe for failure on PUG teams
  22. I been playing a long time. SS/EnA is not something I see a lot of. Either from Tanky Tank builders or Farmy Farm builders. Maybe it is the perfect niche. But I think we would have noticed by now if it was OMFG good
  23. I am Snarky 100% time lol. I was saying in another thread I drive a semi in a major metro area. So....I really do try and be courteous and safe. You learn people have a thousand things on their mind while driving....that is not driving. At the same time I have to get from point A to point B, and I want to do a speed TF if you know what I mean. So, I am not going to stop traffic so someone can creep out 30 feet before they start accelerating. You read the road, you more or less know the patterns, and you get it done. There are always the crazies, makes it tough, but you just deal with it. And yes, I snark at people from behind the wheel. That airhorn sees a use about every other day. 2 times a day on bad days. Keep in mind I can only use it when things are FUBAR. So....yeah
  24. I don't know peacebringers at all, but the enhancer setup itself is straightforward. You have done nothing glaringly wrong. You boosted a LOTG 7.5% 5 levels? how much net defense did that actually give you? Other than that it looks okay. I cant click on the enhancer and see which ones you boosted or set bonuses. Keep in mind with Enhancers everything is built up from the old dual origin single origin store bought enhancers. Go back a long time and think of how this game evolved. I promise it will help. Then they added Enhancer Sets. Enhancer Sets boosted multiple things, many times with better overall percentages, and gave you global set bonuses. Here is the thing. Originally the Enhancer Sets were as set in stone as those single origin enhancer. You buy a level 26 LOTG Def/End. It will NEVER change value, unless you are on a team below its level, then it scales downward. It never goes up. You go 3 levels below its value you lose it as a piece for considering set bonuses. it still works, just no longer gives set bonuses. Then they added Purple Enhancers. Only available at 50....but they kept their set bonuses when playing low level. they still scaled downward, but those sweet set bonuses remained. Then we got attuned (very new addition really, not counting SNAP hiatus) Those climb in value with you and keep set bonuses right down to the floor level of the entire set. ATOs are available at level 10, are automatically attuned, and you can "purple" them at 50 for Superior versions. But all the content, well almost all, is based on the old school SO game. That is why when you start throwing sets on a level 17 and doing Synapse you feel like you are cruising. Your character has bonuses the original designers KNEW were never going to be available. Because in their world there was nothing that was on the drawing boards to create it. There is a slight uptick in overall complication in more modern arcs, but by and large the game is still balanced around SOs. Except Praetoria. No one can tell what the Devs were thinking there. Extremely hard low level content marketed to the newest players. I still avaoid Goldside. I soloed it a couple times on Brutes back on live and it does not call to me. Politics, lies, more politics, more lies, and content that is nearly impossible depending on how many inspirations you have left in the tank. I prefer Redside. Just tell me we are robbing a bank or killing a bozo because....yeah, don't care, getting paid, getting a badge.
  25. someone has to make their money driving those trucks, and everyone wants crap delivered lol. Yes, for real. Full size semi day cab, 48' trailer, steel and wood products, usually 500-5000 pd per item. And the traffic. ooof. I will not say that trucking made me Snarky. Let's just say everything has a purpose.
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