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Extor Prime

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Everything posted by Extor Prime

  1. Isn't there an "exit now" button that closes the client and leaves your character in disconnected state for the countdown?
  2. People are already doing it. This one chick I know stole a bunch of uniforms, cut them up and went to a Halloween party as a Slutty Lancer. Everyone called her a Nemesis Thot.
  3. He's dead for sure. It's all impersonators now. Next time you see him, don't be fooled, it's Nemesis not.
  4. As an Ill/Cold controller (it's a magical combination), I just don't work without high recharge. Which means Agility incarnate is a must, and those set bonuses have to be there. So after some hair-pulling, I settled on 4-slotting Infrigidate with Pacing of the Turtle A/E, Achilles Heel, Lady Grey chance for Negative and Impeded Swiftness Chance for Smashing. 140 damage every so often and a res debuff is a pretty decent step up from a previously non-damaging debuff power. I decided to not push it as I simply don't have any more slots to steal from anywhere else without losing either recharge or defense caps.
  5. This thread cost me several hours of crippling indecision, a respec, 2% AoE defense and 0.7% of Fire/Cold defense. And I'm not even a corruptor.
  6. So I dropped some salvage on a few Halloween costumes last night that just won't drop. Jolly good, but the badge counter won't budge. Considering that the same costume can't drop twice, did I just lock myself out of costume collection badges?
  7. Procrastination is the key to success, right..? Anyway... updated... finally... sorry to have dragged ass.
  8. Executable though? That's a nope for me.
  9. PSA for everyone who has 10 slots unlocked already and is thinking of buying a slot for Halloween: don't. Not only it doesn't show up in the costume select window (and therefore cannot be edited), but /cc 10 command does not work either (I guess it expects a single-digit number). Not a big salvage waste, but a waste nevertheless. Oh well, maybe someday.
  10. Can always sit in Ouro for a while. The comfiest zone in the game.
  11. I guess I phrased the OP badly. It's not about showing off to others (I barely talk to people in game and spend most time on my own) but rather about an irrational urge to crank up the challenge setting just for my own sake. Which isn't something I normally do in games other than CoH.
  12. This thread is for people like me, who obsess over having a powerful main and therefore spend a lot of time beating their heads into assorted walls, said walls being content intended for groups. For some reason, CoX brings out the "am I cool yet" syndrome in me. I obsess over pylon kill times. I soloed ITF at 0/8 and while it was fun, it was unsatisfying because it wasn't +4/8. I ground through Maria Jenkins' missions at +4/8 and it was entirely too long and too frustrating, but now I got my DimWarder badge for beating the Praetorian AVs on max difficulty. Funny thing is, I don't usually play games on "hard" or "very hard" setting. I generally dislike artificial buffs/artificial nerfs just for their own sake. And since I am almost at VL100 and have plenty Inf, rewards don't particularly matter. But for some reason I keep my difficulty setting at Max and keep soloing to prove... something, I'm sure. To whom, I have no idea. Anyway. I know I'm asking for a "weird flex but OK", but, does anyone else engage in this playstyle?
  13. Ill/Cold. Arguably a straight upgrade to Ill/Rad. Trade-off is that you have to lean heavier on +rech bonus sets (because no AM) and don't have a heal. And it's a bitch to level until you get Heat Loss, but nothing that recovery serum could not help.
  14. Ice. Electric is also fast but overall godawful.
  15. Solved it. Instead of using "powexec_name" I needed to use powexec_location. I used powexec_location me, which would spawn the lore pets directly under me on the ground when I'm flying, which suits me just fine.
  16. I created Destiny Ageless Core, Destiny Clarion Core and Destiny Rebirth Core. I made this macro: /macro Dest "powexec_name "clarion core epiphany"$$powexec_name "ageless core epiphany"$$powexec_name "rebirth core epiphany"" It works. When I click on the macro, it casts whatever Destiny I currently have equipped. I then created Lore Longbow, Lore BanPan and Lore Phantoms. I made this macro: /macro Lore "powexec_name "Phantom Core Superior Ally"$$powexec_name "Longbow Core Superior Ally"$$powexec_name "Banished Pantheon Radial Superior Ally"" This one does not work. No matter which Lore I have equipped, it always tries to cast BanPan lore. Any idea why this is happening?
  17. What if you /CC to one of these extra slots and when at the tailor, hit Enter? Isn't the current costume slot highlighted when you open the tailor interface? Might work, I should check. EDIT: It doesn't, damnit. I thought I was clever.
  18. Do you mean to say we can have ELEVEN costume slots? Because I already have ten unlocked by flipping to redside and doing villain tailor mishes 🙂
  19. Slot 1: Classic costume that I wear the most. Slot 2: same classic costume but without a cape. Worn when fighting indoors or generally in cramped quarters so that the cape doesn't get caught on stuff or get grabbed in melee. Slot 3. Praetorian costume. Slightly altered version of the classic (same gloves, boots and pauldrons, but based around Ulterior rather than Justice set. I love these two sets). Worn when doing Incarnate stuff or going to Praetorian Earth. Or when I want a little variety. Slot 4. Praetorian costume without cape, see above. Slot 5. Centurion costume. Worn when working in Cimerora so as not to freak out the locals too much. Slot 6. Mystic/"Mage" costume, IDK why I made it, but if we ever get a medieval setting of some kind, I'll wear it there. Right now I wear it as my Halloween costume. Slot 7. Armored costume. Full-on enclosed tech looking armor set. Worn in hostile environments such as sewers or in spess. Not that it matters because my character is an energy being and he doesn't really need to breathe. But might as well look the part, you know? Slot 8. Arachnos operative. A knock-off of Arbiter get-up, along with the spider helmet. Worn when working in Rogue Isles (I'm a vigilante). Slot 9. Casual wear (black trousers, boots, black shirt with my favorite dark red skinny tie, trenchcoat, aviators to cover my glowing eyes and a cowboy hat). Admittedly a bit edgelord due to being almost all-black, but generally elicits positive feedback. Slot 10. Formal. Black suit, dark red tie, boots, cowboy hat, aviators (I like cowboy hats and aviators, alright?).
  20. Dude. Literally a handful of posts down. Literally.
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