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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. It's Eden trial week and I am trying to get my master badges. So, I am running it a lot. I noticed on the last run several of us got hit with Sting. It a heavy -fly power which is fine until you look at the duration, five minutes. Makes me think that someone added an extra zero to the duration. There is another version of the power that only last 10 seconds. Short sting. Not sure which mob produces the long version. The five duration is annoying because the titan is so nasty now that you need to fly to stay out of the foot stomp. So, we have sit there for several minutes waiting for it to wear off. Several of us had 2-3 stack which ones last five minutes. Has the long version always existed? Which mob uses it?
  2. I have a level 50 poison defender, which I don't play anymore. Issue one, completely subjective. Poison's effects are non very obvious, except for poison trap. So, I feel like I am not doing much. Second issue, probably still subjective, high level game play. At higher levels mobs are physically spread out in many missions. This make it difficult to defensively debuff toHit. Unlike, for instance, trick arrow which has flash arrow. I need to move into melee range to be safe, but there are mobs not effected by my debuffs launching AOEs. Make for a constant anxiety about if I should be at range or in melee which kills the fun. I haven't though about poison in awhile. So, I don't have any suggestion at the moment.
  3. Well, in that case the build is 801.5 certified. Though I want to try and clear it once.
  4. I now consider this build 801.2 4x8 certified. Completed the mission, Time: 1:43, Deaths: 1. No super inspirations No temp powers No base buffs Though given the time is took. I doubt I complete a 801.5 under the 2 hour limit. I'll give it a try with base buffs and other aids. Off to work on a Fort tank. Current build:
  5. I am confused. You're talking about the mob widows or player widows? If you're talking about mobs, then psychic blast isn't the most annoying power. Smoke grenade, now there is an annoying mob power compared to the player version. Unlike the player version, the perception debuff doesn't cancel when taking damage. But I digress.
  6. @Gulbasaur is an excellent source of Fort builds. Kunil also posted one to this thread. Weirdly I cannot find my current build. I'll post it tomorrow.
  7. Forts are fricking awesome. The only problem is deciding which powers to use, because most of them are good. One the ATs that really benefits from being able to have multiple builds.
  8. KaizenSoze

    801 Blaster

    @Linea Created a incredible set of AE missions that test the limits of tanks primary, but any AT could use them to test the extreme limits of their builds. Has anybody run these with their blasters? I know Linea has an water/rad blaster build I would love to see.
  9. I play my Bane a lot, which can heavily debuff toxic resists. So, I am very interested in mobs with weakness to toxic. Zero resistance is nice, but there is one important group of mobs that are weak to toxic. Goldbrickers have -20% resistance to toxic. Side note, another group with useful weakness that many people don't know about. Carnies are weak to lethal, -20% again. My Widows enjoy shredding them.
  10. I have a personal hate on for Psychic Scream. The cone is too narrow, except the Sentinel version, and the cast time is ridiculous. Most of my hate comes from it being the Night Widow T9. The live devs thought it a good idea to give a semi-squishy melee AT an attack that doesn't work well in melee and anchors the player in place for almost three seconds as their T9. 😞
  11. I doubt it will change the overall numbers but Gold Brickers at in Dr. Aeon's Strike Force are weak to toxic. They have -20% resists to toxic.
  12. I only give unsolicited compliments.
  13. I checked the calendar no listing for when it starts: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/calendar/ The wiki said it started on February 2nd last year. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Valentine's_Day_Event_2021 I was hoping it was going to start last Tuesday. Those badges are not going to collect themselves! 🙂
  14. Fortunata do well on this test. One of @Kanil inital tests was a Fort. Ironically, the reason Night Widows are mentioned more in the thread is because of players like me trying to get NW times even remotely close to Fort times. Night Widows lack of good AOE and procable attacks really hurts. Their single target might be slightly better than Forts, but not by much.
  15. At the moment of the post. There are no missions that substantial amounts of Incarnate Cimerorans. It's a known issue. The devs know and will fix it "soon". I think some mobs that were supposed to be flagged incarnate didn't happens when page 3 went out. There is one mission with one mob, detailed in the thread below, that will count towards the badge. You would have to run it a 100x to get the badge.
  16. Yes, but human myself very much included are very prone to misunderstanding frequency. 🙂 People were saying the similar things on each farm. First farm, Kronos must be the rare one. Second farm, at least 3-4 Kronos spawns, Paladin must be the rare one, who appear 1-3 times in the first farm. By the end of the second farm, even I was buying into the Paladin was rare thinking and I should know better! Randomnesses means streaks or anti streaks. Human brains just don't handle that well.
  17. I agree that would be idea. But who is in charge of what goes into the repository. Generally, most large open source project are run by a small group of dedicated developers. Instead of the current model where each server is run by it's own dedicated developers. And I feel there is some level of competition for players between the servers. The groups would have to come together and agree on what should be the open source repository. That means politics.
  18. In my idea world the different servers would share code and work as a team rewriting particularly bad sections of code. Like the market or league interface. Humans being humans. People are just going to have strong different ideas about how things should be done. Teamwork between servers is unlikely at a large scale. We programmers are an cantankerous and opinionated lot.
  19. It is doable, but complicated. Look in the dominator forum for macros to get both hasten and domination on "auto". That should give you some ideas.
  20. Dreamkiller Wiki Page I ground this out this weekend on two characters. I was curious how many runs on average it would take to complete the badge. So, I asked Reddit. The two answers I got were very close. On average 16-18 rounds are needed to get all 16 nightmares, 35-36 for 90% certainty, 47 for 99.9%. An quick farm round takes between 5-10 mins. Expect around 3 hours of farming to get the badge. It is possible that the nightmares are not equally distributed, which would screw up the calculations. Alas, unless someone runs the nightmare farm 100+ times to get a statistically significant result. I have to assume that all nightmare are equally random. Something to consider when planning for this badge.
  21. Just to give you more alt-ist. I have made a earth/ta controller. Lower damage, massive debuff and control. Much less busy to play.
  22. Pinging @Linea I know he has an 801 defender build. So, you would expect it to be very difficult to kill.
  23. Congrats. You're now over the hump.
  24. Have you tested out the new Stone Armor for stalkers and scrappers?
  25. I think most players would agree that Inferface powers are the weakest of the incarnate powers. First, I am not suggesting removing the existing debuff powers. Add some new interface powers that buffs things like status or stats resistance. To be clear, I am talking resistance to status effects, which shortens the duration or impact. Not protection which prevents the effects entirely. This would provide some benefit to ATs without status protection and help ATs with common holes like fear, placate, or taunt. The amounts would have to be carefully tested. Examples for resistance buffing: recovery regen status resistance, not protection perception toHit recharge slow
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