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Everything posted by Xenosone

  1. Because adding endurance to targets would be wierd especially since most mobs ignore end altogether and do whatever they want(especially stunned).
  2. What about some post 20 PST? Something 20-25. That always seems to be a good range and as yin has proven, 4 missions arent horrid. Heck the hc devs could even hold a contest and let the Real Ae storytellers come up with something. Let the players decide on some 10 odd good ones to filter the lame farmer maps and then go from there. (Player made ae storeis have severe limitations)
  3. The pvp zone patrols give you stealth and you can get it 3 times. After level 15 theres no reason to not have stealth of some kind. About people not paying attention to lfg, that happens alot. I recruited for an all rad Yin and so of course a demons/pain mm offers to join, takes forever to zone into Ip and then gets kicked because I checked to see if he had rad.
  4. You mean the newbies that stand in ae begging for a pl? Yeah i dont care about them either.
  5. Null the gull? Hes with your mom! Heard she bakes cookies. Wanted one. Sick burn
  6. Except for electrics sleep not for the players. The ai can use them well since they can switch targets.
  7. So my new project is to play all kb ere day. Figured energy blast is really good and paired it with ff for that sweet bulldozer shield later and so i could really slot lots of kb sets into my attacks. Then i noticed something. Seems energy blast has really low chances to kb with the higest being torrent at 60% and it seems to be an all or nothing deal. What blast set is the true kb king?
  8. Thats right. Always do tfs at -1 so that its boring as heck. So heres the deal. Leadership breaks the game. You know what pool people that people need to do tfs at -1 never take? Exactly. Build your toon better.
  9. Do you slot kb into every power? Do you put aoe immob or gale on autocasr? If you said no to both then you cant really annoy the team. That being said i am starting a kb toon but its named knockback nightmare and will be doing all kb sf/tfs. If you join that and get mad at the all kb tf because there is kb i have no sympathy.
  10. People are self absorbed, selfish, arrogant, lusting for ppwer in real life why not play a super hero for a bit to get away from being themself? So this is why redside will always be light on population
  11. People that knew how to play. Ae basically killed that.
  12. Consdering how reddit this place is, im suprised a dislike option is even available to anyone including devs. Double minus bad
  13. Does anything improve distance? I really wanna do all kb tfs and have a chance to kb spawns into someone elses instance.
  14. What? According the redditors that permeate the game and the ae babies that do this very thing you speak of, it doesnt happen at all. Just like learn to play around them or something. Youre like spoiling the game or something. Aoe immob on autocast is like the best thing ever man. But people dont do that man. Like wow. I cant even. Sadly the people that do this thing that never happens dont actually read the forums, chat, think beyond autocast aoe immob like its a really low damage fireball etc....
  15. I love corruptor but woth that comes pain knowing the defender is just better in every way thanks to higher debuff and not that much lower damage.
  16. Manticore Hopkins, we are here to save you.
  17. The team needs to get rid of aoe immob or give it a higher threat rating to discourage active morons from continuing to use it. By active moron i mean a person that came straight from ae to jump into a team and show off how 1337 his world of warcraft skillz are
  18. Villian side join the midnighters. That one kill all in black scorpions arc. Most kill alls. For some odd reason its cot or longbow on a the largest map you can think of. I dont mind small map no witnesses missions. Twinshot. Im kidding. Reddit the written mission is terrible and should never be done.
  19. Yeah. The tiny group i run with likes to hit perez and boomtown. Even terravolta on occasion. Brickstown is fun. Theres a parking garage thats like a hazard zone.
  20. Pretty sure it has to do with the nature of AE. If youve never left atlas park, how do you know where to go?
  21. Why is this a stackable but synapse shock extra run speed(its just almost 2mph) not? (Theres a possibility i have the name wrong but its an end mod set).
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