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Tanker Tuesdays

Tiffany Seville

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Hope to see everyone tomorrow as Tanker Tuesday returns to Excelsior.  8pm central time at the Independence Port gate in Kings Row.  If you don’t have a tank on excelsior, why not??  Get crackin and create one!


8 Central is a little toward the end of my evening, but I'll aim to be there. Is there a discord channel for those who don't mind a little vocal socializing?

PQAzhGk.png Make Energy Melee Great Again! Join the discussion.


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Really Excelsior was the only server that went down just as we were starting?????


Died on me right as I was jumping into the sewer entrance, leaving me on a loading screen. The team got a little scrambled as we came back out of order, putting us at a lower level to start.

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Yeah, bit of an awkward start with the server hiccup but still a good night.  Two teams running dual Posi 1’s was a nice reminder of just how fun TF’s can be on Tanker Tuesday.  I Wittied again on our team...


TankHQ global is up an running.  TankHQ sg has the foundation in (Thanks Bo’Tanika!). Looking forward to next week.  Should have at least on group doing Posi #2.

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Yes, a huge thanks to @Bo'Tanika for starting up the TankHQ SG base on Excelsior. I've already been able to take advantage of all the teleporters that she installed. So convenient for getting around quickly. Much appreciated!

Winteriel Ice/Fire/Nrg Tanker | @Scranker Global

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So many names I remember! Was able to be at the TT earlier this month, I work second shift though so not sure I can make many more of them. But you guys grab aggro for me when I'm not there!

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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Just got around to rolling a Tank out there, so I'll do my best to show up. Good to see so many returning players.


Are we looking at running the same format? 6pm EDT/9pm PDT, in King's Row by the IP gate?


We could look at getting a "Tour" going again, or even running the events on different servers at the same time, just depends on who's willing to lead and levels of concentration we want on any given server. I personally am good with one server, bigger collection of Tank enthusiasts, and (the somewhat selfish reason) I've always wanted to try an all Tanker Hami raid (yes, I'm pretty sure it can be done, 35+ Tankers would be the magic number)!

Nothing warms your opponent like Fiery Melee.

Tanker Tuesday and Tanker Tuesday Tour Info:

1st Tuesday-Excelsior

2nd Tuesday-Torchbearer

3rd Tuesday- Everlasting

4th Tuesday- Indomitable

Special weekend run for Reunion/Europe

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I think we are still feeling out what is going to work.  I missed the first couple of runs and still have to iron out how I am going to play while traveling for work so I might miss a few. 


We had been starting at 8pm central time (US) but I am up for moving it up an hour if it works better for everyone, honestly wasn’t sure on the exact time of the original.  we have had a couple tanks from the Far East side of Canada that might welcome a slightly earlier start.


Personally, I really enjoyed the tour and would definitely like to revive that aspect.  The tour is what got me hooked on the event when you all showed up on Triumph back in the day.  With the smaller number of shards I think it would be easy to do.  We also have been running every week on excelsior.  Spreading it out on the other shards might help avoid potential burnout on excelsior.


I am open to whatever the consensus is for the time.  All tank hami raid sounds like a nice challenge.  Did we ever try an all tank rikti mother ship raid?

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Hey PapaS,


Good to see you again. All Tanker MSR is totally doable and might be a nice "Kickoff" event if we haven't already had one for the return of TT! Just think.. with a league of Tankers, we could herd the map!


Nothing warms your opponent like Fiery Melee.

Tanker Tuesday and Tanker Tuesday Tour Info:

1st Tuesday-Excelsior

2nd Tuesday-Torchbearer

3rd Tuesday- Everlasting

4th Tuesday- Indomitable

Special weekend run for Reunion/Europe

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Great turn out tonight- 4 teams!


Though there were some hiccups getting started.

To my recollection, TT has always been set at 9pm East/6pm Pac.

This may seem a little late for East coast, and it might be cutting it close after work on the West... but it is the most inclusive time setting for all.  It's also why it's a popular time slot for mid-week events. 


If y'all want to start earlier, I get it.  But I would say to be prepared to accommodate a late wave as the west coasters finally get through rush hour traffic, feed the cats, and log on.  ;D


I also had a question about the TankHQ global... errrmmm... who is the operator?  We need a MOTD with times and forum links, and updates and stuff...


As for the SG... It is up and running on Excelsior.  Cozy at the moment, but completely functional with 'porters, crafting, trainers and stuff.  Salvage is fairly open, so keep that in mind. 


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Whenever TT is on Excelsior, I'd be happy to volunteer to be the overflow guy. I've got my main in the TankHQ SG there and can lead casual radio/tip missions in PI. So any strays or late arrivals who need a team can at least have somewhere to go in case all the other teams are already running TFs.

Winteriel Ice/Fire/Nrg Tanker | @Scranker Global

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Probably wouldn't be bad to settle on one thread as well. At think atm there are three up, so getting info out to folks might be a bit confusing.


I'm with Scranker, if we need to run two waves of TT here on Excelsior I'm willing to help make that happen by splitting off the initial team/s to accommodate Westcoasters ~6pm PT, or by coordinating a later TFs to run when they arrive in our fair city. I'm a Westcoaster myself, so I understand the potential difficulty of getting to the event at the current time.


I'd also like to put out the idea of the TT tour starting up again. Excelsior has the first Tuesday of the month, so that would leave us with 3 to 4 other weeks to fill in with TT until it rolls back around to Excelsior. Let me know what you think, or if there's an interest in this.

Nothing warms your opponent like Fiery Melee.

Tanker Tuesday and Tanker Tuesday Tour Info:

1st Tuesday-Excelsior

2nd Tuesday-Torchbearer

3rd Tuesday- Everlasting

4th Tuesday- Indomitable

Special weekend run for Reunion/Europe

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Do y'all have a chat channel yet?



Due to my time constraints, I will likely be a rare visitor to Tanker Tuesdays, but it sounds so much fun that I made a Tanker on the Excelsior just in case I get an evening open.

If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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Do y'all have a chat channel yet?


Yes... TankHQ is an in game global channel.

(We also have a TankHQ SG set up on Excel.)


However, I have not seen who the operator is, and there is no MOTD as of yet.


We should really fix that.

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Had a fun time at TT last night, in spite of the fits and starts we had getting the Posi 2 rolling.


As for the start time, I'd still lean towards the traditional 6pm/9pm start, as that is a more inclusive time across the US. Heck, when the TT tour was going on, I know there was the occasional Saturday event as well, so that it would include the Europeans, etc. Unfortunately, there is no "perfect time".


See y'all in game.  ;D

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Hey Warboss! Think I ran with you for a few missions last week (maybe over the weekend?) on Torchbearer. I was on my rad/sonic def Rad Radio. You tanked some good missions, man!


Hiya' Rylas, yep, I remember running with you, was fun and had a good team going. Hope to see you on line.

Nothing warms your opponent like Fiery Melee.

Tanker Tuesday and Tanker Tuesday Tour Info:

1st Tuesday-Excelsior

2nd Tuesday-Torchbearer

3rd Tuesday- Everlasting

4th Tuesday- Indomitable

Special weekend run for Reunion/Europe

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Probably wouldn't be bad to settle on one thread as well. At think atm there are three up, so getting info out to folks might be a bit confusing.


I'm with Scranker, if we need to run two waves of TT here on Excelsior I'm willing to help make that happen by splitting off the initial team/s to accommodate Westcoasters ~6pm PT, or by coordinating a later TFs to run when they arrive in our fair city. I'm a Westcoaster myself, so I understand the potential difficulty of getting to the event at the current time.


I'd also like to put out the idea of the TT tour starting up again. Excelsior has the first Tuesday of the month, so that would leave us with 3 to 4 other weeks to fill in with TT until it rolls back around to Excelsior. Let me know what you think, or if there's an interest in this.


My vote goes to the traditional start times so we can try and include as many folks as possible.


Also all in favor of getting the tour going again. Something like this??

1st Tuesday-Excelsior

2nd Tuesday-Torchbearer

3rd Tuesday- Everlasting

4th Tuesday- Indomitable

Special weekend run for Reunion/Europe.  I made a starter TankHQ base on reunion when I made my baby tank there a week or so ago. 



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I'd love to see stuff happen on Everlasting for Tanker Tuesday. I've got a fully-realized 50+3 Tanker over there already, and it'd be much easier to focus on her alt build than to worry about raising a whole separate version of her! ^_^


Does anyone know how Server Tansfers work if you're part of a SG? Do you maintain your membership in your SG, does it force you to drop it, can you get re-invited if you have to? And we have up to 5 server transfers a week, right? That how it works?


- Loranna

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You lose your SG affiliation if you transfer servers. Also the "fog of war" is reset on all your minimaps, although I guess that's not that big a deal. I don't know how many transfer tokens you get-- I have only transferred a couple of characters.


I would like to participate in TT sometime, but all my characters are on Everlasting now. Will probably wait for it to come to me haha.

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