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Nemesis Plot Invasion Event


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Or an I-24 bug that never went live thanks to NCSoft being dumb.   This event was not bug free given that there were times for unknown reasons that Nemesis would declare he was coming to defeat us himself and spawned off map

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25 alts with all the badges!

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  • 1 year later

There's been no announcement that I've seen. Last year the event was held twice: once in April, as kind of an April Fools thing, I think. I figured that would happen again, but it didn't. The other time was over the summer as part of their opening up all the various events. But I think that was only as a covid distraction, so I don't think that is going to happen again.

It would be nice if we could get an actual confirmation if there's any plans to hold the Nemesis Invasion event again.

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From Champion (Hero) and Infinity (Villain), currently playing on Everlasting.

Former member of the Hammers of Justice on Champion.

Raid leader for 'Everlasting TFs'.

Mains: Trickery Girl (Ill/Rad Controller), Burk (Sword/Shield Stalker), and 8 other complete badge characters.

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I just checked in to see of any mention of this happening has leaked out. I am going to wait until this next Tuesday before I get really antsy about it. Thus far, I've got 3 characters that only need the Nem event to get them all the badges. One already has it. 

I will try pretty hard this time around to get the badge on my more enjoyable characters. I think doing it one badger at a time is no longer the way to go. It'll drive me insane, perhaps, if I'm not already. But it'll beat waiting for them. 

I'm trying to talk myself into burning 1600 merits on some prospective new badge toons -- which may be older characters I've shelved to try new sets. 

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  • City Council

Not sure when the GMs plan to run the shard event, but adding a manual trigger like the other invasions have is on my to-do list. The plan is to trigger an invasion after completion of the final mission in SSA2. Bit of an issue is that this invasion isn't set to use different triggers in hero and villain side, so it may trigger on a hero zone when the villain SSA2 is completed or vice versa; that needs to be addressed.

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Sweet, that's would even better than I was hoping for. Thanks Faultline. My current badging character eagerly awaits the day he can get that badge (he has to wait for some Christmas badges I stupidly forgot to get, so I'm not exactly in the biggest rush).

From Champion (Hero) and Infinity (Villain), currently playing on Everlasting.

Former member of the Hammers of Justice on Champion.

Raid leader for 'Everlasting TFs'.

Mains: Trickery Girl (Ill/Rad Controller), Burk (Sword/Shield Stalker), and 8 other complete badge characters.

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13 hours ago, Faultline said:

Not sure when the GMs plan to run the shard event, but adding a manual trigger like the other invasions have is on my to-do list. The plan is to trigger an invasion after completion of the final mission in SSA2. Bit of an issue is that this invasion isn't set to use different triggers in hero and villain side, so it may trigger on a hero zone when the villain SSA2 is completed or vice versa; that needs to be addressed.


Much appreciated!  I am also in support of going live before the SSA2 spawn side fix, as most can quickly Pocket D & swap alignments, or remain Rogue/Vigilante.  In addition, could also trigger an event on each side of the morality divide for each SSA2 completion.  


Thanks again!

formerly @JimmyVine (on Infinity & Victory)

currently @Cenozoic (on Reunion)


Cenozoic (Mind/Psionic Dominator) ... Los Infiernos (Fire/Devices Blaster) ... Slof (Stone/Spines Tanker) ... Zen's Furnace (Illusion/Dark Controller) ... Cryovolcano (Earth/Cold Controller)


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  • 6 months later

From the patch notes:


Pandora's Box

  • Completing the last mission of SSA2 Pandora's Box will trigger a Nemesis invasion in a zone matching the arc's alignment.


SSA2 is Pandora's Box Episode 5 (Levels 40-50). Not Pandora's Box Episode 2 (Levels 35-50)


The contacts are:

Hero: Heldenjaeger (Located in Steel Canyon.)
Villain: Inconspicuous Female 39757 (Located in Sharkhead Isle.)


Complete the arc and a Nemesis zone events starts somewhere.


I think it's worded very badly in the patch notes and have said so. If you find it confusing I suggest adding a comment here.



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14 hours ago, KaizenSoze said:

SSA2 is Pandora's Box Episode 5 (Levels 40-50). Not Pandora's Box Episode 2 (Levels 35-50)

To be extra nitpicky, SSA2 is the entire Pandora's Box arc, from Part 1 through Part 5 (as distinguished from SSA1, which is Who Will Die!!!?!?!!11omgpwnies).  So the "final mission" of SSA2 would be the last mission in Part 5 of SSA2.  I agree that it could be clearer, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's worded "very badly."


I'm just glad we're going to be able to have Nemesis Invasion events again.

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  • 1 year later
11 hours ago, Display Name said:

Any updates on this?


It is a triggered event now. From the Nov 26, 2021 patch notes:



Completing the last mission of SSA2 - Pandora's Box, Part 5 (Heldenjaeger/Inconspicuous Female 39757) will trigger a Nemesis invasion in a zone matching the arc's alignment.


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