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I'm sorry, Scrapper Archetype...


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... it's not you, it's me.  We've had good times, we've had excellent times. You were my first 50 on live. And with Homecoming, I looked forward to try all your new sexy powersets and for a time, I did and for a time, it was good.


But then yesterday I crossed the Stalker Archetype in a hallway and casually, I just said hi. She smiled and asked me if I wanted to go for a character roll. 


I mean, I always knew she was there, that she was available, but I figured she would only be a fling, a cheap thrill. From afar, she looked so hollow, so artificial and without substance. Just pretty and empty, you know? Not at all like you, faithful scrapper, so solid, loyal, even and predictable.


I always avoided her and kept thinking you were everything I needed, I didn't want to explore.


It began with such an innocent Kinetic touch, just an unseen brush of the hand really. Her Energy Aura pulled me in, it was all over for me.


You need to understand.  The thrill of one-shotting a yellow lieutenant at level 10 unenhanced.  The crazy criticals. The fun of being everywhere without being seen.


And she has all your powersets.


I'm sorry. 


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54 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

... it's not you, it's me.  We've had good times, we've had excellent times. You were my first 50 on live. And with Homecoming, I looked forward to try all your new sexy powersets and for a time, I did and for a time, it was good.

Interesting.  I was never interested in playing other types of scrappers.  Ironblade was my first character back on live, I recreated him on Homecoming and he has almost as many vet levels as all my other 50's combined.


Back on live, I made a second scrapper for PvP farming.  Then I made one for meeting new players in Atlas Park and the Hollows and re-rolled him every time he got to around 15.  I never felt the need to make another scrapper to play, since I already had one I liked.  Meanwhile, I took 10 tanks and 8 controllers to 50.

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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18 minutes ago, FoulVileTerror said:

Don't forget Blood Widow!  And Bane Spider!  And Blapper!  And Dominator . . . and . . . ok, maybe I'm stretching things a bit here, but . . . well . . . 

They're all Archetypes which I enjoy more than Scrapper.   *shrug*


(Also, whoops!   I said "Bill" earlier, when I meant @MunkiLord.   That's bad of me.)

You got nervous when talking trash about Scrappers and made a mistake, I get it.

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So much love going around!


When I joined Homecoming, I immediately fell in love with Controllers, I have made 7 of them over my stay and kept 4 of them active, 3 I decked, I didn't like.


Blasters are still a thing with me. I love to blast in all sorts of various, entertaining ways.


I also made a Mastermind I liked enough to get to 30. I play her once in a while.


But my main shtick has always been scrappers. Until now.


23 minutes ago, Luminara said:

You should meet Night Widow.  You'll like her.


Not my Night Widow.  Stop looking at her, find your own.  😛

 I do intend to try one of those actually!

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17 minutes ago, FoulVileTerror said:

Don't forget Blood Widow!  And Bane Spider!  And Blapper!  And Dominator . . . and . . . ok, maybe I'm stretching things a bit here, but . . . well . . . 


I was thinking of the similarity to stalkers, with the crit from Hide mechanic, Placate, but more junk in the trunk (strong team buffs, easily capped Defense to everything, more ranged and AoE potential, etc.).

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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10 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

When I joined Homecoming, I immediately fell in love with Controllers, I have made 7 of them over my stay and kept 4 of them active, 3 I decked, I didn't like.


Blasters are still a thing with me. I love to blast in all sorts of various, entertaining ways.


I also made a Mastermind I liked enough to get to 30. I play her once in a while.


But my main shtick has always been scrappers. Until now.


I was almost entirely dedicated to defenders on the original servers.  You can do almost anything with a defender.  Tank, scrap, blast, control, turn water into coffee, the possibilities are endless!


Here, I haven't gone past 20 with a defender.  I will, if for no other reason than to recreate what I had "back in the day", but my lovely Legionette, my Staff/Willpower brute, captured my imagination and sent me into an Amazonian frenzy.  I'm not touching anything but melee until I finish the Sisters.  Sticks and stones and fists breaking bones!

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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Wait till they finish the changes to Dark Melee. I am in the process of rolling a Dark/Dark now (level 26 so far) in anticipation of the changes to Dark Melee. Sadly, Stalkers will not see these changes and will be left behind with that powerset.  😉

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28 minutes ago, Luminara said:


I was almost entirely dedicated to defenders on the original servers.  You can do almost anything with a defender.  Tank, scrap, blast, control, turn water into coffee, the possibilities are endless!


Here, I haven't gone past 20 with a defender.  I will, if for no other reason than to recreate what I had "back in the day", but my lovely Legionette, my Staff/Willpower brute, captured my imagination and sent me into an Amazonian frenzy.  I'm not touching anything but melee until I finish the Sisters.  Sticks and stones and fists breaking bones!

I think I remember you from the forum being a real defender enthusiast.


I also seem to remember you writing a really awesome Archery guide.  Was that even you?


Also, and please, please don't mock... what's an ATO?

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ATOs, Archetype Origin Enhancements, are Set Enhancements which are unique to the various Archetypes, and unlock special bonuses or entire gameplay mechanics.

Such as the Stalker ATOs granting insta-refresh of your Build Up or spontaneous Hidden status.

Or one of the Mastermind ATOs which give you some really solid Recharge Bonuses for just 2-slotting them in three different Powers.



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7 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

I also seem to remember you writing a really awesome Archery guide.  Was that even you?


It was, indeed.  One of my masterpieces, I'm glad someone other than me remembers it.  🙂

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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15 minutes ago, Luminara said:


It was, indeed.  One of my masterpieces, I'm glad someone other than me remembers it.  🙂

Oh I remember it all right, it drove my Archery blaster back then,  I just enjoyed your humor so much!


That passage where you described Rain of Arrows as something almost orgasmic before going "0_o STOP LOOKING AT MY LIKE THIS!"


Loved it.  A good guide filled with humor becomes a great guide.


@FoulVileTerrorThanks for the tip!!



Oh dear... ATO`s a 100 merits a piece, that's 1200 Merits for Stalker's two sets.  I don't think I've ever had more that 80 merits on a character.

Edited by Aeroprism
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35 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

Oh dear... ATO`s a 100 merits a piece, that's 1200 Merits for Stalker's two sets.  I don't think I've ever had more that 80 merits on a character.


Check the Guides and Market forums for primers on how to make inf*.  You can make more than you'll ever need with almost no effort (just crafting, dragging, clicking and listing), and buy the ATOs you want, or any ATOs and convert them to the ATOs you need.  Every character I've leveled past 20 has at least one full set of ATOs, and the only merits I've spent were buying converters.


You can do it!

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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5 minutes ago, Luminara said:


Check the Guides and Market forums for primers on how to make inf*.  You can make more than you'll ever need with almost no effort (just crafting, dragging, clicking and listing), and buy the ATOs you want, or any ATOs and convert them to the ATOs you need.  Every character I've leveled past 20 has at least one full set of ATOs, and the only merits I've spent were buying converters.


You can do it!

I prefer the farm method. Hate PLing, but love making that moolah!

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1 hour ago, Solarverse said:

Wait till they finish the changes to Dark Melee. I am in the process of rolling a Dark/Dark now (level 26 so far) in anticipation of the changes to Dark Melee. Sadly, Stalkers will not see these changes and will be left behind with that powerset.  😉

I suspect they're finished, sorry to disappoint.

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