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We need No FX options everywhere.


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I dream of (in PVE) :


- No FX options on all armors and all AT. (yes i want to have cool costume on my Bio and Rad armor too.)

- The option to remove stealth effect on all stealth and Invis powers. (dam i love my stalker skin, spent hours to create several and... i turn hide on <f.ck>)

- The option to make any buff with No FX. (i m fed up to spend so much time to try to remove color from my cold buff...)

- The option at The Gull not to see buff FX. (please, some buff still have 2005ish textures and i have nothing against people with taste of s..t but when they vomit their buff on my toon... i feel ... dirty)


This would help a lot of people to enjoy creating tons of costumes and low graphics computers would suffer less in full league.



Edited by Tsuko
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Just another French Player

So Excuse my old, bad and too french English !




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  • Retired Lead Game Master

I can't implement this myself, but I'm happy to share what I do to lessen the effects:



yes i want to have cool costume on my Bio and Rad armor too.


Bio has a low Effects mode, and with any powers, remember that if you color a "bright" mode effect a dark dull color, or a "dark" mode effect a bright color it makes it more transparent.


You can color Rad effects very dark grey, and they look like barely there ghost or wisp effects.

Edited by GM Kal
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Just now, GM Kal said:

I can't implement this myself, but I'm happy to share what I do to lessen the effects:


(yes i want to have cool costume on my Bio and Rad armor too.)


Bio has a low Effects mode, and with any powers, remember that if you color a "bright" mode effect a dark dull color, or a "dark" mode effect a bright color it makes it more transparent.


You can color Rad effects very dark grey, and they look like barely there ghost or wisp effects.

yeah i know, but compared to Invul or SR... it s still just night and day

Just another French Player

So Excuse my old, bad and too french English !




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Totally agree with OP. It's a shame to have such a great costume designer and then not be able to see your costume because of all the power effects. Maximizing our options with regards to what FX we can see would be awesome.

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I would love to see this too, especially the first suggestion (the Gull option to turn off buff fx is also a neat idea). It really bugs me when I spend hours making the perfect costume and then 98% of the time I'm playing neither I nor anyone teaming with me can actually see my character 😛

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"We're out of options, I'll have to use the jetpack," I said, strapping on the jetpack and ignoring the many non-jetpack options still left.

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FULLY AGREE.    But Also...

You might be able to keep your OWN POWERS from making your toon visually unenjoyable but... It would be great to have control over how much of an effect Buffs effects from others visually impact the characters on your screen as well.  


Because It's City Of Heroes , Not City of Human Torches & Ice Monsters.   Spending 5+ hours to make a unique hero or Villain to enjoy and showoff just to have someone innocently (in most cases) show-up with a fog toggle and poof.... just like that, non of us can enjoy our heroes and teammates uniqueness any longer.   


     How many of us have fully completed an entire Taskforces/Strikeforces and Never even seen what our fellow teammates even looked like because we are either forced to be Stealthed, Ice blocked or set ablaze!  Inside and outside the missions.   How would you like to see a super hero film where everyone and I mean everyone who matters is on fire or looks like a frozen blocks of ice?  Your uniqueness is just stolen from you and you have no say in the matter.      😞


The game looks amazing when on lower level teams because most of the time you can at least see yourself and others.  But once you get up there, just a little bit in levels someone usually shows up with stealth toggles and or Fully body-blocking rainbow buffs and now your teams personality and uniqueness instantly disappears.  


How would you like to chill at Pocket D's and do some Roleplaying just to have someone turn you and your stunning lady friend into Ice Blobs or now be able look through her body and see  how her torso clips with her leg?    That would kinda ruin the whole experience right?  Well, for people who want to enjoy the mission content in style... it would do the very same thing.  Your visual fun you get from your adventures, plans, missions, hanging out, is completely at the mercy of the buffers. And they should never be forced to stop buffing.


Having a icon or a simple message on my screen (that I can move around) saying "You are Invisible" is good enough for me. 

Just having the choice to have the ice and flame buffs etc. show around the OUTER Area of my character and others on my screen would be great and still look good. Or just being able to disable them would be great as well.   🙂



What the.jpg

ice ugly.jpg

Edited by Cozybread
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As long as we are requesting an OPTION here and not requesting for anything that is going to get visual effects nerfed or removed, I am all for this. However, too many powers in game have been visually nerfed already and I don't want to see any of them ever nerfed again. Ice Armor used to have such a brilliant and fantastic visual effects...and now they are just gone. That really left me feeling kicked while down when they did that. So please, no more nerfs. However, more options are always welcomed.

Edited by Solarverse
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I think out of all of them I'd like Fire and Stone to have MinFX options.


Fire would be easy, we basically give powers either a faint heat glow, a faint flicker of cinders, or even some gentle smoldering.


Earth may be tougher, especially with Granite Armor. But I think we can give a sort of crumbling rock FX on activation for Stone Armor and Rooted, a faint smoldering for Brimstone Armor, and a little twinkle for Crystal Armor. 

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I agree with the OP.  Please add it as an option.  In the meantime, I use the following - 


1. click Menu

2. click Options

3. click Graphics and Audio tab

4. click Advanced Graphics Settings and change to Enabled

5. click Suppress When Close and change to Enabled

6. click Apply

7. type /suppressclosefxdist 99 in the chat bar and press Enter


The number 99 can be anything you want, from 0-max camera distance.  For reference, I found them at the links below.  Hope that helps 🙂




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21 minutes ago, Vindicator said:

I agree with the OP.  Please add it as an option.  In the meantime, I use the following - 


1. click Menu

2. click Options

3. click Graphics and Audio tab

4. click Advanced Graphics Settings and change to Enabled

5. click Suppress When Close and change to Enabled

6. click Apply

7. type /suppressclosefxdist 99 in the chat bar and press Enter


The number 99 can be anything you want, from 0-max camera distance.  For reference, I found them at the links below.  Hope that helps 🙂




that's great, Thank you !


But this supress ALL fx no ?

Edited by Tsuko

Just another French Player

So Excuse my old, bad and too french English !




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This seems like a brilliant idea that wouldn't be that hard to implement really.  (not to take from the hard work that's always involved in any dev work)


I love it.


I can't tell you how many times I've even liked a few of the FX, but wish I could even turn just 1 or 2 specific ones off.

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This needs support. It's a shame when you have great costume ideas, and your power choices get in the way. Invuln & Willpower are the only powersets available sometimes, and when you want some variety you turn into a fluffy darkness ball or a torch ...

I also agree about an alternative to buff others shields like ice, sonic and fire shields being a pain in the backyard, even though they are pretty solid.

I think Null the Gull could come in handy in this, like it does for Speed Boost. But the devs mileage may vary.

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This needs to happen, and moreso than a tweaking of the options. It should be for the player only, and maybe not completely remove but just highly minimize (I can imagine it'd be important in PvP to see what effects others are under).


I play an /atomic blaster, and the Metabolic Accel power is way too much visually, even with the gray and such. Devs, please make this happen.

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On 10/31/2020 at 2:49 PM, Krajeek said:

This needs to happen, and moreso than a tweaking of the options. It should be for the player only, and maybe not completely remove but just highly minimize (I can imagine it'd be important in PvP to see what effects others are under).

All the No fx and no fade options are pve only : once you go in arena or pvp area, all the FX are back.


On 10/31/2020 at 2:49 PM, Krajeek said:

I play an /atomic blaster, and the Metabolic Accel power is way too much visually, even with the gray and such. Devs, please make this happen.

as a rad armor used i feel your pain 🙂 even the @Vindicator tricks dont remove the flying balls 😄

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Just another French Player

So Excuse my old, bad and too french English !




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On 10/25/2020 at 7:38 PM, Solarverse said:

As long as we are requesting an OPTION here and not requesting for anything that is going to get visual effects nerfed or removed, I am all for this. However, too many powers in game have been visually nerfed already and I don't want to see any of them ever nerfed again. Ice Armor used to have such a brilliant and fantastic visual effects...and now they are just gone. That really left me feeling kicked while down when they did that. So please, no more nerfs. However, more options are always welcomed.

I thought it was always blocky snowmans?

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8 minutes ago, ABlueThingy said:

I thought it was always blocky snowmans?

No, at one time the graphics for Icicles used to be soooo much better. It was not so transparent as it is today. Same with the armors, which I did not care so much about the armors, it was Icicles that killed me. I used to LOVE the way Icicles used to look, now they are very meh.

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21 hours ago, Solarverse said:

No, at one time the graphics for Icicles used to be soooo much better. It was not so transparent as it is today. Same with the armors, which I did not care so much about the armors, it was Icicles that killed me. I used to LOVE the way Icicles used to look, now they are very meh.








Well would you look at that.


Looking at this I think I remember now.  People complained that ice armor obscured too much of their outfits so they redesigned them to be easier to see through. That was early on I think. Like issue 5 or something wasn't it?  Or did that change with power customization?


Icicles must have used the same texture style to be all opaque.


Yeah, that'd be a neat option.  If anyone still has an original CoH disk you could pull the original textures they used.  You might even be able to mod your own personal game to original icicles but I wouldn't know. There's a guide up online


Edit: It's your guide, you wrote it.  D'oh.  I freem'd myself there

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1 hour ago, ABlueThingy said:








Well would you look at that.


Looking at this I think I remember now.  People complained that ice armor obscured too much of their outfits so they redesigned them to be easier to see through. That was early on I think. Like issue 5 or something wasn't it?  Or did that change with power customization?


Icicles must have used the same texture style to be all opaque.


Yeah, that'd be a neat option.  If anyone still has an original CoH disk you could pull the original textures they used.  You might even be able to mod your own personal game to original icicles but I wouldn't know. There's a guide up online


Edit: It's your guide, you wrote it.  D'oh.  I freem'd myself there

Exactly. And yes, it was around issue 5 or 6 if memory serves and it came before power customization. I never complained about the Armor because I always built for the Armor with the Armor in mind. But, you know, ...people. Anyway, so now that it can be an option, I would like to have the originals back. More specifically the original Icicles.  🙂


This was my Ice Tank on Live....he was not EXACTLY like he was on issue 5, due to upgrades in costume, but with the original Ice Armor on, it fit him perfectly. Sooo like I said, I built the character to match the Armor instead of being demanding of the team to make the armor fit my costume.


Edited by Solarverse
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