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Build 2 - October 31st, 2020


Other Powers Changes

Martial Arts

  • MartialArts_EaglesClaw.png.a33dfe44abc13efe8a8e3a89654a14fc.png Eagle's Claw
    • Changes to this power have been reverted
    • This set might be looked at in a future update

Dark Melee

  • ShadowFighting_ShadowMaul.png.9a1352866d09eea65aaf897aa2690ba2.png Shadow Maul
    • Target cap reduced from 10 to 5 (16 to 10 for Tankers)
  • ShadowFighting_TouchOfFearAoE.png.6304069616b8528500b11f44ad8f7b5e.png Touch of Fear
    • Now a melee targeted AoE with a 10 target cap (16 for Tankers)
    • Now deals negative energy damage over time
    • Fear duration reduced by roughly 50%
    • Cast time increased from 1.17s to 1.97s
    • Only the main target will be affected by the Fear and ToHit debuff
    • Now accepts Targeted AoE Damage sets
  • ShadowFighting_Taunt.png.65d0eb768ad1d90baa972e54ad9c8443.png Taunt (Tanker / Brute)
    • Now has the correct icon border
  • AE versions of these powers have been updated with missing powers and to match current power effects

Energy Assault

  • EnergyAssault_WhirlingHands.png.a7434511ffd7e0feed3c39753408be43.png Whirling Hands
    • No longer yields double damage with Energy Focus active
    • Instead it will instantly recharge the power
  • EnergyAssault_EnergyStore1.png.b2a138cacecc27b819eed25f978bb492.png Energy Focus
    • Previously Energy Focus could only be acquired once every 15 seconds, regardless of if you used it or not - you can now regain it again immediately after it has been spent
    • Cleaned up some timing issues
    • Now shows up on the buff bar
  • AE versions of these powers have been updated with missing powers and to match current power effects


  • All versions of the following powers have been converted from old pseudopet mechanics to new execute power mechanics
    • KineticBoost_Transfusion.png.c2e48834aef4f13fc9f17ba26e50ab16.png Transfusion
    • KineticBoost_SiphonPower.png.4803d3c171ba20ed559b48337f04cc6a.png Siphon Power
    • KineticBoost_Transferance.png.303485bedabc3b41c9dc6f5976f25996.png Transference
    • KineticBoost_KineticTransfer.png.a2849acf05eb809ca5f50b438048cd23.png Fulcrum Shift
  • Player powers should notice no difference beyond faster application
  • Some NPC powers may become weaker or stronger depending on their rank
  • AE versions of these powers have been updated with missing powers and to match current power effects

Movement Buffs

  • The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs:
    • Jump_CombatJump.png.a160a263e44d63bc2fcdbf62d38c81e2.png Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping
    • Jump_LongJump.png.6b020dfc18386ba6566d3f0badbc8e89.png Pool > Leaping > Super Jump
    • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.87eed40e33b37938ffc5644069cfdb51.png Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap
    • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.4f9dcffbf97e96335f05897c8568815f.png Pool > Speed > Super Speed
    • Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.3e140116f13135d86b2f1cfb5f117a29.png Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound
    • Inherent_NinjaRun.png.4397e15de17ae71110e6e5e12d87c4cf.png Prestige Travel > Ninja Run
    • Inherent_BeastRun.png.f3b1803fe72afc29398932c473ca2e02.png Prestige Travel > Beast Run
  • Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this:
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • NinjaTools_Assassin.png.50ddb59179d9fadb8264b97b10275495.png Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri
    • tacticalarrow_quickness.png.44daf1fa7ac354a4f37fe6e7a9adc6cd.png Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics

Taunt Aura Slotting

The following powers now accept Taunt Enhancement Sets:

  • Bio Armor
    • BioOrganicArmor_Evolution.png.4e80d27bebde56b8a42830b11bb083f0.png Evolving Armor
    • BioOrganicArmor_GeneticContamination.png.1d9a448ff3d91e7ea80cb205f08570b0.png Genetic Contamination (Tanker/Brute only)
  • Dark Armor
    • DarkArmor_TouchOfDeath.png.9ab2b77a6615b78221db446b7d5c2b89.png Death Shroud (Tanker/Brute only)
    • DarkArmor_FearfulAura.png.ce98bba5c36327be10d63197fbbd3881.png Cloak of Fear (Tanker/Brute only)
    • DarkArmor_OppressiveGloom.png.e18f9e909de29d909ec731d4c14aab5f.png Oppressive Gloom (Tanker/Brute only)
  • Electric Armor
    • ElectricArmor_PBAoEMinorDamage.png.a483950e6212a31fe082d0e1c3fb00bc.png Lightning Field (Tanker/Brute only)
  • Energy Aura
    • EnergyAura_Entropy.png.5ef563549f9cc94bcb3a3e0a5cd020ad.png Entropic Aura
  • Fiery Aura
    • FlamingShield_FieryAura.png.8124014c1ee3f198884b844c9b53ff7d.png Blazing Aura (Tanker/Brute only)
  • Ice Armor
    • IceArmor_ChillingEmbrace.png.10e2c9d57488ddf7521e61d1ca7790e1.png Chilling Embrace (Tanker/Brute only)
    • IceArmor_Icicles.png.1bce3a7577078e4cd83108c15715c629.png Icicles (Tanker/Brute only)
  • Invulnerability
    • Invulnerability_Invincibility.png.2501ac68f23aa47181e7000f2932b60d.png Invincibility
  • Radiation Armor
    • RadiationArmor_BetaDecay.png.ec54b9bac80bfc589ffef02c96a91071.png Beta Decay (Tanker/Brute only)
  • Regeneration
    • Regeneration_Integration.png.def0821ad207e4bf398f3b80afe16bad.png Integration (Brute only)
  • Shield Defense
    • ShieldDefense_AgainstAllOdds.png.c4333621f88a146ff1b72e31e400d517.png Against All Odds
  • Stone Armor
    • StoneArmor_Clay.png.5cf86cae157d6da5c77a04310d8e18f9.png Mud Pots (Tanker/Brute only)
  • Super Reflexes
    • SuperReflexes_Evasion.png.068cfc48574ad1da6b6b057be1054355.png Evasion (Tanker/Brute only)
  • Willpower
    • Willpower_RiseToTheChallenge.png.9a4914454ffefb7f8eec39f31f4f0bd7.png Rise to the Challenge


  • Veteran_SummonPet.png.5f1a7207c26c4ee3fce71d6eb47efc3c.png Summon Workbench
    • Can now be summoned while flying (but must still target the ground)
  • All active combat Accolade powers now recharge in 10 minutes (down from 25 minutes), but are no longer affected by global recharge buffs - this affects the following powers:
    • BA_Crey_Pistol.png.45de1d57a58d9e25db9acc18caff81a7.png Crey CBX-9 Pistol / BA_Crey_Pistol.png.45de1d57a58d9e25db9acc18caff81a7.png Stolen Immobilizer Ray
    • BA_Eye_Of_The_Magus.png.0c56decfbade381310347fb37f9ff606.png Eye of the Magus / BA_Eye_Of_The_Magus.png.0c56decfbade381310347fb37f9ff606.png Demonic Aura
    • BA_Geas_Of_Kind_Ones.png.3dea273b8e5a87396b5796e911e57c50.png Geas of the Kind Ones / BA_Geas_Of_Kind_Ones.png.3dea273b8e5a87396b5796e911e57c50.png Force of Nature
    • BA_Vanguard_Medal.png.b92cefaec3544f017e24bb5572e7b585.png Vanguard Medal / BA_Megalomaniac.png.9b8526e7d696d151a1e7cef2156a5781.png Megalomaniac
    • BA_ElusiveMind.png.4dde6224695b30d0ac41668d5f013b9e.png Elusive Mind
  • Thanks 1

Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!

Posted (edited)

Does this mean I can no longer stack Ninja Run and Shinobi-iri on my Sentinel for movement? 


Movement Buffs

  • The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs:
    • Jump_CombatJump.png.a160a263e44d63bc2fcdbf62d38c81e2.png Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping
    • Jump_LongJump.png.6b020dfc18386ba6566d3f0badbc8e89.png Pool > Leaping > Super Jump
    • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.87eed40e33b37938ffc5644069cfdb51.png Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap
    • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.4f9dcffbf97e96335f05897c8568815f.png Pool > Speed > Super Speed
    • Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.3e140116f13135d86b2f1cfb5f117a29.png Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound
    • Inherent_NinjaRun.png.4397e15de17ae71110e6e5e12d87c4cf.png Prestige Travel > Ninja Run
    • Inherent_BeastRun.png.f3b1803fe72afc29398932c473ca2e02.png Prestige Travel > Beast Run
  • Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this:
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • NinjaTools_Assassin.png.50ddb59179d9fadb8264b97b10275495.png Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri
    • tacticalarrow_quickness.png.44daf1fa7ac354a4f37fe6e7a9adc6cd.png Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics




I copied my Sentinel over to Test and took a picture of the Movement speeds.  I had NR and Shinobi-Iri listed with movement speeds.  I then logged into Live and had the same numbers.  Is it supposed to be this way?  Not sure what to test.


I logged into my A/TA Blaster and tested Gymnastics with NR and CJ. 


  • When CJ is activated the Jump movement from Gymnastics is suppressed (removed) under the Jumping Speed and Max Jump Height headers.  Gymnastics movement speed is still available under the Running Speed and Flying Speed Headers.  Seems to be working as intended.
  • When NR is activated it is mutually exclusive from CJ, so toggles off CJ.  When NR is activated it is listed under all the movement headers (Running Speed, Flying Speed, Jumping Speed, and Max Jump Height) along with Gymnastics (so stacking). I'm not sure if this is working as intended or if NR should be suppressed when Gymnastics is active.


I logged into my A/NT Blaster and tested Gymnastics with NR, CJ, and SS. 


  • When CJ is activated the Jump movement from Gymnastics is suppressed (removed) under the Jumping Speed and Max Jump Height headers.  Gymnastics movement speed is still available under the Running Speed header, but is not listed under the Flying Speed Header.  This is different from the A/TA blaster above, so I may have made a mistake above.  Will look again.
  • When NR is activated it is mutually exclusive from SS and CJ, so toggles off both powers.  When NR is activated it is listed under the following movement headers (Running Speed, Jumping Speed, and Max Jump Height) and Gymnastics is suppressed. It looks like NR stacks in some cases and not others.


Edited by Lockpick
Added test results
37 minutes ago, archgemini24 said:


Oddly enough, Touch of Fear using Targeted AoE Sets inspired me try using it instead of the Target AoE (Fireball, Ball Lightning, Dark Obliteration, etc.) in the Patron/Epic Pools, so it didn't mess with my builds at all. If I wanted ToF and the epic TAoE, I started running into a slot and power crunch for other items I wanted in my builds. That is a me problem, though. Better builders and builders with different goals will manage both.




Just some observations from running a Scrapper an Brute (DM/Shield and DM/Regen, respectively). I will hopefully get to run a Tanker at some point today, and I think it is going to play much smoother. Plus with the Tanker mods for Defense powers, I will not need to dive so deeply into pool powers and sets for Defense, so I will likely get to run Shadow Maul, Touch of Fear, and the Epic TAoE.

I could only fit and slot elec fences ( i procd it all the way, with chance for hold, chance for -res, lethal, lethal, fire, energy).


However, I took and slotted combat teleport (2 slotted), and fold space (3 slotted).


A quick change around in ToF, and tbh, I don't really know what ideal slotting is for it, since you can fit so many interesting procs into it.


If you are interested in mowing people down in packs, fold space and ct are the way to go, bar none. I am probably taking it on my dm/ena scrapper as well. If not fs, at LEAST ct.



  • Like 1
25 minutes ago, Jimmy said:
  • ShadowFighting_TouchOfFearAoE.png.6304069616b8528500b11f44ad8f7b5e.png Touch of Fear
    • Cast time increased from 1.17s to 1.97s


Hi @Jimmy


Can you confirm this made it through? I immediately jumped in to try it and it felt like it was the same old cast as the earlier Page 1 patch? I was very excited to see it might be faster!


Thank you 🙂

7 minutes ago, summers said:


Hi @Jimmy


Can you confirm this made it through? I immediately jumped in to try it and it felt like it was the same old cast as the earlier Page 1 patch? I was very excited to see it might be faster!


Thank you 🙂

I think you misread. That says it was increased from 1.17 to 2 seconds. Not decreased from 2 seconds. 


Also, as far as I can tell from the notes, its either in green or blue if it was changed. If it isnt in those colors, nothing was changed.


  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
11 minutes ago, Hew said:

I think you misread. That says it was increased from 1.17 to 2 seconds. Not decreased from 2 seconds. 


Also, as far as I can tell from the notes, its either in green or blue if it was changed. If it isnt in those colors, nothing was changed.


My heart is broken 😞

  • Sad 1

Movement Buffs

  • The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs:
    • Jump_CombatJump.png.a160a263e44d63bc2fcdbf62d38c81e2.png Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping
    • Jump_LongJump.png.6b020dfc18386ba6566d3f0badbc8e89.png Pool > Leaping > Super Jump
    • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.87eed40e33b37938ffc5644069cfdb51.png Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap
    • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.4f9dcffbf97e96335f05897c8568815f.png Pool > Speed > Super Speed
    • Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.3e140116f13135d86b2f1cfb5f117a29.png Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound
    • Inherent_NinjaRun.png.4397e15de17ae71110e6e5e12d87c4cf.png Prestige Travel > Ninja Run
    • Inherent_BeastRun.png.f3b1803fe72afc29398932c473ca2e02.png Prestige Travel > Beast Run
  • Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this:
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • NinjaTools_Assassin.png.50ddb59179d9fadb8264b97b10275495.png Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri
    • tacticalarrow_quickness.png.44daf1fa7ac354a4f37fe6e7a9adc6cd.png Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics

This is completely unacceptable: These powers are meant to stack, designed to stack, and have to stack. If a Ninjitsu character can't actually NINJA run while benefiting from using their NINJA powers, then what the hell is the point? There's no reason to specifically punish this random collection of niche utilities and defensive tools. 

  • Like 11
  • Thanks 4
  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Jimmy said:

Movement Buffs

  • The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs:
    • Jump_CombatJump.png.a160a263e44d63bc2fcdbf62d38c81e2.png Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping
    • Jump_LongJump.png.6b020dfc18386ba6566d3f0badbc8e89.png Pool > Leaping > Super Jump
    • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.87eed40e33b37938ffc5644069cfdb51.png Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap
    • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.4f9dcffbf97e96335f05897c8568815f.png Pool > Speed > Super Speed
    • Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.3e140116f13135d86b2f1cfb5f117a29.png Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound
    • Inherent_NinjaRun.png.4397e15de17ae71110e6e5e12d87c4cf.png Prestige Travel > Ninja Run
    • Inherent_BeastRun.png.f3b1803fe72afc29398932c473ca2e02.png Prestige Travel > Beast Run
  • Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this:
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • NinjaTools_Assassin.png.50ddb59179d9fadb8264b97b10275495.png Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri
    • tacticalarrow_quickness.png.44daf1fa7ac354a4f37fe6e7a9adc6cd.png Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics

Please for the love of God don't do this. In no way is anything overpowered with movement and it is supposed to be a PERK of the set to have those powers.


And more so this better only suppress the movement speed and not the defense and still allow both powers to be active at the same time (specifically with combat jumping)

  • Like 5
1 hour ago, Lockpick said:

Does this mean I can no longer stack Ninja Run and Shinobi-iri on my Sentinel for movement? 


Movement Buffs

  • The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs:
    • Jump_CombatJump.png.a160a263e44d63bc2fcdbf62d38c81e2.png Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping
    • Jump_LongJump.png.6b020dfc18386ba6566d3f0badbc8e89.png Pool > Leaping > Super Jump
    • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.87eed40e33b37938ffc5644069cfdb51.png Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap
    • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.4f9dcffbf97e96335f05897c8568815f.png Pool > Speed > Super Speed
    • Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.3e140116f13135d86b2f1cfb5f117a29.png Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound
    • Inherent_NinjaRun.png.4397e15de17ae71110e6e5e12d87c4cf.png Prestige Travel > Ninja Run
    • Inherent_BeastRun.png.f3b1803fe72afc29398932c473ca2e02.png Prestige Travel > Beast Run
  • Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this:
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • NinjaTools_Assassin.png.50ddb59179d9fadb8264b97b10275495.png Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri
    • tacticalarrow_quickness.png.44daf1fa7ac354a4f37fe6e7a9adc6cd.png Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics




I copied my Sentinel over to Test and took a picture of the Movement speeds.  I had NR and Shinobi-Iri listed with movement speeds.  I then logged into Live and had the same numbers.  Is it supposed to be this way?  Not sure what to test.


I logged into my A/TA Blaster and tested Gymnastics with NR and CJ. 


  • When CJ is activated the Jump movement from Gymnastics is suppressed (removed) under the Jumping Speed and Max Jump Height headers.  Gymnastics movement speed is still available under the Running Speed and Flying Speed Headers.  Seems to be working as intended.
  • When NR is activated it is mutually exclusive from CJ, so toggles off CJ.  When NR is activated it is listed under all the movement headers (Running Speed, Flying Speed, Jumping Speed, and Max Jump Height) along with Gymnastics (so stacking). I'm not sure if this is working as intended or if NR should be suppressed when Gymnastics is active.


I logged into my A/NT Blaster and tested Gymnastics with NR, CJ, and SS. 


  • When CJ is activated the Jump movement from Gymnastics is suppressed (removed) under the Jumping Speed and Max Jump Height headers.  Gymnastics movement speed is still available under the Running Speed header, but is not listed under the Flying Speed Header.  This is different from the A/TA blaster above, so I may have made a mistake above.  Will look again.
  • When NR is activated it is mutually exclusive from SS and CJ, so toggles off both powers.  When NR is activated it is listed under the following movement headers (Running Speed, Jumping Speed, and Max Jump Height) and Gymnastics is suppressed. It looks like NR stacks in some cases and not others.


I've been testing this too (and I admit... doing my fair share of whining and sulking about it too lol).


The Jump Height, Jump speed or running speed is suppressed only if a power grants it to you. So CJ wont suppress running. 

Sprint, however, was not suppressing Shinobi's travel power for me.


I don't like this. I wouldn't even like diminishing returns on using NInja Run with Shinobi/Shinobi-irl so take me not liking this with a grain of salt.

  • Like 1

Thanks for D-Sync Enhancements! Just wish things like Resist/End, Heal/End and Damage/Mez had a third stat that made them more viable. Suggestions - add Recharge to Ribosomes, Range to Golgis, and Slows to Peroxisomes. These changes would allow for an endurance cost/range, recharge/endurance, and slow/mez or slow/damage enhancements.


I had to read the travel powers change multiple times to make sure it was saying what I thought it said. I definitely don't agree with that change at all. The movement speed benefit of those powers is supposed to be a perk, not the primary purpose of the power. They aren't "travel powers" and shouldn't be incompatible with other things like Ninja Run. If anything those were fun reasons to take those sets, because you could combine them and get around without taking a real travel power (like Kinetics or some classes with Quickness can), even if a real travel power would still be better. And it's not like running/jumping better outside of combat is any threat to game balance. I would ask you to reconsider that one for sure.

  • Like 8

Okay, I went back and did some more testing on the movement speeds.  I was having a hard time with trying to capture as bullets, so put in a table format.  Looks like in my earlier test when I thought they were stacking it is because the power was showing up for a bit before disappearing.  I have to say I'm not a fan of this change.  I loved my Sentinel being able to stack NR and Shinobi-Iri as a travel power and when I created my DP/NT Blaster I was expecting to stack NR with Shinobi and was disappointed when I couldn't stack them.  I thought it was a bug.


I did see a post earlier about stacking of these travel powers, but I really didn't understand it and the need to limit the stacking.  I hope the table below makes sense.  I am trying to show what is active based on different power selections.


Movement Buffs



Movement Buffs

  • The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs:
    • Jump_CombatJump.png.a160a263e44d63bc2fcdbf62d38c81e2.png Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping
    • Jump_LongJump.png.6b020dfc18386ba6566d3f0badbc8e89.png Pool > Leaping > Super Jump
    • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.87eed40e33b37938ffc5644069cfdb51.png Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap
    • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.4f9dcffbf97e96335f05897c8568815f.png Pool > Speed > Super Speed
    • Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.3e140116f13135d86b2f1cfb5f117a29.png Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound
    • Inherent_NinjaRun.png.4397e15de17ae71110e6e5e12d87c4cf.png Prestige Travel > Ninja Run
    • Inherent_BeastRun.png.f3b1803fe72afc29398932c473ca2e02.png Prestige Travel > Beast Run
  • Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this:
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • NinjaTools_Assassin.png.50ddb59179d9fadb8264b97b10275495.png Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri
    • tacticalarrow_quickness.png.44daf1fa7ac354a4f37fe6e7a9adc6cd.png Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics


AT Powersets Action Running Speed Flying Speed Jumping Speed Max Jump Height
Blaster A/NT Only SS Activated SS No No No
Only CJ Activated No No CJ CJ
Only NR Activated NR No NR NR
Only Shinobi Activated Yes No Yes Yes
Shinobi + SS SS Neither Shinobi Shinobi
Shinobi + SS + CJ SS None CJ CJ
Shinobi + CJ Shinobi None CJ CJ
Shinobi + NR NR None NR NR
Blaster A/TA Only SS Activated SS No No No
Only CJ Activated No No CJ CJ
Only NR Activated NR No NR NR
Only Gymnastics Activated Gym Gym Gym Gym
Gymnastics + SS Gym + SS Gym Gym Gym
Gymnastics + SS + CJ Gym + SS Gym CJ CJ
Gymnastics + CJ Gym Gym CJ CJ
Gymnastics + NR Gym + NR Gym NR NR
Sentinel DP/Ninjitsu Only NR Activated NR No NR NR
Only Shinobi-Iri Activated Shinobi-Iri No Shinobi-Iri Shinobi-Iri
Shinobi-Iri + NR NR No NR NR



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Dang, the Ninja Run/Shinobi-Iri/Sprint combo was pretty fun and flavorful - one of the main things I liked about the /nin set. I don't get the logic here. Running 3 toggles to get a less-good version of Super Jump was already a niche thing for /nin players to do; I guess now we'll all take a travel power that doesn't suppress Shinobi-Iri? That's a super big bummer. It'll probably mean my archery/nin sent just starts gathering dust 😞

  • Like 4

Which actually reminds me of something I was thinking over last night.  Since Titan Weapons and Energy Melee now get their combos without requiring a hit check, is it in the works for the same to be applied to all the other sets that require hit checks for their combos?  Going back to @Galaxy Brain's charts, my Street Justice and Staff Fighting alts can definitely use a little more love!

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 Everlasting's Actionette and Street Ninja

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

1 hour ago, Jimmy said:

Movement Buffs

  • The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs:
    • Jump_CombatJump.png.a160a263e44d63bc2fcdbf62d38c81e2.png Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping
    • Jump_LongJump.png.6b020dfc18386ba6566d3f0badbc8e89.png Pool > Leaping > Super Jump
    • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.87eed40e33b37938ffc5644069cfdb51.png Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap
    • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.4f9dcffbf97e96335f05897c8568815f.png Pool > Speed > Super Speed
    • Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.3e140116f13135d86b2f1cfb5f117a29.png Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound
    • Inherent_NinjaRun.png.4397e15de17ae71110e6e5e12d87c4cf.png Prestige Travel > Ninja Run
    • Inherent_BeastRun.png.f3b1803fe72afc29398932c473ca2e02.png Prestige Travel > Beast Run
  • Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this:
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • NinjaTools_Assassin.png.50ddb59179d9fadb8264b97b10275495.png Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri
    • tacticalarrow_quickness.png.44daf1fa7ac354a4f37fe6e7a9adc6cd.png Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics

It's okay if some sets outperform others. I have ninjitsu on some toons, not on others. I have no I'll feelings towards those characters when I'm playing a non ninjitsu set. 


We're descending into madness...

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
On 10/24/2020 at 8:43 AM, Jimmy said:

Movement Buffs

  • The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs:
    • Jump_CombatJump.png.a160a263e44d63bc2fcdbf62d38c81e2.png Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping
    • Jump_LongJump.png.6b020dfc18386ba6566d3f0badbc8e89.png Pool > Leaping > Super Jump
    • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.87eed40e33b37938ffc5644069cfdb51.png Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap
    • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.4f9dcffbf97e96335f05897c8568815f.png Pool > Speed > Super Speed
    • Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.3e140116f13135d86b2f1cfb5f117a29.png Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound
    • Inherent_NinjaRun.png.4397e15de17ae71110e6e5e12d87c4cf.png Prestige Travel > Ninja Run
    • Inherent_BeastRun.png.f3b1803fe72afc29398932c473ca2e02.png Prestige Travel > Beast Run
  • Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this:
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
    • NinjaTools_Assassin.png.50ddb59179d9fadb8264b97b10275495.png Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri
    • tacticalarrow_quickness.png.44daf1fa7ac354a4f37fe6e7a9adc6cd.png Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics


Adding my voice to the chorus to say this is a truly awful change. I can see having Shinobi-Iri and Gymnastics not stack with a true travel power that's able to take slots, etc. like Super Jump, but allowing those travel bonuses to stack with Combat Jumping and Ninja/Beast Run is a significant perk of those abilities, especially in Scrapper and Sentinel Ninjitsu.


The Ninjitsu sets trade off Defense Debuff Resistance (which is a TREMENDOUS loss considering how common Defense Debuffs are) for survivability from other factors. The heal, resist, and endurance abilities have the most apparent effect, but the capacity to move better than even the most directly equivalent set (Super Reflexes, which gets the best DDR in the game if I'm not mistaken) is also very significant. As it stands, on the main servers a Ninjitsu character is exceedingly mobile and can exploit those abilities by using terrain and controlling distance from opponents very easily. On the Test server this isn't really the case any longer; a character with Shinobi-Iri fully slotted for travel isn't much more mobile than a character with Quickness (or an equivalent skill) + Combat Jumping.


In short, it neuters one of the quite unique protective capacities of the set, and moves Ninjitsu a lot closer to feeling like a bad cover version of Super Reflexes rather than having its own set identity despite the other utilities it provides, one of which (Blinding Powder) is very limited in its applications.

Edited by ViciousCabaret
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  • Developer
11 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

@Jimmy / @Captain Powerhouse


Question on the movement changes... why those specific powers (ninja and tac arrow), but not other powers like Quickness?

Quickness is a relatively weaker passive buff more similar to Swift. 


Run speed buff in gymnastic should also not be subject to the stacking restriction, since it's a copy or the small Quickness speed buff. 


Shinobi is a full copy of Ninja Run.

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, ViciousCabaret said:


Adding my voice to the chorus to say this is a truly awful change. I can see having Shinobi-Iri and Gymnastics not stack with a true travel power that's able to take slots, etc. like Super Jump, but allowing those travel bonuses to stack with Combat Jumping and Ninja/Beast Run is a significant perk of those abilities, especially in Scrapper and Sentinel Ninjitsu.


The Ninjitsu sets trade off Defense Debuff Resistance (which is a TREMENDOUS loss considering how common Defense Debuffs are) for survivability from other factors. The heal, resist, and endurance abilities have the most apparent effect, but the capacity to move better than even the most directly equivalent set (Super Reflexes, which gets the best DDR in the game if I'm not mistaken) is also very significant. As it stands, on the main servers a Ninjitsu character is exceedingly mobile and can exploit those abilities by using terrain and controlling distance from opponents very easily. On the Test server this isn't really the case any longer; a character with Shinobi-Iri fully slotted for travel isn't much more mobile than a character with Quickness (or an equivalent skill) + Combat Jumping.


In short, it neuters one of the quite unique protective capacities of the set, and moves Ninjitsu a lot closer to feeling like a bad cover version of Super Reflexes rather than having its own set identity despite the other utilities it provides, one of which (Blinding Powder) is very limited in its applications.

I strongly disagree with your statement that it moves Ninjitsu a lot closer to feeling like a bad cover version of Super Reflexes. As it stands, Ninjitsu currently is a much superior version of Super Reflexes. Yes, as you mention, you lose Defense Debuff Resistance in return for utility. But I think that the utility FAR outweights the loss of defense debuff resistance. You can easily buffer defense debuff with extra defense IO sets as it's super easy to do so with melee/ranged/aoe defense sets without really sacrificing much. But the utility from Ninj... my goodness it's so good. My MA/Ninj build has 54% defense to melee/ranged/aoe (buffer%; helps with lack of defense debuff resistance), 175% recharge, 50% s/l res, 42% fire/cold res, 45% psionic res, and, most importantly a 15s CD heal with a short animation and a 15s CD endurance steroid for 70% of my endo. I think Ninj is the gold standard for delivering everything a player could want out of a defensive set. It's awesome. I can see why they may want to consider nerfing it, although I think that buffing Super Reflexes to be up on par with Ninjitsu would be much cooler.


However, I strongly agree with everyone saying this movement nerf is just... why? It's a... flavor... nerf...? Why...? I'm so confused.

Edited by TC
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

Gonna agree with some of the other folks here... I saw the changes affecting Shinobi-iri and Gymanstics, and was just like ... why? Maybe from a pure design standpoint it makes sense, but it seems pointless. Are they really hurting anything?

Edited by RubyRed
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"We're out of options, I'll have to use the jetpack," I said, strapping on the jetpack and ignoring the many non-jetpack options still left.

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I can see it as an issue from a few points. In short, you are already getting something thats pretty much travel-power "lite" in plain ninja run. Stack it with a power you would take ANYWAY that gets you far more travel and (whateveryoursetdoeshere) benefit than picking _an actual travel power_ and your sets whateveritdoeshere power.


That's just messed up!



Shinobi and Gymnastics making characters moderately better at moving is basically all flavour and is a negligible factor in the set's power level. All removing it does is make it more annoying to play a "powerless" ninja. What was the speed and jump height hurting, exactly?

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, spectralent said:

Shinobi and Gymnastics making characters moderately better at moving is basically all flavour and is a negligible factor in the set's power level. All removing it does is make it more annoying to play a "powerless" ninja. What was the speed and jump height hurting, exactly?

I don't think it was hurting anything besides being an unfair bonus vs comparable sets. It would be like giving Power sink for elec armor +run speed per target hit.

Edited by Rejolt
  • Confused 1

Thanks for D-Sync Enhancements! Just wish things like Resist/End, Heal/End and Damage/Mez had a third stat that made them more viable. Suggestions - add Recharge to Ribosomes, Range to Golgis, and Slows to Peroxisomes. These changes would allow for an endurance cost/range, recharge/endurance, and slow/mez or slow/damage enhancements.

Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Rejolt said:

I don't think it was hurting anything besides being an unfair advantage. It would be like giving Power sink for elec armor +run speed per target hit.

How is the speed buff an unfair advantage? It's just extra movement. Other sets have their own unique quirks, too. Energy Aura, a purely defensive set that is only available on tanks/brutes, has a random stealth thrown in because you're bending the light around yourself with energy. It's not helpful, in fact if you're trying to keep aggro it can be harmful but you get a lot of +def from it with just one slot so you should leave it on. But it's cool, so it won't be removed or changed. As a Ninja character... I should be fast. It's just cool/fun.

Edited by TC
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