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Hey all!


As part of Issue 27, Page 2, we're giving travel powers a wide-ranging set of updates and improvements. In this post we'll explore the changes in-depth along with our goals for these updates.


If you're just after a list of changes, they can be found at the end of this post or in the main patch notes thread.


Before we begin, here's a few terms that I'll be using throughout the post:

  • Real Travel Powers: Travel powers which require a power pick, such as Fly, Super Speed and Mighty Leap
  • Free Travel Powers: Travel powers which do not require a power pick, such as Ninja Run, Beast Run, and the P2W jetpacks
  • Classic Travel Powers: The four original travel powers - Fly, Teleportation, Super Speed, Super Jump
  • Origin Travel Powers: Travel powers from the Origin pools - Mystic Flight, Speed of Sound, Mighty Leap
  • Prestige Run Powers: Beast Run, Ninja Run, Athletic Run
  • Temporary Jetpacks: Temporary jetpacks from P2W, Mayhem Missions, etc
  • Popup Tray Powers: Secondary powers which appear in a popup tray (aka the server tray) - these are free powers that are gained automatically when you own the parent power, and do not require a power pick


When approaching these changes we had five main goals:

  1. Real travel powers should always be a significant step up over the free options
    • Meaning: Temporary jetpacks should not be almost the same speed as Fly at level 50
  2. Real travel powers should never cause you to lose something you've already got
    • Meaning: Turning on Super Speed shouldn't cause you to lose Ninja Run's jump buff
  3. Classic travel powers should be on even footing with Origin Pool travel powers
    • Meaning: Fly and Mystic Flight should be different but equal options
  4. Slotting travel powers for speed should actually matter
    • Meaning: Putting a fly speed enhancement in Fly should make you fly faster
  5. Prestige Run and Temporary Jetpacks shouldn't be made any slower than they are currently
    • Meaning: A player who just wants to keep Ninja Run shouldn't lose anything

Note: This pass on the travel pools is primarily focused on the mobility of each set. The other aspects (such as the attacks) were not in the scope of these changes, but may be looked at in the future.


Part 1: Stacking

The first major change is the relaxation of stacking restrictions on most travel powers. Previously, you could only have one speed power, one jump power, and one flight power active at once, which often created situations were picking up a new power could cause you to become weaker in certain ways.


Now, you are able to freely activate as many travel powers as you want at once (apart from some exceptions - see below), but only the strongest buff of each type (run speed, jump speed, jump height, fly speed and air control) will take effect. Some examples:

  • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.c7b0740d9fa4bdf6622415eef245128d.png Super Speed + Inherent_NinjaRun.png.1e5da8a40f3a6968a733d32dd0ddbcad.png Ninja Run
    • Previously: These powers couldn't be used together - if you turned on Super Speed, you lost the jump buff from Ninja Run
    • Now: You'll gain the run speed bonus of Super Speed and the jump bonus of Ninja Run (along with the cool pose!)
  • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.68958a297bf392684d4f96375d0e0a27.png Mighty Leap + Inherent_BeastRun.png.3145e09edb391b7a7a018386b1fc0b3b.png Beast Run
    • Previously: These powers couldn't be used together - if you turned on Mighty Leap, you lost the run speed buff from Beast Run
    • Now: You'll gain the jump bonus of Mighty Leap and the run speed bonus of Beast Run (along with the cool pose!)
  • Jump_LongJump.png.965618363ac8f16e7cc32209f5ee6b1c.png Super Jump + jump_combatjump.png.4a6f49a8ce8b92f13594c0c742cf3ffd.png Combat Jumping
    • Previously: These powers couldn't be used together - you had to choose between Super Jump's speed and Combat Jumping's defensive buff
    • Now: You'll gain the jump bonus of Super Jump along with the defensive buffs of Combat Jumping
  • Flight_TravelFlight.png.74244b2f884386eb35f8ac9428278017.png Fly + flight_combatflight.png.c5103d219b0511d0703390a1030c9f32.png Hover
    • Previously: These powers couldn't be used together - you had to choose between Fly's speed and Hover's defensive buff
    • Now: You'll gain the fly speed of Fly, along with the air control and defensive bonus of Hover

Note: This list is not exhaustive - almost any combination of powers and effects will work outside of the exceptions listed below.


This change ensures that any power you acquire will always be an improvement. You'll never have a situation where, for example, you'll pick up (and activate) Super Jump and suddenly run slower due to it being mutually exclusive with Ninja Run. It also introduces interesting combinations such as using Hover with Mystic Flight; providing a mix of defence, air control, speed, and the ability to teleport.


The exceptions to this are:

  • Click buffs (eg: Inertial Reduction), ally buffs (eg: Speed Boost) and auto powers (eg: Swift) will still stack with everything, just as they did before
  • Sprint powers will still stack with everything, just as they did before, and all Sprint powers are still mutually exclusive with each other
  • Prestige Run powers are still mutually exclusive with each other, but can now be used with other run and jump powers
  • Temporary Jetpacks are all still mutually exclusive with each other, but can now be used with other flight powers
  • Some Peacebringer flight powers and effects are mutually exclusive with their vanilla counterparts

Inherent Stance has also been updated to allow you to select a stance (Beast, Ninja, Slide) which only applies while a travel power is active, meaning you no longer need to use Ninja Run, Beast Run or Prestige Power Slide to use a specific stance while travelling. Rocket Board, Magic Carpet and Void Skiff can now also be stacked with other Fly powers, allowing you to fly quickly and stylishly at the same time.


Part 2: Speed & Slotting

The second major change is the speed of travel powers - both their maximum potential and how you access that potential.



Gotta Go Fast


All real travel powers now increase your maximum travel speed caps while they are active:

  • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.c7b0740d9fa4bdf6622415eef245128d.png Super Speed and Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.b0a70628ecee418730de416ea7fe7fd1.png Speed of Sound increase your run speed cap by 30%, from 92.5mph to 120.25mph
  • Jump_LongJump.png.965618363ac8f16e7cc32209f5ee6b1c.png Super Jump and ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.68958a297bf392684d4f96375d0e0a27.png Mighty Leap increase your jump speed cap by 30%, from 78.2mph to 101.8mph
  • Flight_TravelFlight.png.74244b2f884386eb35f8ac9428278017.png Fly, SorceryPool_MysticFlight.png.3c6f2d0385535a1e3b309b5542f2c605.png Mystic Flight and LuminousAura_EnergyFlight.png.06c44a7fdf90d09bbae9a2f58c4a9e20.png Energy Flight now increase your fly speed cap by 50%, from 58.6mph to 87.9mph
    • This is the bonus previously granted by Afterburner (if it was fully slotted), which has been reworked in this update - see the Flight Pool section below for details
  • Teleportation_Teleport.png.819d87e01d817f62694b6effd01c3432.png Teleport and UmbralAura_TeleportSelf.png.c57485a971688f67d6903d312cea2ef8.png Shadow Step don't have a speed cap in the traditional sense, but it has has been buffed in other ways:
    • Base range has been increased 300ft to 350ft, which increases its slotted range (with 2x 50 IOs) from 449.1ft to 523.95ft
    • Activation time has been reduced from 2s to 1.5s

We've also removed level scaling from these powers, meaning their base and maximum speeds are now fixed (at the previous level 50 values) at all levels. However, you will still increase in speed as you level and gain more slots, more powerful enhancements and eventually set bonuses. If you're after more numbers, take a look at this very detailed breakdown from Bopper.


These changes have resulted in the following:

  • Real travel powers now allow you to travel significantly faster than free travel powers (without free travel powers being any weaker than they were before)
  • Speed enhancements and enhancement sets now provide meaningful improvements to real travel powers (but these powers aren't any slower if you choose not to slot them), and the level of investment required to max out each travel power is much more even
  • Getting around the city will be faster in the early levels, regardless if if you use a free or real travel power
  • Fly is now much faster off-the-bat, without needing an additional two power picks for Afterburner

One other tweak we've made is to give new characters Inherent Fitness at level 1 instead of level 2. As Swift and Hurdle are now at their level 50 strength immediately, this prevents an awkward speed bump between level 1 and 2.


Part 3: Parity & Choice

Finally, we've given each of the classic travel powers some additional effects to bring them in line with the origin travel powers, and introduced a brand new travel power as part of a rework of the Concealment pool. The goal with these changes is to ensure that very similar travel powers (eg: Fly and Mystic Flight) are equal, but different choices, with the same basic functionality and unique bonus effects.


Speed Pool

  • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.c7b0740d9fa4bdf6622415eef245128d.png Super Speed now has two additional effects (along with the run speed cap increase mentioned above):
    • Running will build up Momentum, allowing you to perform a single very high, very long jump
      • Maximum momentum is reached after approximately 4 seconds of running
      • Jumping will cause you to expend your momentum - after landing, you'll need to remain grounded and running in order to re-gain your momentum
      • Super Speed's icon will gain a yellow ring when you are at maximum momentum
    • SuperSpeed_SpeedPhase.png.be2bac846fa85fc6ccc538976819a9c0.png Speed Phase: A new popup tray toggle power that's available when Super Speed is active
      • Speed Phase removes collision with other entities (ie: phase shift without being untargetable), and sets you to Only Affect Self
      • The effects of this power (including the OAS component) will suppress if you are attacked or damaged by an enemy
      • Note: as this power doesn't actually make you intangible, it doesn't trigger (and isn't affected by) the No Phase timer

Leaping Pool

  • Jump_LongJump.png.965618363ac8f16e7cc32209f5ee6b1c.png Super Jump now has an additional effect (along with the jump speed cap increase mentioned above):
    • Jump_HighJump.png.864db247afae2249525adce6d03d45ea.png Double Jump: A new popup tray timed toggle power that's available while Super Jump is active
      • Allows you to jump to unlimited height and jump again mid-air
      • 30s maximum duration (10s in PvP), 30 second cooldown shared with Jump Pack and Steam Jump
      • Has a lower endurance cost than Jump Pack and Steam Jump, and can be used in situations where temporary powers cannot

Teleportation Pool

  • Teleportation_Teleport.png.819d87e01d817f62694b6effd01c3432.png Teleport has received numerous improvements to make it easier to use (along with the range bonus mentioned above):
    • The post-teleport hover window has been adjusted
      • Now lasts 15s, up from 6s
      • Now cancels if you move, attack, interact with an objective or are attacked by a foe
        • Note: Teleport still provides a 4s untouchable window if you do not attack
      • Teleport's endurance cost is reduced by 50% while this hover buff is active, allowing you to use much less endurance when chaining teleports over long distances
    • Activation time reduced from 2s to 1.5s
    • The actual teleport now happens at 1.0s into the activation, rather than 1.97s into the activation
      • This allows you slightly more time to select the location of your next teleport
  • Teleport targeting has also received numerous improvements
    • It's now much easier to reliably choose the desired location and the 'red ring of doom' (ie: invalid target) should rarely appear now, and it should be almost impossible to have the targeting reticule fall back to the character's feet
    • /powexec_location now has a "cursor" targeting mode, allowing you to create a macro/bind to teleport to your cursor location with a single button press
  • All of these changes also apply to UmbralAura_TeleportSelf.png.c57485a971688f67d6903d312cea2ef8.png Shadow Step (apart from the animation time adjustment - Shadow Step already had a 1.67s activation time)

Flight Pool

  • Afterburner's effects have been split up
    • Fly's built-in speed cap boost is the equivalent of fully slotting the old version of Afterburner (+50%, to 87.9mph) 
      • 64% of level 50s with Fly did not have Afterburner, so this will be a significant boost for many players
      • For the 36% with Afterburner, you're now free to adjust your build without losing any speed - Fly no longer needs 3 power picks to hit max speed
    • Afterburner's old defensive buffs and air control have been moved into a new power, Evasive Maneuvers, which replaces Afterburner (see below)
    • A brand new version of Afterburner has been added to Fly as a free popup tray power
  • Flight_TravelFlight.png.74244b2f884386eb35f8ac9428278017.png Fly now has an additional effect (along with the fly speed cap increase mentioned above):
    • Flight_Afterburner.png.628d268d750f76869a24821f5c6ab2dd.png Afterburner: Now a free popup tray timed toggle power that's available while Fly is active 
      • Allows you to fly even faster (up to 102.27mph!) for up to 30 seconds at a time, with a 60 second cooldown
        • This allows Fly to match Super Jump's new speed cap for short bursts of time (it wouldn't be appropriate to have Fly match that speed permanently)
      • Note: This is a free, additional bonus to differentiate Fly from Mystic Flight (which has Translocation as a bonus)
        • The live version of Afterburner took your cap to 87.9mph~ when fully slotted, Fly and Mystic Flight now have this cap by default without the need for additional power picks
  • Flight_EvasiveManeuvers.png.1a58a79f4acdadf22f23c17187bb5703.png Evasive Maneuvers is a brand new power which replaces Afterburner as Flight's tier 5 power
    • If you previously had Afterburner, you will now have Evasive Maneuvers
      • Note that if you previously had Fly, the speed bonus previously given by Afterburner is built into Fly for free, and you'll get the new version of Afterburner as a free popup tray power
    • Evasive Maneuvers is geared towards providing excellent combat mobility, keeping you airborne and moving during a fight
    • It provides the following effects whilst another Flight pool power (Fly, Hover or Group Fly) is also active:
      • -Fly and immobilize protection
      • Knockback resistance
      • Significant air control
      • Some unsuppressed flight speed (allowing you to fly much faster during combat)
    • It also provides a large amount of out-of-combat defence in a similar fashion to the old version of Afterburner (and, yes, it can still be slotted with Defence sets!)
  • All of these changes also apply to the Peacebringer versions of these powers:
    • LuminousAura_EnergyFlight.png.06c44a7fdf90d09bbae9a2f58c4a9e20.png Energy Flight
    • LuminousAura_QuantumAcceleration.png.96fe5f080b80b97c990322349e8598c9.png Quantum Acceleration
    • LuminousAura_LightofReason.png.3981d029c6e5431eb1c6d6c2e50345e9.png Quantum Maneuvers

Concealment Pool

  • The Concealment pool is now classed as a travel pool, with the first three powers being available immediately at level 4
  • Invisibility_Stealth.png.6db66b75f2da9b80c4c91388edf7c467.png Stealth has had most of the benefits of Invisibility rolled into it
    • Its stealth radius has increased to match Invisibility's old radius
    • Its out-of-combat defence has increased to match Invisibility's old defence values
    • You can choose between the previous transparency levels of Stealth and Invisibility with power customisation
  • Infiltration.png.df1a09ca3117745d0ee913145a659bab.png Infiltration has replaced Invisibility as Concealment's tier 3 power
    • If you previously had Invisibility, you will now have Infiltration
    • Infiltration provides a decent increase to run speed, jump speed, jump height and air control
      • These values mirror Ninja Run by default, but with Enhancements you will become significantly faster
    • Infiltration also provides a strong stealth buff and some out-of-combat defence

Detailed Patch Notes

  Reveal hidden contents


Please use this thread, not the main thread, to discuss these changes. Thank you!

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  • Jimmy featured this topic
  On 4/10/2021 at 1:06 PM, Jimmy said:

Real Travel Powers: Travel powers which require a power pick, such as Fly, Super Speed and Mighty Leap


Nova and Dwarf require power picks, so they're 'Real,' yet both slow now.

Energy Flight does not require a power pick, so by your wording it is not a 'Real Travel Power' --  yet it's on par with flight.



  On 4/10/2021 at 1:06 PM, Jimmy said:

Real travel powers should always be a significant step up over the free options

  • Meaning: Temporary jetpacks should not be almost the same speed as Fly at level 50

 Nova/Dwarf are 'Real' travel powers because they require a power pick, yet temporary travel powers are just as fast.



  On 4/10/2021 at 1:06 PM, Jimmy said:

Slotting travel powers for speed should actually matter

  • Meaning: Putting a fly speed enhancement in Fly should make you fly faster

Wouldn't you agree that putting a flight speed in Nova should make it fly faster as well...?

I had to point this out in yet another hope that Shapeshifters don't get left in the dust.


And again, if Nova is meant to be slower because it's a 'combat' form, I question that logic in relativity to other archetypes.

A Blaster can fly faster, do more damage, have more team support and cap more defense than a Nova.

Do shapeshifters really deserve to be left as slow as temporary powers?


We enjoy watching animations of flying squid or curling dwarfs to get around the map.

It's much more interesting than something like the static flight pose we see on every other archetype.

Please give us the optional cosmetic choice to speed around the map - like everyone else - yet looking a bit different.



Again, thanks for the work you guys have done. The general idea of speed increase I think is amazing for the game!

  • Like 13

I agree that Nova and Dwarf forms could use some love movement-wise. It would also be nice to have some flight control.

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When doing the extra high jump from running with superspeed for 4 seconds, im taking fall damage from the landing. Is it supposed to work that way?

  • Like 1

The notes are comprehensive and properly convey the broad scope and justification for the changes.


Hope I'm not the only one to think that removing the level scaling speed/caps is the hidden gem.  I love exemplaring to join PUGs, but cringed while attaching the stone of shame...


I support adjustments to Nova/Dwarf forms' travel despite not using them in any builds currently - having to apply multiple in-mission movement methods, in already awkward builds, was partly to blame for my decision to avoid the forms and these ATs generally.  I'd want to ensure adequate flight control for Nova form, before I'd consider making new alts for the ATs.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
  On 4/10/2021 at 7:49 PM, PirateCrew said:

Hope I'm not the only one to think that removing the level scaling speed/caps is the hidden gem. 


The other hidden gem didn’t make the patch notes. You can now drag the bonus power from your Powers window into your tray without having to re-enable the popup window.

Edited by Myrmidon
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Playing CoX is it’s own reward


I wonder if it's time to open a Page Three specific thread somewhere, to discuss things we'd like to have done for travel powers that go beyond the scope for final changes/fixes to Page Two.

  • Like 1
  On 4/10/2021 at 8:16 PM, Andreah said:

I wonder if it's time to open a Page Three specific thread somewhere, to discuss things we'd like to have done for travel powers that go beyond the scope for final changes/fixes to Page Two.


While I would rather keep the focus here on these changes so that Magneto Flight makes it live quickly, there might be some good ideas if one is created.

Playing CoX is it’s own reward

  • City Council
  On 4/10/2021 at 8:16 PM, Andreah said:

I wonder if it's time to open a Page Three specific thread somewhere, to discuss things we'd like to have done for travel powers that go beyond the scope for final changes/fixes to Page Two.


Feel free to discuss them here 🙂

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  On 4/10/2021 at 4:19 PM, Ethanidas said:

When doing the extra high jump from running with superspeed for 4 seconds, im taking fall damage from the landing. Is it supposed to work that way?



Probably not, but that sounds hilarious!


It probably has to do with the jump buff expiring before you have a chance to land. Or if you're jumping to a surface that's lower than where you started, that might do it, too. What other powers or buffs, if any, are you using when this happens?

  • Haha 1

GM Impervium
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  On 4/11/2021 at 10:57 AM, TheOtherTed said:

On a related note, I'd love to see a "Hover Pose" customization for Fly.


I'd like to see the various fly poses (emotes), including the standard hover pose be actual  customizations for fly.


And I think it would suit a lot of people to be able to fly in a lotus emote. 😄

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Posted (edited)
  On 4/11/2021 at 2:52 AM, RMS33 said:

Could we boost stone brute/tanker movement, too.? Many posts where veterans claim that the stone set isn't that tough anymore. So the justification is largely gone for these ATs being so slow.


That's sort-of being addressed in this page, but it was in the "other powers" section, not the travel powers-specific part. To summarize, Rooted won't mess up your movement but Granite still will. If you want to provide more feedback on that, the thread's that way (link to most recent patch notes within it here).

Edited by siolfir
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I'm really really excited about how the Concealment pool has changed, specifically Infiltration as a travel power. Two things I'm curious about though:


1. Will Infiltration's movement be surpressed in PvE when attacking?


2. What are the speed caps for Infiltration? (Running, Jump Height, and Jump Speed?)


I can just as easily jump on beta when I get home to find out, but if anyone knows of the top of their head 😁

  On 4/11/2021 at 6:25 PM, Glacier Peak said:

I'm really really excited about how the Concealment pool has changed, specifically Infiltration as a travel power. Two things I'm curious about though:


1. Will Infiltration's movement be surpressed in PvE when attacking?


2. What are the speed caps for Infiltration? (Running, Jump Height, and Jump Speed?)


I can just as easily jump on beta when I get home to find out, but if anyone knows of the top of their head 😁


1. Yes. This is the same as [Ninja|Beast|Athletic] Run, though. It's basically Athletic Run, plus a stealth radius and out-of-combat defense, in a less-expensive, slottable power.

2. Since the other travel powers raise the respective caps that used to be the default for everyone and it no longer scales with level, the caps for Infiltration would be the previous caps, so 92.5 mph running, 78.2 mph jump speed, and since I didn't see anything about a jump height boost for Super Jump, 200 feet jump height.


The issue with it is the stealth radius: because it has one it still counts as one of those "can't stack with other forms of stealth" powers, it means you can't stack it with things like Shadow Fall or Arctic Air like you can with, say, Super Speed (which also provides stealth but works with those powers). I personally think that's a failing in the power and that it should stack, because there's already a precedent travel power that does, and that the stealth and defense on it should simply suppress the same way that Super Speed's stealth does.

  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)
  On 4/11/2021 at 6:39 PM, siolfir said:

1. Yes. This is the same as [Ninja|Beast|Athletic] Run, though. It's basically Athletic Run, plus a stealth radius and out-of-combat defense, in a less-expensive, slottable power.

2. Since the other travel powers raise the respective caps that used to be the default for everyone and it no longer scales with level, the caps for Infiltration would be the previous caps, so 92.5 mph running, 78.2 mph jump speed, and since I didn't see anything about a jump height boost for Super Jump, 200 feet jump height.


The issue with it is the stealth radius: because it has one it still counts as one of those "can't stack with other forms of stealth" powers, it means you can't stack it with things like Shadow Fall or Arctic Air like you can with, say, Super Speed (which also provides stealth but works with those powers). I personally think that's a failing in the power and that it should stack, because there's already a precedent travel power that does, and that the stealth and defense on it should simply suppress the same way that Super Speed's stealth does.


Thanks! Yeah I think that's a tough fix on the back end, but it would be awesome to have Arctic Fog work with Infiltration in the future. As for the movement cap, awesome! Going to be moving at unsuppressed caps* on my main. 


Edit: With appropriate slotting of course. Which reminds me, will Infiltration take all Running, Leaping, and Universal Movement sets?

Edited by Glacier Peak
  On 4/11/2021 at 3:32 AM, GM Impervium said:


Probably not, but that sounds hilarious!


It probably has to do with the jump buff expiring before you have a chance to land. Or if you're jumping to a surface that's lower than where you started, that might do it, too. What other powers or buffs, if any, are you using when this happens?


No other jump powers, and it was from flat surface to flat surface

Posted (edited)

For anyone interested in what different slotting can achieve in Infiltration, please see below. I also confirmed what @siolfir said, that Infiltration is affected by in combat travel suppression like Athletic/Ninja/Beast Run. My personal favorite slotting is 1 Level 53 HO (End/Run/Jump), 2 Level 50+5 IOs (Run & Jump). The highest running speed that can be achieved slotted in Infiltration is 45.64 MPH and the highest leaping speed that can be achieved slotted in Infiltration is 44.65 MPH. The highest jumping height that can be achieved slotted in Infiltration is 63.30 FT. It works well as a Defense based power, allowing slotting of defensive set IOs while providing concealment and modest travel speeds. It is an interesting power - the only thing I would want looked at in the future is allowing its use in conjunction with other stealth powers (similar to the way this issue modified travel powers working synergistically). 


Unslotted Infiltration provides the following:

20.05 MPH Running Speed

19.61 MPH Jumping Speed

27.80 FT Jumping Height

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1 Level 50+5 Running & 1 Level 50+5 Leaping IO in Infiltration provides the following:

30.67 MPH Running Speed

30.00 MPH Jumping Speed

42.53 FT Jumping Height

  Reveal hidden contents


1 Level 53 Microfilament Exposure (End/Fly/Jump/Run) HO, 1 Level 50+5 Running, & 1 Level 50+5 Leaping IO in Infiltration provides the following:

37.87 MPH Running Speed

37.05 MPH Jumping Speed

52.52 FT Jumping Height

  Reveal hidden contents


3 Level 50 Running IOs & 3 Level 50 Leaping IOs in Infiltration provides the following:

39.91 MPH Running Speed

39.04 MPH Jumping Speed

55.34 FT Jumping Height

  Reveal hidden contents


6 Level 53 Microfilament Exposure (End/Fly/Jump/Run) HOs in Infiltration provides the following:

43.00 MPH Running Speed

42.06 MPH Jumping Speed

59.63 FT Jumping Height

  Reveal hidden contents


6 Level 50+5 Running IOs in Infiltration provides the following:

45.64 MPH Running Speed

19.61 MPH Jumping Speed

27.80 FT Jumping Height

  Reveal hidden contents


6 Level 50+5 Leaping IOs in Infiltration provides the following:

20.05 MPH Running Speed

44.65 MPH Jumping Speed

63.30 FT Jumping Height

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Glacier Peak
Posted (edited)

Loving the Fly changes.

Jaunt still has a standardish animation while flying, while on the ground its near instant, Is that intentional? it kinda makes sense.

Edit: Animation time seems to be the same tgh.

Edited by Geribello
Posted (edited)
  On 4/11/2021 at 9:33 PM, Andreah said:

Is there any synergy, for good or ill, between hover and infiltration?


Infiltration does not provide any +Fly movement bonus, but it's defense bonus (out of combat) stacks with Hover. 


Edit: Oh nevermind - I just saw the part in the patch notes where Stealth picks up Invisibilities defense bonus. 

Edited by Glacier Peak
Reread patch notes
  On 4/11/2021 at 9:51 PM, Glacier Peak said:

Infiltration does not provide any +Fly movement bonus, but it's defense bonus (out of combat) stacks with Hover. 


Edit: Oh nevermind - I just saw the part in the patch notes where Stealth picks up Invisibilities defense bonus. 


I see in the notes that Infiltration offer Air Control, which Hover does. Is this something that can stack with the air control hover (presumably?) provides?


It just sounds like Infiltration works great with all the travel sets except fly, and I'm looking for an upside.

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