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Patch Notes for April 20th, 2021 - Issue 27, Page 2


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4 hours ago, Jimmy said:

temporary_antigravitymatrix.png.4540d057c761ff3bf1a7d3ccc39da0af.png Rocket Board + temporary_antigravitymatrix.png.4540d057c761ff3bf1a7d3ccc39da0af.png Magic Carpet + temporary_antigravitymatrix.png.4540d057c761ff3bf1a7d3ccc39da0af.png Void Skiff 

  • No longer disables all other powers
  • Now applies Only Affecting Self
  • Fly speed reduced to match unslotted Fly
    • Previously you couldn't use anything (even Swift) to increase your fly speed using these powers, so they had a slightly increased speed by default
    • This is no longer the case, you can now stack them with other flight powers to fly at high speeds in style!
  • Can no longer be used in the Arena


Loving the patch changes so far, keep up the good work. I'm just wondering if it's intentional that the prestige flight powers are now subject to the 58.6mph flight speed cap? They're much more usable than before regardless, so please don't take this as a complaint if this is the new design intent. I was just surprised, since the lower cap seems to run counter to the idea that you can stack them with other fly speed increases, and I didn't see anything about this change in the patch notes.

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4 minutes ago, Bopper said:

The hidden section is mostly extra details. You aren't seeing every single power that was missing critical effects entirely or having wrong chances that were lower than intended. The summary statement of "all stalker crits should now follow these rules" was supposed to cover most of these issues. For the most part though, pvp had most of the bugs for stalker crits.


Also, a lot of patron powers that could not have their crit chances boosted in PvP (by things like the Scrapper ATOs or powers like Shinobi) were fixed so these things work.

Edited by UberGuy
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2 minutes ago, Jarrakul said:


Loving the patch changes so far, keep up the good work. I'm just wondering if it's intentional that the prestige flight powers are now subject to the 58.6mph flight speed cap? They're much more usable than before regardless, so please don't take this as a complaint if this is the new design intent. I was just surprised, since the lower cap seems to run counter to the idea that you can stack them with other fly speed increases, and I didn't see anything about this change in the patch notes.


If you stack one of the temp powers with another power with a higher cap, you get the higher stats of all the powers you're running, so it's not actually counter to the idea.

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7 minutes ago, UberGuy said:


If you stack one of the temp powers with another power with a higher cap, you get the higher stats of all the powers you're running, so it's not actually counter to the idea.


That's a very good point. Still surprised not to see the change in the patch notes.

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13 minutes ago, Jarrakul said:

That's a very good point. Still surprised not to see the change in the patch notes.

At the very top underneath tip missions:


Travel Power Stacking

  • Almost all travel powers are no longer mutually exclusive and can be activated at the same time, but only the strongest buff of each type (run speed, jump speed, jump height, fly speed, air control) will apply
    • This ensures that every power you pick or activate will only ever improve your mobility
  • Some exceptions:
    • Click buffs (eg: Inertial Reduction), external buffs (eg: Speed Boost), and auto powers (eg: Swift) still stack as they did before
    • Prestige Run powers (Ninja Run, Beast Run, Athletic Run) are still mutually exclusive with each other
    • Temporary jetpacks are still mutually exclusive with each other
    • Sprint powers still stack with other run speed buffs and are still mutually exclusive with each other
    • Some Peacebringer flight powers and effects are mutually exclusive with their vanilla counterparts
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Wait, is there no longer an “invisibility” power?  Or is the new Stealth effectively invisibility? If so, then why not rename it “Invisibility”? If it makes you invisible, then it’s not really just stealth - renaming would seem to better match what it actually does and potentially avoid confusion.


On the other hand, if there is no longer any invisibility power, then just ...*boggle*

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4 hours ago, Jimmy said:

The following powers will now never root during their activation:

  • Scaling auras which do not damage enemies (eg: Invincibility, Beta Decay)

Blaster 2' Atomic Manipulation power of the same name seems to have been missed with this change. Brute and Tanker versions now work this way [Scrapper too I would assume but I don't have one], however still getting a brief root effect when checking on a couple of blasters I have with AM as 2'. I'm guessing as the other 3 ATs get their power from Rad Armour there is a difference in coding somewhere that excludes Blasters from this unless this is intended.

Have posted a bug report to the appropriate forum section.

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If you set a man a flame, you keep him warm for a day. If you set a man aflame, you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

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5 hours ago, Jimmy said:

Fixed an issue which allowed multiple emotes to be combined to trigger NPC-only animations and VFX


Not trying to wring out any promises from the team, but signalboosting what was mentioned before regarding this, and one of the first threads produced for the call, now that the removal of the backdoor is live.


If toned-down or cleaned of VFX, more-or-less all of them would be viable emote additions that work on all body types.  Though the VFX on some, like what I believe is Tyrant's final defeat animation(?) where he collapses on his hands and knees to the ground, are not actually that intrusive, I'm glad the stupid death beam of light's gone.


And hopefully, now that these changes have gone out, more awareness will produce more discussion and feedback, especially considering it was explicitly not going out for this update.

Edited by Macchiato
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  • City Council
29 minutes ago, dtj714 said:

Wait, is there no longer an “invisibility” power?  Or is the new Stealth effectively invisibility? If so, then why not rename it “Invisibility”?


Short version: the new Stealth is effectively Invisibility. @Captain Powerhouse likes to confuse people.


Long version: the old Invisibility forced Only Affecting Self, the new version of Stealth doesn't, so it's not the exact same as Invisibility; it combines the effect of both old Stealth and old Invisibility into one power depending on what you're doing:


  • Just moving around and not interacing with anything: 36+19 stealth
  • If you are buffing, healing, helping team mates, but not attacking or being attacked: 36 stealth
  • Actively fighting (attacking or being attacked): 0 stealth


The powers info is here with the exact nitty gritty: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.invisibility.stealth

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1 hour ago, Bopper said:

The hidden section is mostly extra details. You aren't seeing every single power that was missing critical effects entirely or having wrong chances that were lower than intended. The summary statement of "all stalker crits should now follow these rules" was supposed to cover most of these issues. For the most part though, pvp had most of the bugs for stalker crits.


So, to make sure I understand this, I should not expect dramatically lower damage from GPB on my Scrapper because those are Crit Scales for Stalkers and not Damage Scales for the powers listed in that spoiler tagged list? On second glance it looks like a mix of both.


Further, am I correct that these changes apply only to Stalkers, or do they also apply to Scrappers?


It might be good to make that more clear, seeing those numbers at glance they can easily be mistaken for something they're not. Especially since, if I am reading Jimmy's post up-thread correctly, they weren't in the beta notes.

Edited by InvaderStych

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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2 hours ago, akyron01 said:

I suggest an enhancement inventory improvement where one can close all the gaps in the inventory by shifting them towards tab 1.


Organizing ench inventory has been a time sucker. Perhaps a button or a switch to initiate.


Thanks for all your work!


"Sort" buttons would be nice.

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8 minutes ago, Faultline said:


Short version: the new Stealth is effectively Invisibility. @Captain Powerhouse likes to confuse people.


Long version: the old Invisibility forced Only Affecting Self, the new version of Stealth doesn't, so it's not the exact same as Invisibility; instead, it acts the same as Invisibility as long as you are not in combat, but drops to the old Stealth numbers when you attack or are attacked. I'm not a powers dev so I don't know the exact specifics, but the power data is on https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.invisibility.stealth for inspection..

Thanks for the clarification.  But my point about renaming stands - there is no longer a power that grants “stealth”, there is a power that grants “invisibility”, so call it such. I understand it’s not exactly the same as the old Invisibility, but neither is it the same as the old Stealth. So as between the two, using the name that no longer describes what it does is puzzling. 

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8 minutes ago, InvaderStych said:


So, to make sure I understand this, I should not expect dramatically lower damage from GPB on my Scrapper because those are Crit Scales for Stalkers and not Damage Scales for the powers listed in that spoiler tagged list? Further, am I correct that these changes apply only to Stalkers, or do they also apply to Scrappers?


It might be good to make that more clear, seeing those numbers at glance they can easily be mistaken for something they're not. Especially since, if I am reading Jimmy's post up-thread correctly, they weren't in the beta notes.

It's written quite clearly in the patch notes as being stalker crit pass numbers: 


Stalker Crit Consistency Pass

  • All Stalker Critical Hits should follow these rules (many powers had wrong chances and/or missing/incorrect crit effects):
    • Single Target: 100% chance from Hide
    • AoE: 50% chance from Hide
    • PvE: 7% chance from non-Hide (before Team Size buffs)
    • PvP: 20% chance from non-Hide (when target is Held/Slept)
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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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36 minutes ago, dtj714 said:

Wait, is there no longer an “invisibility” power?  Or is the new Stealth effectively invisibility? If so, then why not rename it “Invisibility”? If it makes you invisible, then it’s not really just stealth - renaming would seem to better match what it actually does and potentially avoid confusion.


On the other hand, if there is no longer any invisibility power, then just ...*boggle*


Stealth now makes you invisible.

I agree it should have been called Invisibility. No one explained why it wasn't.

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19 minutes ago, Faultline said:


Short version: the new Stealth is effectively Invisibility. @Captain Powerhouse likes to confuse people.


Long version: the old Invisibility forced Only Affecting Self, the new version of Stealth doesn't, so it's not the exact same as Invisibility; it combines the effect of both old Stealth and old Invisibility into one power


Clearly the proper solution is to name the new power Stinvisibility.

I have more bad ideas too!  Available upon request!  😀

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36 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

At the very top underneath tip missions:


Travel Power Stacking

  • Almost all travel powers are no longer mutually exclusive and can be activated at the same time, but only the strongest buff of each type (run speed, jump speed, jump height, fly speed, air control) will apply
    • This ensures that every power you pick or activate will only ever improve your mobility
  • Some exceptions:
    • Click buffs (eg: Inertial Reduction), external buffs (eg: Speed Boost), and auto powers (eg: Swift) still stack as they did before
    • Prestige Run powers (Ninja Run, Beast Run, Athletic Run) are still mutually exclusive with each other
    • Temporary jetpacks are still mutually exclusive with each other
    • Sprint powers still stack with other run speed buffs and are still mutually exclusive with each other
    • Some Peacebringer flight powers and effects are mutually exclusive with their vanilla counterparts


I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying? This section certainly covers the fact that, say, Fly and Rocket Board together would use the higher speed cap from the two. But it doesn't say anything about the reduced speed cap for prestige flight powers, which is what I was saying I didn't see in the patch notes.

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  • City Council
3 minutes ago, dtj714 said:

Thanks for the clarification.  But my point about renaming stands - there is no longer a power that grants “stealth”, there is a power that grants “invisibility”, so call it such.


Eh, sure, we'll rename it on the next patch. That said: Invisibility is just lots of Stealth. Around 30 Stealth is what a Stealth IO and the old Stealth had, around 50 Stealth is what old Invisibility had, around 150 Stealth is what Stalker Hide and Superior Invisibility had. The internal name of the stat is "Stealth", there's no "Invisibility" stat to grant.

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4 minutes ago, Wavicle said:


Stealth now makes you invisible.

I agree it should have been called Invisibility. No one explained why it wasn't.


For various reasons that I'm sure would not satisfy you, like the simple fact that Stealth was there in the first slot. Or that 'stealth' as a gameplay term just means being unseen, regardless of the degree. Or the fact that you can just animation-change it to look less or more invisible. Frankly, before the changes, Stealth still functionally made you invisible, in practice there weren't a lot of gradients when it came to hiding in stealth.



Eh, sure, we'll rename it on the next patch. That said: Invisibility is just lots of Stealth. Around 30 Stealth is what a Stealth IO and the old Stealth had, around 50 Stealth is what old Invisibility had, around 150 Stealth is what Stalker Hide and Superior Invisibility had. The internal name of the stat is "Stealth", there's no "Invisibility" stat to grant.


In fact, I actually disagree with renaming it from Stealth to Invisibility, just because - for one - it's needless and at this point it's confusing.

Edited by Macchiato
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Just now, Faultline said:


Eh, sure, we'll rename it on the next patch. That said: Invisibility is just lots of Stealth. Around 30 Stealth is what a Stealth IO and the old Stealth had, around 50 Stealth is what old Invisibility had, around 150 Stealth is what Stalker Hide and Superior Invisibility had. The internal name of the stat is "Stealth", there's no "Invisibility" stat to grant.


While you're renaming things, might I re-suggest changing Warshade's Shadow Slip to Shadow Fold?

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5 minutes ago, TygerDarkstorm said:

It's written quite clearly in the patch notes as being stalker crit pass numbers: 


Thanks for the verification.


It was not immediately apparent to me that the text within the spoiler tag was limited to the stalker changes or something that reached more broadly.

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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All in all looks fantastic. 

I foresee some agonized decisions for where I can chisel out 1-2 more slots for Fly Speed. 

But it's a good problem to have. 


Also huuuuuge Thank You for the changes to Rooted. 

I may be able to make a Non-Granite Stone Armor character now.  (My OCD forbids Granite itself, I have to see at least hints of the costumes I spend so much time on....)

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11 minutes ago, Jarrakul said:

I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying? This section certainly covers the fact that, say, Fly and Rocket Board together would use the higher speed cap from the two. But it doesn't say anything about the reduced speed cap for prestige flight powers, which is what I was saying I didn't see in the patch notes.

Oh, well that's because the Prestige flight powers didn't have their speed caps reduced.

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