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Host a shard or server myself?


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Get your hands on the code.
Rent or build a virtual host beefy enough to handle multiple virtual client machines.
Set the software up.

What specific endpoint are you trying to achieve?

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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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It shouldn't be too hard to find.  It was super easy back when it first dropped.  I grabbed a copy back in April 2019 in case I ever had a use for it.  Haven't even decompressed it yet.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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It's funny.  If I were to hit one of the big lottery jackpots...you know 1/2 billion USD I would buy a mansion.  Couple cars.  Would I want my own server for CoH?  Nope.  Might volunteer to donate stuff to the current Dev team.  Even if money could pry the rights away from certain people, I would want a team....pretty much exactly like the team we have running things.  Mostly low key, conservative, thoughtful decisions and changes.  


Although changing Invulnerability's T9 crash and fixing SS Rage would be great to see.

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39 minutes ago, Hew said:

If I had won the lottery, id pay off the house, the car, update/fix the house, and continue working. Yep, continue working.


... you know, I have "stages" of "would I work if I won the lottery."


1-5 million - yes. Taxes take a chunk, pay everything off, nice house, car, etc. Work because I enjoy it, not because I have to.


6-... 30-ish million - Retire. Travel. Do stuff. Take care of siblings/etc. Any "work" would be projects I want to do - researching specific aircraft or events, that sort of thing.


Over that? I'd end up working because I'd be starting businesses and such. Stuff that could be fun for myself and others, screw profitable, I'll be dead in the next 30 years anyway and I can't take it with me. 

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This discussion is skewed heavily for me due to Canada not taxing lottery winnings the way you u.s. folks would have to contend with, but yeah.  1 million?  Buy a home, pay off debts, continue working.  5 million?  Do the above and take more time off work to travel and have personal fun times; could make it last a good, long while.  70 million?  Launch that indie dev studio I've been dreaming of for years!


But, uh, yeah.

OuroDev is a great place to start.

Go there.  Read up.  Learn all that you need to know (or at least as much of that as you can, since there are still some gaps in the info there).

THEN determine which server model actually makes sense for your intended operations.

Then then do the necessary work to get things running.

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1 hour ago, Greycat said:

... you know, I have "stages" of "would I work if I won the lottery."


Which is really the wrong question overall, but nevermind, here.

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com

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6 hours ago, Hew said:

If I had won the lottery, id pay off the house, the car, update/fix the house, and continue working. Yep, continue working.


I quit my system analyst gig at the end of April and have found temporary retirement to be absolutely wonderful. Quite frankly, I plan to continue it well into 2022.


As for having my own shard, I'd love it if those smarter than me would set up a package installation for a single player (or something ridiculously small like 5 concurrent players) so that I could have the entire thing on a single beefy-ish server just in case something goes awry with Homecoming.

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3 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

I quit my system analyst gig at the end of April and have found temporary retirement to be absolutely wonderful. Quite frankly, I plan to continue it well into 2022.


As for having my own shard, I'd love it if those smarter than me would set up a package installation for a single player (or something ridiculously small like 5 concurrent players) so that I could have the entire thing on a single beefy-ish server just in case something goes awry with Homecoming.

I'm not a tech wizard, but I was playing on my own server before I found Homecoming. You can run your own with very minimal resource requirements through a virtual machine. Like a few gigs of ram and CPU usage. 

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As for pay off debts.
That, right there, is the largest benefit of ANY of winning an amount of money.
Being debt-free gives you SO many options it's not even funny.
A couple mil?  I'd continue working.  I'd simply move to a more flexible schedule.  My bosses love me.  And they're gamers to boot.  The first year I worked for them.




Boss: You're going to GenCon this year.  Right?
Me: I dunno.  My finances are pretty low after taking a year off.  And I haven't really built up any vacation time...

Me: Uh.  Yes?
Boss: GOOD!



Also, this was the year they let me go to Origins at LITERALLY *after* the last minute...

So being flexible actually works well for all of us.

I honestly don't WANT to retire until I absolutely HAVE TO.
Mainly because the #1 killer of retired people is retirement (idleness) itself.
That year off I mentioned was when I left my nursing job and finally moved into IT full time.
It was nice for a few weeks.
After that, I was ready to take a gas station job.  Just to have something to do!

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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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On 6/26/2021 at 8:56 AM, Hew said:

If I had won the lottery, id pay off the house, the car, update/fix the house, and continue working. Yep, continue working.

I love thinking about "If" some days. I don't owe any money to anyone that I can think of...so I'd probably hire a chef and a personal trainer, and get a 1 man shell (row-boat for those not into that kind of thing) and a vehicle suitable for lugging it around to suitable waters. I would set up a college fund for my grand-daughter, of course. And maybe remodel the house I'm in. Not sure if I'd service the car I have (overdue a bit) or just buy another. The newer cars scare me with keys that cost more than a six-pack, and you apparently don't need them to start the car, you just mash a button. Would be a fun problem to have, though. 

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On 6/26/2021 at 5:28 AM, Hyperstrike said:

No.  Not your starting point.

What is the end point of running your own server setup?


To host my own server... mainly for my own amusement and that of a few friends.... not for the masses as of yet. But I need to get my hands of the server itself....ouro website is gone so where can I get the server?

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40 minutes ago, fftocool said:

But I need to get my hands of the server itself....ouro website is gone so where can I get the server?

What do you mean it's gone ? I linked to the site and just checked and they work fine?.....did you even read your own thread?

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8 hours ago, fftocool said:

The topic is where and/or how to get the server files so I can host my own server....not a topic of what you would do if you were rich.

Yeah, but if you were rich you could get the free code and hire some devs to make your own personal Paragon City into how you envision it....with out doing it yourself!

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"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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1 hour ago, Outrider_01 said:

Yeah, but if you were rich you could get the free code and hire some devs to make your own personal Paragon City into how you envision it....with out doing it yourself!

Actually, setting up a server rig for this sort of thing can actually be done rather inexpensively with a LOT of power.
You can pick up NEW tray CPUs, 14 cores, for $400.  (Xeon 7940X).  Depending on when you buy, you could get up to an 18 core 1980XE.
An X299 board for the thing is about $200-400.
Throw 64GB of RAM and a decent SSD into the thing, and you have a perfectly acceptable virtual host.

If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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16 hours ago, fftocool said:

The topic is where and/or how to get the server files so I can host my own server....not a topic of what you would do if you were rich.

this is why i need to write.  my ideas provoke reactions.  sometimes....interesting ones. but it is reacting that you can tell there is a relation to the material and evocation of response you know you got...something.


but basically i was not posting about getting rich.  i was saying "why bother? this is what i wanted."


so....WHY do you want a server for CoH/V?


edit: i see you did somewhat post a response.  for amusement, then some nebulous future thing you are "not ready for' yet.


i cannot speak to your underlying motives.  i can only read my own (art is what something evokes from inside us) i see a fear of this going away. but, a lone server playing CoV as a solo console game. sigh. the chaos of being in the game with dozens/hundreds/thousands of self absorbed super heroes/villains/rogues/vigilantes....priceless.  i mean, i would have killed to have CoV console during the dark years. But CoH/V Homecoming....the gang back together?  that is where it is at.

Edited by Snarky
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