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Does fog return?

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Does zone fog return... over time, on major upgrades, because of a temp change in the server farm?


I'm doing a little badge collecting, and I keep visiting zones where I have several or most of the badges... but many are located out in the zone fog, as if I've never been there. Que pasa?


Also: do Portal Corporation employees walk through walls because it's a joke, or just a mapping glitch?

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Are you talking about the Fog of War on the map?  In outdoor maps it won't return unless you delete some client-side files (not sure which) or use a different PC (a fresh install will also revert the fog if you delete everything).  In instanced maps it won't return either, except in the one case where you use Reveal then leave the map for any reason (such as a hospital visit); the fog will only be cleared up to the point you used Reveal in this case.


As for the Portal Corp scientists, while they might just be thinking with portals it's probably just a case of bad pathing.  It's a harmless bug though and rather silly so it's not something high up on the fixing priority list.


Edited by ZorkNemesis
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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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3 hours ago, ZorkNemesis said:

In outdoor maps it won't return unless you delete some client-side files (not sure which)

The fog file locations vary by launcher. The HC Launcher stores them in the CoH root folder, in the accounts folder. They are actually in a subfolder of the accounts folder but I don't have access to my CoH installation at the moment so I don't know the exact name of the subfolder. There is a little more info in the HC Launcher Technical Deep Dive.


According to info in this thread, Tequila stores the fog of war data in  C:\Users\<login_name>\AppData\Local\NCSoft\CoX\VisitedMaps


I'm not sure about other launchers.


I think in both cases the fog file names don't contain any clear indication of the character to which they are tied. In the rare case where I may need to intentionally reset my fog of war for a character/zone, I'll take that character to that zone, log out, then delete the most recently modified fog of war file.

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I wonder if changing character name might cause it to reset? I have no idea how those fog of war files actually track characters so there could be any number of things that might cause a character to lose the link to its fog of war files and reset the fog.

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Fog of war is part of the character data that's saved locally on your PC. If you play on a different computer, install your game on a new hard drive, etc. it will reset to all black. You can transfer your old maps by going into Homecoming > Accounts > [User Name] > Maps and copying the Maps folder.

Edited by Ulysses Dare
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4 hours ago, AboveTheChemist said:

I wonder if changing character name might cause it to reset? I have no idea how those fog of war files actually track characters so there could be any number of things that might cause a character to lose the link to its fog of war files and reset the fog.

Not sure about name-changes offhand, but transferring to a different server definitely does.

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Probably a new PC since this alt explored those zones. No big deal in any case, I was just puzzled.

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1 hour ago, Shenanigunner said:

Probably a new PC since this alt explored those zones. No big deal in any case, I was just puzzled.

I've seen it recently as well, and I've had a rebuilt computer for some months now.  Not sure if this plays into it, but I don't recall having seen the FoW reset prior to my adding VidiotMaps overlay a couple months ago.


1 hour ago, ZemX said:

Issue 28: The Coming FOG!

Heh...I'm down for it.  If it has the density of old Dark Astoria's fog, and has a host of ghouls running quickly through it with Nemesis minion-level awareness, that would be terrifying.  They'd be in striking range before you were aware they were there. 

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4 hours ago, Number Six said:

Recently? It should persist across server transfers since the V2 format went live.

Well now you have me doubting myself a bit, but I'm pretty sure, yeah.  I guess I could always just randomly transfer someone and see!

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I try to remember, once I've gathered all the Exploration and History badges in a zone, to hit P2W Reveal, so the zone (to that character) appears clear and I know they've done it.


But: Doesn't always stick. Never seen the wrong character's fog pattern AFAIK, though.

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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1 minute ago, DoctorDitko said:

I try to remember, once I've gathered all the Exploration and History badges in a zone, to hit P2W Reveal, so the zone (to that character) appears clear and I know they've done it.


That's part of the reason I'm a bit bummed that the fog gets reset; I use the fog tracks to tell if I've been to various parts of the zone with each alt.


And I am always tickled by the dot-dot-dot pattern from TP'ing somewhere.

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